Card reading for April 2, 2019

Card reading for 4/2/19. This is a very powerful trio of cards here today and it comes, at least for me, as a bit of a relief. Spiritual awakenings are not easy. There is no guru 'aha' moments of bliss atop the mountainside. In fact, quite the opposite. Sometimes it looks more lik breaking down in my kitchen, smacked across the face again with the plain fact that life brutally cruel to all of us in our own ways. For me, this particular awakening with regard to my art and creative ambitions (The Chariot) has left my work on pause, not because I am empty creatively in any way, quite the opposite! I feel better than ever about my skill and my ideas, but rather because I've been wondering simply 'what is the point of this?' All I've really wanted in my spirit recently has been to retreat and simply fade into nature...and quiet. I want to simply watch the sun rise and set and feel the breeze on my face. I've identified as an artist for the majority of my existence at this point and it's terrifying, at times, the thoughts that replace it when I remove that identification. What am I? I don't honestly know.....but I want to know. The thing about spiritual awakening is that it is the realization that this entire human existence (World) is purely about the judgment and emotions you place upon the experience you are having. You have all the control and none at the same time. Life just 'is,' no more, no less. What I like about this reading is that it's showing the end of a phase, and with that, something new. The Page of Pentacles is the perpetual student, doe-eyed and enthusiastic. In the Chariot we chased our dreams with ambition, we discovered confidence and the ability control our will. The World showed us we can have all that we set our minds to and whatever it is we regard as success. The Page of Pentacles, however, wants us to approach life anew, see the world with the eyes of q child. A new project is on the horizon and this reading is a clear 'go for it.' You are not here to judge the work you do, but to simply do it and leave the judgement and supposed purpose of it in the eyes of those who willΒ  experience it.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for March 26, 2019

Card reading for 3/26/2019. Today's reading is speaking of our higher spiritual pursuits and that perhaps it's time to take things "up" a notch. The King of Pentacles represents achievement and comfort on the material plane. The 4 of Cups says to me that material comfort and achievement no longer satisfies. (Note: I do not like the illustration in this deck for the 4 of Cups as it feels more sinister than the 4 of Cups actually is. The 4 of Cups does speak of apathy, boredom, and at its worst, greed. However, I see this card as dissatisfaction with material "stuff" and a search for more meaning.) The 6 of Pentacles is our answer here and it speaks of gratitude and giving back. What can you give? Your time? Your energy? Can you listen to a friend in need? What about your creativity? If you have it, your money? What about simply your smile? This can go a long way. We all have something to share. Sharing what you are bountiful in is not just a thing you do in life to feel good. It is your purpose and duty to do so. Mankind needs more kindness right now and to better understand selfless giving. The lesson in the 6 of Pentacles is recognizing your bounty and sharing it with others. In other words, practicing gratitude. When we are grateful, truly grateful, we are in a state of love and in a pure state of love, we share easily, without second thought, because we know the Universe is infinitely abundant. Lack and dissatisfaction with circumstances comes from fear. Find a way to switch to love by practicing gratitude. Start small if you must. Maybe you are simply having a good hair day and it makes you feel pretty (or handsome.) Share your smile. When you are able to find this place of gratitude, think about all that you have in abundance and simply share it. That's where we find deeper satisfaction in our lives. Seems simple, maybe, but the Universe keeps it simple. It is us who overcomplicate things.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card Reading for March 19, 2019

