Card Reading for September 10, 2019

Card reading for 9/10/2019. Wow. Ok, so in shuffling the cards today I actually got the same 3 cards as last week, the Sun and the 9 and 10 of Pentacles. (Perhaps go back and read what I wrote then.) I asked for a second reading to help me clarify the message and then I got these three. It seems the Universe really wants to get the message through that good things are afoot. The reading is clear and simple this week: Things are changing, there is hope, and there will be success for your efforts. We are building to a full moon at the end of the week which is typically when life gets active. Watch and see how this week plays out, and if it is not obvious, my advice would be to at least try and find the positive in it. It's a Pisces moon and sometimes Pisces energy hides beneath the surface. It's gifts may surprise you.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card Reading for September 3, 2019

Card reading for 9/3/2019. In 2019 we are seeing some very rare astrological aspects. There is one MAJOR aspect slipping by behind the scenes, and yet playing out big time for all of us. Jupiter in its home sign of Sagittarius squaring Neptune in its home sign of Pisces. These two planets are symbolic of similar, but very distinguishable things: Jupiter, our beliefs systems, including religion, our wisdom, personal growth, expansion of our individual β€˜world,' and our sense of optimism. Neptune, our connection to Divinity, our spirituality (please note, the cosmos distinguish religion from spirituality, perhaps we should too?) our ability to let go and trust in what our five senses cannot detect, and our ability to dissolve the ego in order to merge with a higher purpose. The Jupiter/Neptune square is basically making us suuuuper confused and question our entire sense of purpose in life. No big deal, right? If you are doubting lately, perhaps take comfort in knowing you are in cosmic alignment. In astrology, the farther out the planet, the more power it wields in aspects. Therefore, Neptune has strength here. But what does it mean? This is a test of faith and the only way to pass is to have faith. We are being urged to LET GO in 2019 more than ever before and these cards today would like to reiterate that. God loves you. If you are doing the work of your spirit, you are taken care of by God. I'd like to remind you at this time to look back at a time when you feared you could not do something. Looking back you can see that there has always been a way. Go forward knowing the same.

Now, a word of warning. This does not mean complacency! You must not rely on optimism alone to pay your bills. You must be proactive. A major step in manifestation is action. Your action is energy and this energy sends the message to the cosmos that you are serious about your intention. Keep going, keep working at it, I say. The Jupiter/Neptune square does separate in the coming weeks, never to be seen again in our lifetime. Saturn will also be going direct around the same time. Keep going. Have faith that you will see progress and you will have clarity very soon.

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for August 27, 2019

Card reading for 8/27/19. Many things in this reading today. First, I want  to say to you, 'don't give up.' If you are reading this, it is a reminder that you are not here to be like everyone else. Your work, your passion, your talent and your light is different for a reason. You're not crazy, but the planet is in dark times. I think most of us with a beat in our hearts can see this plain as day anymore. Our planet needs lightworkers and She needs them to be fierce in the face of this uncertainty.  You KNOW right from wrong. You know what your purpose is and what it clearly is not. Stay focused. It can feel like an endless mountain to climb for those of us paving our own paths. At times, it can even feel like forces are pushing against you. If so, you must be proactive in guarding your energy. It is a lot for us to juggle because for the lightworkers, our life's work is also our way of life. It feels  like a lot of pressure. It can even feel like a duel life because actual 'life life' is happening too and we have to keep figuring out how to marry everything together. When I say 'life life,' I'm talking about bills and mortgages and groceries and I'm talking about parenting. Real tangible life responsibilities. There are those of us who feel equally called to assist the planet as we do to raise our children, and it can  cause uncertainty. But think of it this way, the planet is the home we leave behind for our children. Our legacy. You can't give up on that. This reading wants you to know that you CAN balance it all. It's tough work, but hey, you're a tough human. This reading is wanting you to know your prayers for assistance are heard, as well. You are not doing this alone, despite how it feels at times. You have a team in this world and they will make themselves known soon, if they have not already. Finally, the reading shows results for your work (yes I'm talking money,) will begin to show. It's Virgo season! And Virgo is the harvest. If you planted and nurtured it, it grew. Advice today is simple. Know who you are, trust your purpose, and don't give up on it.

