Card reading for 9/3/2019. In 2019 we are seeing some very rare astrological aspects. There is one MAJOR aspect slipping by behind the scenes, and yet playing out big time for all of us. Jupiter in its home sign of Sagittarius squaring Neptune in its home sign of Pisces. These two planets are symbolic of similar, but very distinguishable things: Jupiter, our beliefs systems, including religion, our wisdom, personal growth, expansion of our individual ‘world,' and our sense of optimism. Neptune, our connection to Divinity, our spirituality (please note, the cosmos distinguish religion from spirituality, perhaps we should too?) our ability to let go and trust in what our five senses cannot detect, and our ability to dissolve the ego in order to merge with a higher purpose. The Jupiter/Neptune square is basically making us suuuuper confused and question our entire sense of purpose in life. No big deal, right? If you are doubting lately, perhaps take comfort in knowing you are in cosmic alignment. In astrology, the farther out the planet, the more power it wields in aspects. Therefore, Neptune has strength here. But what does it mean? This is a test of faith and the only way to pass is to have faith. We are being urged to LET GO in 2019 more than ever before and these cards today would like to reiterate that. God loves you. If you are doing the work of your spirit, you are taken care of by God. I'd like to remind you at this time to look back at a time when you feared you could not do something. Looking back you can see that there has always been a way. Go forward knowing the same.
Now, a word of warning. This does not mean complacency! You must not rely on optimism alone to pay your bills. You must be proactive. A major step in manifestation is action. Your action is energy and this energy sends the message to the cosmos that you are serious about your intention. Keep going, keep working at it, I say. The Jupiter/Neptune square does separate in the coming weeks, never to be seen again in our lifetime. Saturn will also be going direct around the same time. Keep going. Have faith that you will see progress and you will have clarity very soon.
Namaste ❤