Card reading for April 30, 2019

Card reading for 4/30/19. The 5 of Cups surrounded by the Magician and the Ace of Swords. The Magician and the Ace of Swords are tremendously powerful cards. Combined, their energy can manifest big things. What's disrupting your power? The 5 of Cups indicates a loss of power, real or imagined, and being dragged down by the weight of big emotions.  Perhaps you've experienced a loss, or repeated losses. Perhaps you are experiencing the foundations of your very existence slipping through your fingertips. This energy is prevalent for many as Pluto and Saturn retrograde alongside the south node of the moon in Capricorn. But remember, your power is not external based upon anyone or anything else, including your perceived losses. Your power is within you and around you at all times. It IS you or rather, you are power. These are indeed heavy times, my friends. Life as we know it is changing and it is scary. These shifts are causing our deepest wounds to be triggered and surface, perhaps the deepest wound of all is the feeling of powerlessness or failure. What this reading wants to remind you is that your power is within you, surrounding you always. You are the Magician, keeper and master of the elements. Life is the Ace of Swords, a powerful new beginning every time you open your eyes. The 5 of Cups is nothing more than our attachments to what we feel we "should" be. Our work begins now in disciplining our minds. Taking control back of our thoughts, knowing that this is where our power lies. Thoughts create things, afterall, and if we want something new, it must first begin in thought. I don't have space for the astrological "backing up" of this reading, but the cosmic energy is definitely aligned with what the cards say once again. I'm certainly a believer in allowing time to grieve and the process of letting go of our attachments to things is a grieving process. But at some point you have to pull yourself together and say I've fucking got this. That time is now, guys. Or soon. The Universe is responding to your thoughts and it won't stop throwing shit at you until you stop throwing shit at the form of negative thoughts and beliefs.

Namaste 💜