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for August 20, 2019

Card reading for 8/20/19. This is a wonderful reading today, speaking of your powers of manifestation and/or creative power. The Sun in the sky is just a few days away from Virgo, along with Venus, Mars (who is already there,) and Mercury wont be too far behind. With Uranus in Taurus and Saturn (going direct soon too!) and Pluto in Capricorn, this gives us 7, count them, SEVEN planets in Earth. Virgo, where our personal planets will be, is the sign of the harvest. What am I babbling on about, you ask? Put simply, life is about to look very tangibly different. That's right. This reading is verrrry cosmically aligned once again and we are coming to face the karmic result for whatever we have been working toward. Is it good? Is it bad? That's up to you. What you sow, so shall you reap. That is the law of the Universe. This reading shows new jobs, new love, marriage, children, healing, good health, and creative rewards. It is my sense that the topsy turvy frustration that comes with eclipse season has helped many people become laser focused on their true heart's desire. We figured out what we want (usually by discovering what we definitely DON'T want!) and we put our nose to the grind. The only thing that can come from that is tangibility. Results. The earth energy is about results. The good thing is that if you have been unfocused, the Earth energy is great for focus, especially Virgo, ruled by Mercury. So don't lose heart. Life runs in cycles and then cycles within cycles. There are always new starts and this reading speaks of fertile energy for you to begin. Finally, this reading ALSO speaks of your ability to RECEIVE the blessings for which you have asked and worked so hard. However, this final subject matter could also be a whole other post so I will pose one question before I go. Are you ready to receive?

Namaste ❀


Card reading for August 13, 2019

Card reading for 8/13/19. Jupiter is now direct, Mercury is direct and back in Leo, the Sun, Venus and Mars are in Leo. Lots of forward moving fire, so what's the hold up? Where's my progress, Universe? I wants it! And I wants it now. For weeks, it's been like we are teenagers who have been asking for a new phone. This is the moment where we get the new phone, but first Mom sits us down for a nice lonnnnng lecture about how to care for the new phone. Perhaps she's reminding us of the last time we had a phone and we cracked the screen or lost it. Meanwhile, the shiny new device sits right there next to her and we're struggling to hear her words because what we really want is to snatch that phone up right now so we can start snapping selfies and bragging about it on Instagram. My advice? Listen to the lecture! This reading speaks of several things. Firstly, it speaks very much about feelings of disappointment and frustration that we cannot just have our way immediately. In addition, this reading is reminding you that divine timing is very much out of your hands. Yes, you can manifest whatever you desire, but you can only do so with the ebbs and flows of Cosmic Time and Order. Lastly, this reading reminds you to keep your integrity in check. You may be feeling very frustrated and antsy, tempted to act in haste to get that shiny new phone from your mom. I urge you to let go to divine time as best you can so that you don't make choices you'll later regret. Your desires are manifesting, my friends, please have faith in that. Just like your mom wants to give you the new phone, the Universe wants to give you your hearts desire, but it must do its due diligence and check your ability to handle the responsibility of it. Pass her test. Be patient, I say. Trust that it is coming and let it go. Hasty actions now will only lead to your disappointment.

