Card reading for 4/2/19. This is a very powerful trio of cards here today and it comes, at least for me, as a bit of a relief. Spiritual awakenings are not easy. There is no guru 'aha' moments of bliss atop the mountainside. In fact, quite the opposite. Sometimes it looks more lik breaking down in my kitchen, smacked across the face again with the plain fact that life brutally cruel to all of us in our own ways. For me, this particular awakening with regard to my art and creative ambitions (The Chariot) has left my work on pause, not because I am empty creatively in any way, quite the opposite! I feel better than ever about my skill and my ideas, but rather because I've been wondering simply 'what is the point of this?' All I've really wanted in my spirit recently has been to retreat and simply fade into nature...and quiet. I want to simply watch the sun rise and set and feel the breeze on my face. I've identified as an artist for the majority of my existence at this point and it's terrifying, at times, the thoughts that replace it when I remove that identification. What am I? I don't honestly know.....but I want to know. The thing about spiritual awakening is that it is the realization that this entire human existence (World) is purely about the judgment and emotions you place upon the experience you are having. You have all the control and none at the same time. Life just 'is,' no more, no less. What I like about this reading is that it's showing the end of a phase, and with that, something new. The Page of Pentacles is the perpetual student, doe-eyed and enthusiastic. In the Chariot we chased our dreams with ambition, we discovered confidence and the ability control our will. The World showed us we can have all that we set our minds to and whatever it is we regard as success. The Page of Pentacles, however, wants us to approach life anew, see the world with the eyes of q child. A new project is on the horizon and this reading is a clear 'go for it.' You are not here to judge the work you do, but to simply do it and leave the judgement and supposed purpose of it in the eyes of those who willΒ experience it.
Namaste π