Card reading for 9/10/2019. Wow. Ok, so in shuffling the cards today I actually got the same 3 cards as last week, the Sun and the 9 and 10 of Pentacles. (Perhaps go back and read what I wrote then.) I asked for a second reading to help me clarify the message and then I got these three. It seems the Universe really wants to get the message through that good things are afoot. The reading is clear and simple this week: Things are changing, there is hope, and there will be success for your efforts. We are building to a full moon at the end of the week which is typically when life gets active. Watch and see how this week plays out, and if it is not obvious, my advice would be to at least try and find the positive in it. It's a Pisces moon and sometimes Pisces energy hides beneath the surface. It's gifts may surprise you.
Namaste 💜