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for August 6, 2019

Card reading for 8/6/19. Anytime I am feeling even the slightest bit of doubt when it comes to my path, I pull the 7 of Pentacles. What I know about the 7 of Pentacles, however, is that this card aligns with the planet Saturn and is therefore, a test. The 7 of Pentacles represents a feeling of plateau. Yes, you have achieved a certain level of measurable success, but this is by no means where you wish to remain. You know the mountain goes higher than this. It was not so long ago you saw the top so clearly, but it seems there is a fog moving in. Where you are going is unclear now. How can this be? While yes, you may feel weighted when you pull the 7 of Pentacles, it is actually a positive card. Ambiguous in appearance, but it tells me this fog does lift! The two remaining cards are very significant in this reading, and as you can see, they are major arcana cards, and they are our guides through the fog. The Emperor urges us to plow through it. Stay focused, onward and upward. He is a fire card and fire is our light in the dark, or in this case, our light in the fog. The High Priestess represents unseen forces. She is ahead of us already, higher up the mountain, knowing what is to come, whispering in our ears, "follow the sound of my voice." Saturn is always present when we are presented with our greatest lessons. For you, it is time you learn to trust the Universe working behind the scenes for you. It is time to lose the self-doubt and feeling as though you are doing it all alone. You are not. You KNOW where you are going, no matter what strange tests are placed before you. Trust the Universe to be whispering the way in your ears, guiding you subtly in every moment. Be the Emperor and just keep moving in confidence, one foot in front of the next. Your path will be seen with your outer eyes again soon enough. In the meantime, use your inner one.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for July 30, 2019

Card reading for 7/30/2019. Feeling blocked much? Ugh, I hear that. So many ideas. So much coming through, I can barely make note. This summer has been beautiful in so many ways, but very difficult for me with regard to balancing my work and home and spiritual life. See that Mother of Pentacles down there, she is the ultimate mom and when I see her in a reading, I like to think that she's me. Everything I ever aim for in this life, no matter how 'out there,' is with my kids in mind. I like to think the Universe sees me trying over here. Ironically, the work I do is of a creative/spiritual nature, I work from home and to be focused and any good, in order to produce, I require much solitude. Just facts. So when my kids (or anyone, for that matter,) are here, needless to say I don't get much accomplished. And that's frustrating. And some days I feel blocked from every possible angle. Upon pulling these cards I asked for a reading regarding the Leo New Moon energy in and what I believe the Universe is saying is to hang in there. Always focus on the lightwork and hello? Remember that my kids are my ultimate light work. The Universe reminds me over and over again to relax and to simply be 'Mom.' It's hard when I need to pay bills, but if I study my history, I find that when my focus is on my children, my main #1 priorities, the Universe always provides. The message in this reading is to take a look at your priorities, your ultimate light work. What (or who) is it? Focus on that for now and the Universe will always come through for you. Btw, I do see breakthroughs coming soon. This Leo moon is square to Uranus in Taurus at the moment and when that happens, we get  suprising shake ups that sometimes set us on whole new trajectories. The thing about Uranus though, it's aspects are to further your awakening. So plant your new moon seeds, friends, hang tight out there, and hang on!

Namaste 🧑


Card Reading for July 23, 2019

Card reading for July 23, 2019. Well, happy Sun in Leo! First of all, look at how happy the freakin Sun card is today! I just love it when the cards speak so literally. The Sun is at home in the sign of Leo and when we get the Sun in a reading, everything we do is illuminated positively and we are charged up by the energy the actual sun is sitting in. In the zodiac, Leo is your heart. Leo is children and childlike love, wonder, and abundance. Leo is leadership! This is excellent news as we start our reading with the World card, showing us new beginnings, success, and fulfillment in our endeavors. With the Empress front and center, this tells me seeds are being planted and you are being guided by your heart. Absolutely follow this guidance, my friends! The Sun and World shining on the Empress also tell me special energy is being sent to mothers right now, from the Divine Mother in the form of beauty. Whatever the divine Mother is whispering in your ear, heed it and you will be watched over. Are you feeling guided to assist children or mothers? Are you feeling guided towards a more creative path? Are you feeling guided to add more beauty? Do it. The answer is yes. Your work here is so needed. The power of beauty, art, and nurturing has too long been taken for granted. The Cosmos want to be set in balance and the Divine Mother's part in that balance is through softness and receptivity, through beauty, art, jewelry, flowers, music, food, healing. This work can be done by those of strong in feminine ways. By the way, there are many men with strong feminine energies that need to step forward and do this work now too. Those of us with gifts in these areas have at times in our lives been made to feel useless in a world that prizes masculinity. I believe this has lead to serious confusion of purpose by so many. Beauty and softness is necessary, my friends, or God would never have made it so. Why do you think we have the ability to admire it and be inspired? If you've asked a question today, or if any of this is relevant, this reading today points to a 'hell yes.' If you've simply stumbled upon this reading, the cosmos want you to know you are beautiful and necessary.

