Card reading for 4/9/19. The Mother of Cups faces the past and covers her cup with her wings, the cup representing that which is precious to us, our inner essence, our heart, our creativity, and our desires. The Lovers has multiple interpretations, including love and soulmates, but also that of temptation, choices, and balance. This reading could certainly have to do with love, but it could also have to do with our creative endeavors. Perhaps they are intertwined. Either way, it is something we care deeply about. Perhaps the past shows up in some way, either literally someone from the past or we are reminded of past feelings and past disappointments... The Mother of Cups is sensing some new temptation or choice thrown into the mix, and now she's feeling vulnerable and afraid having put so much 'out there' already. The Mother of Cups is the most sensitive of the Queens, a psychic and an empath. Her creativity is a wellspring and she is hands down the most open with her heart and giving of her energy. Her transparency in this life has healing powers and it is what makes her so lovely and instantly attractive. But this Queen is also gullible and giving to a fault. While she is the most psychic, she is also the Queen most likely to have her intuition clouded by fear because she has been robbed of her essence so many times before. Sadly, as she ages, she is the one that is quick to close off from the world because the pain of other people is just to great for her. This Queen is building something here, you can see this in the 7 of Pentacles. She has seen the potential in this creation and it's both exhilarating and terrifying. But...she thought she saw potential in her past endeavors... Is she wrong again? The 7 of Pentacles indicates a natural pause in the progression of her growth. The Universe gives us time to turn inward and reassess our plans and desires. The lesson for this Queen today is to take the pause to find balance within herself again and practice healthy detachment. Perhaps she is oversharing or pre-sharing. The advice here is to protect what is sacred and trust that Universe will show you when it is time to reveal more.
Namaste 💜