Card reading for 3/19/19. It is interesting to me, and not surprising at all, that there is a theme of looking back here in this reading today. The moon is nearly full in Libra, the sign of relationships. Mercury is retrograding in Pisces, the sign of karma. I do not doubt that many of us are reviewing our past relationship karma and wondering, 'was this complete?' 'Am I karmically correct to move on?' The 10 of Pentacles indicates a sense of security and safety in your material life. When things feel chaotic or even just new and different, safety in things tangible is appealing, of course. Remember though that many of us have no idea what a healthy relationship even looks like. We look back on what is known and it feels safe, but that does not mean it's good for us...its just what we know. Sometimes what is good for us is actually quite repelling, because it challenges us to be better versions of ourselves and that can be so foreign from our norm. Notice we have the 6 of Cups next. The 6 of Cups indicates a feeling of nostalgia and happy memories. I love how this aligns with Mercury retrograde in Pisces because Pisces is also the sign of rose-colored glasses. Mercury retrograde here, well, things are not necessarily as we recall them to be. There is no doubt that with this mercury retro/full moon on Libra combo, we are being called to look back in order to move forward. But one thing to remember, there is a reason things did not work out. Lastly we have the High Priestess. The High Priestess is representative of our own higher knowing. She looks back at her past but the beauty of her is that she can discern. The look on her face says it all. She knows what is in the past is a piece of us, but more importantly, she knows it must remain there. She knows there is only forward motion in life. There is a lot of cosmic (and karmic) energy right now around relationships. Take this time to review things, it is natural process, of course, but get in touch with your inner High Priestess before you do so. She knows what is good for you. She is your way forward.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for March 12, 2019

Card reading for 3/12/19. There is a very clear theme here: that of endings and loss. Notice the numbers, two 10s and the Judgement card, key 20 (two 10s.) 10s are endings, yet portals into the new. The 5s always bring a bit of confusion with their element, in this case, water or emotions. With the 5 of Cups we feel sad, we feel hopeless about something. The 5 of Cups faces the 10 of Pentacles and the 10 of Swords. Perhaps you have reached a pinnacle in your material world. Perhaps you have accomplished all your mental goals, such as, diplomas and degrees and statuses. Maybe you have mastered the physical plane by the standards of your neighbor, and yet, it does not bring you the satisfaction you were after. Perhaps it has left you feeling empty? Perhaps you are wondering 'what has been the point?' These cards are pointing to your death, but not in the way you think of it. This is an ego death. What is the real purpose of your life? Why are you here? Is it to acquire a bunch of stuff? Is it to be right all the time? Is it to be the smartest smart person? The Judgment card is your highest self asking you to examine your purpose again. Look back at your life and see what it is that has truly felt good in your soul. Has it been the money? Or the stuff? The social media likes? No. Every moment you have ever felt truly happy and truly purposeful and ALIVE has been when you were fully present in the very moment in which you are existing. Right now. Very simple. What is it that brings you into the present moment? This is a very personal question and only you can answer it. If you do not know off the top of your head, then might I suggest that you get out of your head by going to your breath. Simply breathe. Simply be. The cosmos want you to know that it is never too late to figure out your purpose....and the beauty is that your life has been full of hints. I believe there are no mistakes in life, but we can (and should!) learn. You can forge new paths and new karma. You do have the answers. Let go of the past, let go of the ego that holds onto pain and trauma and false drives and allow yourself to forgive. Allow the truth to come through.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for March 5, 2019

Card reading for 3/5/19. Several things about this reading. First I note the numbers, 14(10+4,) 4, and 4. Four is the number of the angels, and the message here is clear here. If you ask them to, the angels will come into your life. The angel specific to this reading is Archangel Michael. He wants you to know he is here protecting you. He wants you to know healing awaits you (Temperance.) Power awaits you (Emperor.) Security (4 of Pentacles) awaits you. You must invite him in. The angels want to help us, but we must ask for their guidance and accept what is is they offer and let go of what we think it should look like(4 of Pentacles.) The other thing I pick up intuitively here is something to do with the jumble of astrological shifts in the next 24 hours. First, Mercury goes retrograde in the final degree of Pisces (final degree is always an instensification of a sign,) next we have the new moon in Pisces conjunct its ruler, Neptune (more instensification.) Pisces and Neptune want to heal you (Temperance.) Then we have the planet Uranus shift out of the final degree of Aries (Emperor) and into the sign of Taurus. Uranus wants you to reach higher states of consciousness and it does this by shaking up your life. The lesson with Uranus and Neptune and Pisces is to LET GO. The 4 of Pentacles shows the desire to cling to what is known, cling to fears that do not serve you. It is time to let go and trust the Universe, even in, and especially in, potentially frightening times. Life as we know it is shifting. We can feel it in the underlying anxiety (Uranus) that has become our collective and individual norm. The advice in the 4 of Pentacles is always to let go. Let go because that is how you allow IN what needs to come through. My intuition here tells me noticable shifts will occur for each of us in the coming days, especially the healers out there. You are being upgraded and ultimately these are good shifts. My advice is don't be afraid. Let go. Trust God. Trust the lightwork you came here to do and do it. You can do this by praying, meditating, drinking TONS of water, and asking the angels to assist you, but most importantly, trusting their signs.