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for July 16, 2019, Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

Card reading for Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. Wherever Capricorn sits in your chart is an area of life that the Universe wants you to get serious about this time around. With Saturn currently transiting its home sign alongside Pluto, that time is now. Have you been doing your work? Capricorn is about your legacy here on this planet. What is your legacy? Look to your MC and the 10th house in your chart. The answers may surprise you. Saturn and Pluto have been clearing karma in an area of your life so that you can build anew upon a strong foundation. I think for many of us, this has been quite exhausting, learning all the places in our lives that were built upon weak foundations. But...good news. We are coming to a new phase. The World together with the Wheel is speaking of NEW times. Better times, built upon the wisdom we have gained through this cycle. I feel like there has been some collective dread over this lunar eclipse...or maybe that's just me? Saturn/Pluto through Cap has been the hardest work of my life, but i know what it wants me to do. I know it's not fooling around, and so yeah, I think I have some healthy fear at this point. With the 9 of Wands, there may be one final test under this moon. But... it IS a test. Dont lose sight of your goals and progress, because you are so close to everything flipping up in your favor. Use the tools you have learned to stay calm and in a state of peace. Life will never stop testing, but you can be cognizant and continue to pass. I feel that in a few days, we will see whether we have passed this latest test. We will also see how very minor it is in the scheme of things. There is very benevolent energy to come later this week that my intuition tells me bears reward of some kind. So my advice is to hang in there through this moon, guys! Stay in the light and share it with others the best you can.

Namaste πŸ’›


Card reading for July 2019 Cancer New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse

Card reading for July 2019 Cancer New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse. I did a full spread here so I'm going to sum this up best I can with limited space. The base of this reading is love, and if you are reading this, Love is why have stumbled upon this reading. Love awaits you. If you have love, then love matures. We come into this reading with the Hermit crossed by the the Knight of Pentacles. You have new goals now, legit, grown up goals in relationships. It's ok if your vision for the future is not what it once was. The Universe blessed you with a taste of something special with the Empress in the immediate past. When she and the two of Cups talk, they tell me seeds are being planted for something amazing, especially if we look ahead to our outcome cards, the 10 of Cups and the Star. This is magical! But for life to improve, for relationships to grow, it takes money. This just is what it is here on Earth and it's time to buckle down. The Knight of Pentacles crossing you speaks of working hard and the Queen of Wands above you tells me you will find the energy and inspiration to do so. In our fear position, we have the Chariot aka the Cancer card. The eclipses will bring events to spark change in you. Trust it. It leads to deeper emotional satisfaction and security. Yes, you have this in you. The 8 of Cups speaks of LETTING GO. Let go of something that simply isn't working for you anymore. What is it? What does your intuition say? You already know, and it is not the easiest let go with this 8, but I urge you to accept it because what it leads to is greater than you can fathom right now. By the looks of this reading, you know what must be done. You know what magic awaits. You don't trust yourself to make it so. The Star in the final outcome tells me the Universe believes in you. The Universe has faith in your potential even when you don't. I suspect some interesting events will play out in the next couple of weeks that will shake up your priorities. My advice is to TRUST it for the better. Trust the Universe to unfold its magic in its strange and unusual ways. WORK HARD and accept your reward. You are loved more than you know and you deserve more than you can dream. So dream big.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for July 2019 Cancer New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse

