Card reading for 8/20/19. This is a wonderful reading today, speaking of your powers of manifestation and/or creative power. The Sun in the sky is just a few days away from Virgo, along with Venus, Mars (who is already there,) and Mercury wont be too far behind. With Uranus in Taurus and Saturn (going direct soon too!) and Pluto in Capricorn, this gives us 7, count them, SEVEN planets in Earth. Virgo, where our personal planets will be, is the sign of the harvest. What am I babbling on about, you ask? Put simply, life is about to look very tangibly different. That's right. This reading is verrrry cosmically aligned once again and we are coming to face the karmic result for whatever we have been working toward. Is it good? Is it bad? That's up to you. What you sow, so shall you reap. That is the law of the Universe. This reading shows new jobs, new love, marriage, children, healing, good health, and creative rewards. It is my sense that the topsy turvy frustration that comes with eclipse season has helped many people become laser focused on their true heart's desire. We figured out what we want (usually by discovering what we definitely DON'T want!) and we put our nose to the grind. The only thing that can come from that is tangibility. Results. The earth energy is about results. The good thing is that if you have been unfocused, the Earth energy is great for focus, especially Virgo, ruled by Mercury. So don't lose heart. Life runs in cycles and then cycles within cycles. There are always new starts and this reading speaks of fertile energy for you to begin. Finally, this reading ALSO speaks of your ability to RECEIVE the blessings for which you have asked and worked so hard. However, this final subject matter could also be a whole other post so I will pose one question before I go. Are you ready to receive?
Namaste ❤