Namaste πŸ’œ



Card reading for February 26, 2019

Card reading for 2/26/19. Chaos, and yet, stagnation. Perhaps you are experiencing both at once. How can this be? For those who know what I mean, you know. Are you addicted to chaos? Is the world falling apart your norm? Dig deep into your subconscious and be open to this possibility. Ponder it for a moment and if you can see it being so, ask yourself, 'how has this served me?' The 5 of Wands speaks of scattered energies. The Hermit wants you to focus inward. Direct your energy inward as you are not "there" yet. There's a reason for this. The Hermit is a lightworker and a guide for others in a world of chaos. The Hermit is the Virgo card (and a seemingly recurring card for these readings.) Virgo seeks healing through purification. Virgo is ruled by mercury (mind.) I interpret this today as purification of the mind. Your thoughts are creating and if your thoughts are chaos, your outer world will reflect this. We see the Hermit, peaceful and wise, in meditation. His light and stillness remind us of our own inner light and peace. Perhaps you are ready for a life change (8 of Wands) and by the looks of these cards, change is ready for you. The 8 of Wands here shows us that as soon as we focus our thoughts and still the chaos in our minds via avenues such as meditation and visualization, change can happen as quickly as lightning strikes. The 8 of Wands is extremely positive and indicative of movement in various areas of life, including love, career, travel, spirituality, etc. Anything, really. The 8 of Wands is simply positive and quick movement. Look at the placement of the cards here and look at how they progress. In order to move positively forward, we must harness the chaos with stillness. This reading is nothing profound, nothing that awakened people do not already know. However, we all get out of practice. Life happens and we lose focus. The advice here today is to use the energies of right now to focus on where you wish to go.... and see it as already being so.

Namaste ❀


Card reading for February 18, 2019

Card reading for 2/18/19. My intuition has told me for some time that today'sfull moon in Virgo is a bit of a tipping point. In the cards today the Queen and King of Pentacles are the bookends to our reading. I'll note that the King of Pentacles jumped out as I was pulling my usual 3 cards. I take that as a sign. The suit of pentacles speak to us about earthly matters and Virgo is very much an earth sign. To get the Queen and King (Mother and Father) of this suit is very much speaking of balance and resetting here. We have been in the winter months, a very yin and inward season. We are in the final stretch now as we enter Pisces season today. The Empress here, a flash of Spring and things to come....the other day I went for a walk by the water, it was 50°  degrees here in Kansas and when I looked up at the trees, they were budding. I knew at the sight of them that the cosmos were listening, hearing my prayers. I also knew they are ready to acknowledge them and open up their abundance. We must remember this is a planet of cycles. We must practice patience.There is a season for everything and everyone. No matter how much we fight it, winter IS a season of death and decay. But without it, the ground cannot become fertile for the new growth. The Empress always speaks of extremely fertile energy. Normally the full moon is a culmination and it certainly is today. Look at your life and see how it is has changed from 6 months ago when the moon was new in Virgo. However, I can't help but feel this is also a seed planting time in some way as well. The 6 of Swords is a card of newness and hope on the horizon. Hard times are behind us. No matter how you look at these cards, it's a new beginning. If this were a personal reading, I would definitely suggest a new birth or pregnancy. A Mother, a Father, and the Empress? Perhaps some of you will be getting that news soon. But as this is general, I use those words in a more symbolic way. What are you ready to give birth to? Plant your seeds for it. The Pentacles are hardworking as well. Plant your seeds and do your work. Keep your eyes on the prize, the rainbow on the horizon, and allow the Universe to get you there.