Card reading for July 2019 Cancer New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse. I did a full spread here so I'm going to sum this up best I can with limited space. The base of this reading is love, and if you are reading this, Love is why have stumbled upon this reading. Love awaits you. If you have love, then love matures. We come into this reading with the Hermit crossed by the the Knight of Pentacles. You have new goals now, legit, grown up goals in relationships. It's ok if your vision for the future is not what it once was. The Universe blessed you with a taste of something special with the Empress in the immediate past. When she and the two of Cups talk, they tell me seeds are being planted for something amazing, especially if we look ahead to our outcome cards, the 10 of Cups and the Star. This is magical! But for life to improve, for relationships to grow, it takes money. This just is what it is here on Earth and it's time to buckle down. The Knight of Pentacles crossing you speaks of working hard and the Queen of Wands above you tells me you will find the energy and inspiration to do so. In our fear position, we have the Chariot aka the Cancer card. The eclipses will bring events to spark change in you. Trust it. It leads to deeper emotional satisfaction and security. Yes, you have this in you. The 8 of Cups speaks of LETTING GO. Let go of something that simply isn't working for you anymore. What is it? What does your intuition say? You already know, and it is not the easiest let go with this 8, but I urge you to accept it because what it leads to is greater than you can fathom right now. By the looks of this reading, you know what must be done. You know what magic awaits. You don't trust yourself to make it so. The Star in the final outcome tells me the Universe believes in you. The Universe has faith in your potential even when you don't. I suspect some interesting events will play out in the next couple of weeks that will shake up your priorities. My advice is to TRUST it for the better. Trust the Universe to unfold its magic in its strange and unusual ways. WORK HARD and accept your reward. You are loved more than you know and you deserve more than you can dream. So dream big.

Namaste πŸ’œ


I'll Be Back πŸ’œ

Friends! I'm taking a short hiatus from my weekly collective readings as I am super focused on a number of big projects throughout the summer! Believe it or not these readings take me about an hour to two hours each week as I go deep to tap into the collective energy, and right now, I simply don't have the time to spare this way. I will definitely be back with a reading closer to the eclipses (beginning at the start of July) and then return to my regular readings late July. To clarify, yes, you can still book a private reading with me. Just go to my website and book me or feel free to message me privately. Also, I WILL be doing readings at the @heartlandyogafest again this year so come see me! I am SO excited about what is coming up in my world and I look forward to sharing more as I can. In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying the start of this amazing summer!

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for May 28, 2019

Card reading for 5/28/19. Do you trust happiness? Does contentment (10 of Pentacles) scare you? I admit this is a deeply rooted issue within me, stemming from a childhood of constantly moving around. As soon as I started to feel happy and settled somewhere....Bam! It was time to move. This went on til my early 20s. No roots for me. No deep connections, though, I wanted them so badly. I felt lonely most of my life and craved connection and inner peace more than anything actually. It's grown into issues of worthiness and guilt, as though, maybe I just don't deserve to be happy in this life? I handle crisis like a champ, but give me happiness and peace and my insides start churning. 'How's this going to be taken from me?' I wonder. I buzz around like a bee preparing for (what feels like) inevitable disaster and loss. I've been feeling that churning in my stomach and the buzzing about in my mind a LOT lately. Why? Because for the first time in a very long time, I'M HAPPY. And..well, I'm terrified. I knew from very early on, the way I grew up was not right. And I've known for the last several years it is my karma to heal these negative patterns within myself and balance (Justice) out my skewed beliefs in this lifetime. Lately, I've been so happy, (it even feels weird to say!) and I am fighting serious guilt because of it. I find my inner critic speaking up, telling me I'm goofing off too much or indulging too much, that I am not worthy of this happiness without hustle or hard work or deprivation of some kind. But the thing is, I've DONE a lot of hustle and hard work and deprivation! Regardless of that, I deserve to be happy! I am worthy of happiness because I AM. And I'm finding myself saying these words each day. And with each day comes a little more trust in it. With more trust, my spirit opens to new and infinite possibilities for my life (3 of Wands.) I share my personal read on these cards because I know many can relate when it comes to feelings of worthiness. YOU are WORTHY of a good and happy life. Your real work in this life is to break the negative patterns and beliefs that keep you from it. And you must do it every day. Like an exercise. The same way you learned it, you must unlearn it. And then do this til you start believing it. Then do it every day for the rest of your life. I am worthy of happiness. YOU are worthy of happiness. Say it with me.

