Card reading for 4/23/19. Many astrologers are predicting the upcoming Saturn and Pluto retrogrades to be very doom and gloom and I have to disagree. There will be some craziness, but I actually think the craziness they are predicting will come closer to the eclipse season in July and be very condensed. For now, what I sense is a peaceful pause, indicated here by the 7 of Pentacles. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn has been asking you to restructure a certain part of your life. What area of life this is for you is specific to your birthchart (and if you are curious, I'd be happy to take a look at it for you.) Capricorn represents rigid structures and systems of old. These two malefic planets going through this sign together are essentially tearing down walls and things you thought were permanent and building them anew. In January 2020 they come into an exact conjunction alongside Jupiter. Their message is clear: a new Earth awaits. Are you ready? The skills of the awakened people are going to become essential. We are out of whack with mother nature and it's time for a reset. Many of us have sensed this, felt the pain of the planet in our hearts, and been on a journey to heal naturally and reshape our lives for awhile. If you have contemplated learning a new trade or skill, this is the time to do it, indicated here by the Page of Pentacles. This Page represents good news in finances so if you're wondering how to fund it, trust that the Universe will make it so if your heart's desire is in the right place. The Page of Pentacles also indicates childhood innocence and this triggers the idea of returning to what you loved as a child. What was it for you? Jupiter in Sag wants you to expand upon it! For me, I've always been passionate about the stars and sky, the beauty of nature, and absolutely fascinated by how humans are interlinked with the I have taken my study of astrology up a notch. I look at this reading today and see the Universe offering us a green light, a little peace in order to get things done. The 3 of Cups indicates something to celebrate. So although it may be a long and bumpy road ahead, the end result is worth celebrating.
Namaste 💚