Card Reading for July 16, 2019, Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

Card reading for Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. Wherever Capricorn sits in your chart is an area of life that the Universe wants you to get serious about this time around. With Saturn currently transiting its home sign alongside Pluto, that time is now. Have you been doing your work? Capricorn is about your legacy here on this planet. What is your legacy? Look to your MC and the 10th house in your chart. The answers may surprise you. Saturn and Pluto have been clearing karma in an area of your life so that you can build anew upon a strong foundation. I think for many of us, this has been quite exhausting, learning all the places in our lives that were built upon weak foundations. But...good news. We are coming to a new phase. The World together with the Wheel is speaking of NEW times. Better times, built upon the wisdom we have gained through this cycle. I feel like there has been some collective dread over this lunar eclipse...or maybe that's just me? Saturn/Pluto through Cap has been the hardest work of my life, but i know what it wants me to do. I know it's not fooling around, and so yeah, I think I have some healthy fear at this point. With the 9 of Wands, there may be one final test under this moon. But... it IS a test. Dont lose sight of your goals and progress, because you are so close to everything flipping up in your favor. Use the tools you have learned to stay calm and in a state of peace. Life will never stop testing, but you can be cognizant and continue to pass. I feel that in a few days, we will see whether we have passed this latest test. We will also see how very minor it is in the scheme of things. There is very benevolent energy to come later this week that my intuition tells me bears reward of some kind. So my advice is to hang in there through this moon, guys! Stay in the light and share it with others the best you can.

Namaste 💛