Namaste πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ

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Card reading for May 21, 2019

Card reading for 5/21/19. This has been a hell of a week, one that has me contemplating the idea of balance and fairness (Justice.) I've actually had one of the best weeks of my life, while others in my world have suffered the absolute worst possible. I have kept to myself (Hermit,) quietly feeling both extreme gratitude for my circumstances and simultaneously feeling guilt and pain for the circumstances of my loved ones. Why is it like this? Why the roller coaster? Why can't we just have happiness and peace while in this human existence? A naive idea to ponder maybe, but at 41 years old, rather than toughen up to life, it seems my empathic nature and sensitivity is only being heightened. Sure, I get the esoteric concept of 'no light without dark' blah blah... but is this just the bullshit we have to say to endure this life? Because frankly, I have had it with suffering. I am sick of unfairness. I'm really struggling with it this week and I admit, my faith is shaken once more. I don't know how to feel at peace right now with the good things that are happening for me knowing that my friends suffer, knowing that everything can be stripped away from me in an instant too. I can't do everything perfect or right, no one can, and so what? We pay the price with loss and suffering? (5 of Cups) It's interesting to me because as this strange mix of circumstances and feelings are swirling around me this week, I'm studying a new technique in my astrology course that has me wondering about concepts like fate and luck. Do some just luck out? I don't know, but it sure seems that way. I'd like to think we play a role in how our reality looks, but when tragedy strikes or when circumstances just keep piling up against our efforts, I can't help but think there is more to it. I don't normally pull a 4th card but for my own sake I needed to end this on a positive note, because well, that's me. The World. How ironic. The World is the ultimate.... the ending and the beginning. The World card today is a portal into a new World; Heaven perhaps for some, for others the inner eye opening to another facet of the reality of life. What's obvious to me now is that the new reality is not what we thought it would be,Β  it never really is, and it's our work now to make peace with it. Again.

Namaste πŸ’œ

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Card reading for May 14, 2019

Card reading for May 14, 2019. Self-destruction. Be mindful of what are you thinking about today and more importantly, what you are saying to yourself and others around you. We are now under the influence of a Scorpio full moon and full Scorpio moons are not known for modesty or holding back. The thing about Scorpio energy is that it is representating the realm of our deepest, darkest, and most intense emotions and fears. Scorpio moon energy comes around to illuminate our darkness and shine light on the stuff we fear within ourselves. What is that for you and how has it manifested in the past? The 5 of Swords comes out first today essentially warning you against yourself. What are your self destructive patterns? Do you feel them brewing under the surface? Scorpio is a deeply powerful energy, the kind of power that can transform us to higher states. In its darkest form, however, it is energy that can cut like a knife and destroy. Scorpio CAN completely ruin things if we allow it. But...this moon is an opportunity forΒ  you to grow. It's an opportunity to be aware of your triggers and handle things differently. What I want you to see is that we are creating under the Empress here, as well. The Empress is Taurus season, Venus-ruled, and fertile ground for whatever seeds we plant. The cards show us the potential to grow beautiful things right now, as our reading wraps up with the lovely 10 of Cups. The 10 of Cups representing love, happiness, and emotional fulfillment. What does the 10 of Cups mean to you? And isn't worth being mindful of as we pass through the intensity of a Scorpio moon? Because the thing about the 5 of Swords, is that the little worm sliced in half on this card, in the end, if you use the Scorpio energy for harm, that worm is you. Everyone we hurt just walks away. But you on the other hand, are left to wiggle on in pieces. Don't do that to yourself. For now, just breathe and allow the buildup of energy to pass. Which it will. The Full moon on Saturday actually has lots of wonderful and emotionally rewarding energy with it. If you can make through this weird stuff, I suspect you'll be feeling pretty good (10 of Cups) come the actual moon.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for May 7, 2019