Namaste πŸ’š


Card reading for February 12, 2019

Card reading for 2/12/19. Well no surprises, the week of Valentine's Day we pull the Lovers as it is likely that many of us have love and relationships on our minds. The Lovers is obviously a card of union, soulmates, choices, and balance of our masculine and feminine energies. It is the card of Gemini and so it is also the card of mirrors or twin flames. The journey of relationships is a fascinating and often confusing one. But what I can say in truth as I've learned along my own love journey is that there are false flames out there. There are those who will be attracted to your inner flame and want it for themselves. Undeserving, they will say and do anything to manipulate and confuse you, meanwhile squashing your light by draining you and feeding you lies in order to keep you small and theirs. With real love, though, there is no confusion. You know the difference. Real love lights up when you light up and vice versa. Real love wants to see you shine even brighter. The Knight of Wands today represents each of us and our own selfish ways. We all want something for ourselves and I believe there is nothing wrong with this as it is just human nature, but wanting for ourselves is one thing. It only becomes dangerous if it takes away from another. Untempered, this Knight is very capable of hurting those around him. The Universe, like it does, is constantly reminding us that balance is key. We follow up with the Temperance card. Temperance is a card of balance, healing, and compromise. Notice the water dropping on the flames of Temperance. The water represents unconditional love and sacrifice. The flames represent our own passions and desires. Water and fire should be incompatible, however, in this card we see that the two are quite conducive and necessary for reaching love on a higher, more etheric or spiritual plane (aka vapor aka the Geese in the Lovers soaring through the sky.) Here I believe the Universe is having us ask ourselves, 'what am I willing to compromise in order to lift love higher, for myself and another?' Remember that in a Universe of mirrors, by truly loving another unconditionally and giving them what they need in their time of need, you love yourself the same and it just goes up from there.

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for February 4, 2019

Card reading for 2/4/19: Happy Aquarius New Moon, friends! So right away I notice we have 3 major arcana cards here today. In the tarot, the major arcana speaks of the phases and turning points along the journey while the minor arcana give us details about the particular phase. When you pull many major arcana cards, you know you are in or reaching an important point. First we have the Hermit, this is Virgo's card. I note this because we while we have the Moon, Pisces card, on a new Aquarius moon today, later this month we'll have a super full moon in the sign of Virgo. Next we have the Strength card, which is Leo's card. Aquarius is Leo's opposite sign. My first thoughts here are that obviously with the opposite signs of Leo/Aquarius and Pisces/Virgo, this is indicative of new love beginnings for many, but this could mean partnerships in other ways. These 3 cards together speak of our emotions in their various ways and finding a balance of said emotions by tapping your inner strength and confidence. Many of us are also experiencing some shifting in our spiritual lives, an awakening if you will, going from a very inward, quiet time to a time when we would actually like to be seen in order to share our light and creative gifts (very Leo.) Finally, I believe this reading is telling us to have confidence in ourselves and what we have to offer, whether that be in love or gifts to share to the world or both. Virgo (Hermit) and Pisces (Moon) want you to offer your gifts (Leo) up in service to the Universe. Use your Pisces energy to dream big. Use your Virgo energy to take practical steps to get there and use your Leo to shine and attract. We have all 12 signs aka archetypes, within us! I believe with the Strength in our outcome position, the Universe is saying it is ready to shine on you. Make sure you are doing what you need to do on your end in order to be ready in return.

