Card reading for August 13, 2019

Card reading for 8/13/19. Jupiter is now direct, Mercury is direct and back in Leo, the Sun, Venus and Mars are in Leo. Lots of forward moving fire, so what's the hold up? Where's my progress, Universe? I wants it! And I wants it now. For weeks, it's been like we are teenagers who have been asking for a new phone. This is the moment where we get the new phone, but first Mom sits us down for a nice lonnnnng lecture about how to care for the new phone. Perhaps she's reminding us of the last time we had a phone and we cracked the screen or lost it. Meanwhile, the shiny new device sits right there next to her and we're struggling to hear her words because what we really want is to snatch that phone up right now so we can start snapping selfies and bragging about it on Instagram. My advice? Listen to the lecture! This reading speaks of several things. Firstly, it speaks very much about feelings of disappointment and frustration that we cannot just have our way immediately. In addition, this reading is reminding you that divine timing is very much out of your hands. Yes, you can manifest whatever you desire, but you can only do so with the ebbs and flows of Cosmic Time and Order. Lastly, this reading reminds you to keep your integrity in check. You may be feeling very frustrated and antsy, tempted to act in haste to get that shiny new phone from your mom. I urge you to let go to divine time as best you can so that you don't make choices you'll later regret. Your desires are manifesting, my friends, please have faith in that. Just like your mom wants to give you the new phone, the Universe wants to give you your hearts desire, but it must do its due diligence and check your ability to handle the responsibility of it. Pass her test. Be patient, I say. Trust that it is coming and let it go. Hasty actions now will only lead to your disappointment.

Namaste ❤