Card reading for 5/7/2019. Have you been hanging back, perhaps due to a feeling of uncertainty about where to go? When you are paving your own path, it just makes sense that you aren't always going to know where to go. The Hanged Man speaks of feelings of uncertainty or as though life is suspended. He is a natural pause in your progression and a reminder for you that it is time to reassess what you want and what has meaning for you. When life happens, it's possible that your vision for yourself changes. The purpose in our work can get lost in the day to day mundanity when new things have taken on meaning for us. In these times, the Universe steps back and waits for you. It ceases with its signs and guidance and waits patiently in the background for you to get clear. Do you still want this? Do you really? And what is "it" again? I challenge you to write it down and give "it" a name. A new name, if need be. You can see the Mother of Wands has been guarding her eggs, aka, her children and creations. She protects them with her life and waits for the time to release them into the world. Perhaps you have some new ideas that you are afraid of sharing for fear of seeming even weirder or even more out of place. Maybe you feel the world isn't ready for your eggs. The Hanged Man also speaks of feeling different, BUT he is a strong reminder that you are not here to conform. The world is never really ready for the game-changers. It is the game-changers who ready the world by progressing and doing things differently. The good news here is the 6 of Swords. The 6 of Swords is saying that it is safe to express yourself and what is true for you now. If that's changed, it means you are evolving and that is what we are here to do. People are always going to judge one another and the older you get, the clearer this becomes. You might as well be yourself. You might as well follow your heart and do what is right by you in this moment. You are safe now to share your truth and creations, no matter how unready the world may seem to be for them. Listen to the Hanged Man. You are not here to conform, but most importantly, not even to the restrictions you place upon yourself.

Namaste ❀


Card reading for April 30, 2019

Card reading for 4/30/19. The 5 of Cups surrounded by the Magician and the Ace of Swords. The Magician and the Ace of Swords are tremendously powerful cards. Combined, their energy can manifest big things. What's disrupting your power? The 5 of Cups indicates a loss of power, real or imagined, and being drug down by the weight of big emotions.Β  Perhaps you've experienced a loss, or repeated losses. Perhaps you are experiencing the foundations of your very existence slipping through your fingertips. This energy is prevalent for many as Pluto and Saturn retrograde alongside the south node of the moon in Capricorn. But remember, your power is not external based upon anyone or anything else, including your perceived losses. Your power is within you and around you at all times. It IS you or rather, you are power. These are indeed heavy times, my friends. Life as we know it is changing and it is scary. These shifts are causing our deepest wounds to be triggered and surface, perhaps the deepest wound of all is the feeling of powerlessness or failure. What this reading wants to remind you is that your power is within you, surrounding you always. You are the Magician, keeper and master of the elements. Life is the Ace of Swords, a powerful new beginning every time you open your eyes. The 5 of Cups is nothing more than our attachments to what we feel we "should" be. Our work begins now is disciplining our minds. Taking control back of our thoughts, knowing that this is where our power lies. Thoughts create things, afterall, and if we want something new, it must first begin in thought. I don't have space for the astrological "backing up" of this reading, but the cosmic energy is definitely aligned with what the cards say once again. I'm certainly a believer in allowing time to grieve and the process of letting go of our attachments to things is a grieving process. But at some point you have to pull yourself together and say I've fucking got this. That time is now, guys. Or soon. The Universe is responding to your thoughts and it won't stop throwing shit at you until you stop throwing shit at the form of negative thoughts and beliefs.

Namaste πŸ’œ

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Card reading for April 23, 2019

Card reading for 4/23/19. Many astrologers are predicting the upcoming Saturn and Pluto retrogrades to be very doom and gloom and I have to disagree. There will be some craziness, but I actually think the craziness they are predicting will come closer to the eclipse season in July and be very condensed. For now, what I sense is a peaceful pause, indicated here by the 7 of Pentacles. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn has been asking you to restructure a certain part of your life. What area of life this is for you is specific to your birthchart (and if you are curious, I'd be happy to take a look at it for you.) Capricorn represents rigid structures and systems of old. These two malefic planets going through this sign together are essentially tearing down walls and things you thought were permanent and building them anew. In January 2020 they come into an exact conjunction alongside Jupiter. Their message is clear: it's a new Earth awaits and the skills of the awakened people are going to become essential. We are out of whack with mother nature and it's time for a reset. Many of us have sensed this, felt the pain of the planet in our hearts, and been on a journey to heal naturally and reshape our lives for awhile. If you have contemplated learning a new trade or skill, this is the time to do it, indicated here by the Page of Pentacles. This Page represents good news in finances so if you're wondering how to fund it, trust that the Universe will make it so if your heart's desire is in the right place. The Page of Pentacles also indicates childhood innocence and this triggers the idea of returning to what you loved as a child. What was it for you? Jupiter in Sag wants you to expand upon it! For me, I've always been passionate about the stars and sky, the beauty of nature, and absolutely fascinated by how humans are interlinked with the I have taken my study of astrology up a notch. I look at this reading today and see the Universe offering us a green light, a little peace in order to get things done. The 3 of Cups indicates something to celebrate. So although it may be a long and bumpy road ahead, the end result is worth celebrating.

Namaste πŸ’š

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Card reading for April 17, 2019

Card reading for 4/17/19. The 9 of Wands has a very clear message for you: now is not the time to give up. I LOVE getting this card because it always shows up right when I feel exhausted in every direction and im beginning to question my chosen path. The 9 of Pentacles says keep pushing, and yes, you can do this. The 2 of Pentacles shows there is a lot on your plate at this time, so exhaustion was to be expected if things were out of balance. The good news is that new energy is coming through with the Emperor. The Emperor is the card of Aries, ruled by Mars. Mars is currently in the sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury. Mercury just entered Aries today. Two planets in each other's signs is what astrologers call mutual reception. The bonus here is that these two planets like each other's signs and so they are exchanging positive energy flow to one another. Mars is our physical stamina. Mercury is our mental stamina. In Pisces, Mercury was drowning and perhaps you felt this as mentally defeated. I know I did! Today there is a shift and what the cosmos want you to know is that you have what it takes. The past month or two of this murky energy has been a test. pass! In Pisces the planets want you to release what holds you back. This is so when they move into Aries we can charge forward and with so much more precision. The Emperor here is a gift. He is a return logic and the burst of vitality and focus you need for achievement. The Emperor and the 2 of Pentacles together is an affirmation that you can do this. If you aren't feeling this today, you will be very soon so rest if you need it and just keep putting one foot in front of the other...and don't stop.

Namaste πŸ’œ

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Card reading for April 9, 2019

Card reading for 4/9/19. The Mother of Cups faces the past and covers her cup with her wings, the cup representing that which is precious to us, our inner essence, our heart, our creativity, and our desires. The Lovers has multiple interpretations, including love and soulmates, but also that of temptation, choices, and balance. This reading could certainly have to do with love, but it could also have to do with our creative endeavors. Perhaps they are intertwined. Either way, it is something we care deeply about. Perhaps the past shows up in some way, either literally someone from the past or we are reminded of past feelings and past disappointments... The Mother of Cups is sensing some new temptation or choice thrown into the mix, and now she's feeling vulnerable and afraid having put so much 'out there' already. The Mother of Cups is the most sensitive of the Queens, a psychic and an empath. Her creativity is a wellspring and she is hands down the most open with her heart and giving of her energy. Her transparency in this life has healing powers and it is what makes her so lovely and instantly attractive. But this Queen is also gullible and giving to a fault. While she is the most psychic, she is also the Queen most likely to have her intuition clouded by fear because she has been robbed of her essence so many times before. Sadly, as she ages, she is the one that is quick to close off from the world because the pain of other people is just to great for her. This Queen is building something here, you can see this in the 7 of Pentacles. She has seen the potential in this creation and it's both exhilarating and terrifying. But...she thought she saw potential in her past endeavors... Is she wrong again? The 7 of Pentacles indicates a natural pause in the progression of her growth. The Universe gives us time to turn inward and reassess our plans and desires. The lesson for this Queen today is to take the pause to find balance within herself again and practice healthy detachment. Perhaps she is oversharing or pre-sharing. The advice here is to protect what is sacred and trust that Universe will show you when it is time to reveal more.

Namaste πŸ’œ