Namaste 🌈


Card reading for January 28, 2019

Card reading for the week of 1/28/2019. A beautiful trio of cards, I must say. The Sun shines positively on all things, no matter its placement. The Fool tells us an opportunity sits before us, along with a choice. Do we take the leap and leave the comfort of our nest? The Sun affecting this card most definitely says 'yes.' Cosmically, I believe this reading is harkening the sextile (sextiles bring opportunities) between Neptune and Saturn, becoming exact this week. Neptune, while fantastic and spiritual, is nebulous and ungrounded (The Fool.) It represents the bigger picture or the dreams you hold for yourself with this one life. What are they? Saturn (King of Pentacles) is the hard work and dedication it takes to manifest those dreams into reality. We have 2 major arcana cards this week, the Sun and the Fool, which tells me that this is a turning point in the journey or a new phase. The choices you make now will mark the next chapter of your life. With both the Sun and the King of Pentacles, this choice (Fool) will bring a sense of both inner and outer stability, abundance, and happiness. Saturn is a difficult teacher, remember that. He wants you to work hard and understand what you are working for. He represents restrictions and karma, but most importantly,Β  WISDOM. Notice we jump from the naivety of the Fool to the wisdom of the King with the optimism of the Sun in tact. Saturn pays based what you have earned. Have you been working hard? Pay attention to what this comes up this week. If it's not much or if you feel you've not been working hard, just know that this sextile will come exact 3 times this year because of the retrograde periods, meaning there are more opportunities ahead. My advice today is to say 'yes' to the dream, take the leap, and get to work.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card reading for January 22, 2019

Card reading for 1/22/19. The lunar eclipse in Leo on the 20th was a very powerful moon and we must allow the dust to settle before we make important decisions. The Queen of Swords is giving me two vibes today. First, she is reminding us to balance the emotions of the Moon with logic. Her strength is in her observation and discernment of the circumstances at hand. She is older. She is wiser. She sees the situation for what it is. This ain't her first time at the rodeo! But...and this is important, this Queen can be bitter. You mustn't allow her skepticism to cloud your intuition! This reading is saying the situation at hand calls for both logic AND intuition as indicated by the Moon. Have your dreams been revealing? Pay attention to them at this time. My second observation with this Queen is that she is in the past position. This indicates having been through hardship of some kind, perhaps divorced or widowed, perhaps she is without her children, etc. Whatever the case, she has faced true pain and life has toughened her up. This kind of pain can make a person fearful. This kind of pain can make "hope" a difficult concept. But for now, the cards say it's ok. Rest easy as this Queen is in the past. She tells me you are strong now and you have proven yourself capable of handling whatever is to come. The Moon in the center indicates to us that there is more to this unfoldment than meets the eye. Every day is new and just because the past didnt go according to plan, it doesn't mean the future will be the same. Things can still be wonderful but you must learn to trust yourself. The 10 of Pentacles indicates that this matter is about finances, family, and specifically, around the home. But the 10 is a positive card. The outcome for you is good, if not better than you can imagine. Stay faithful here. Dont jump ahead, but rather, handle one thing at a time, as it comes. Trust yourself to make the right decisions and trust the Universe to be conspiring in your favor.

Namaste πŸ’š


Card reading for 1/15/2019


Card reading for 1/15/19:

This eclipse cycle has been a doozy, and we still have a few days to go before we get to the total lunar eclipse in Leo on the 21st. The cards today show there have been some shake ups that have perhaps left you a bit fearful (4 of Pentacles.) The 4 of Pentacles indicates a new focus on material stability and maturity around money; this is good. We are in the material world and whether we like it or not, we must respect the rules of it. However, the warning in the 4 of Pentacles is not to cling. Always let go to the flow of it and do not allow yourself to become a slave to money and things. It's a balance we all must learn in our way. The good news here is the remaining cards. The 6 of Swords indicates that the storm is clearing and the conditions are so now that we can experience the rainbow in it. The 2 of Cups is an interesting way to finish up. I interpret this card two ways today. Either the aforementioned storm has left you better prepared to handle the mature relationship you have been seeking or it has strengthened an existing relationship. There is a newness here in love and a bond that goes deep into the soul level. Ultimately the Universe wants to make us strong, but never does it ask that we do everything alone. Keep your chin up out there. The Leo eclipse is the final of its series. Leo represents our heart, our childlike essence, and the nature of how we love. We have been renewed here and our hearts have been both individually and collectively opened in some way. It is a blessing to be thankful for.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: The High Priestess

Card of the day: The High Priestess. Has your intuition been clouded? Have you been under the confusing light of the Moon? Expect clarity soon. I see the High Priestess today as a return to your intuition and the deep knowing you carry of your importance in the infinite cosmic puzzle of life. It's a good feeling to receive the High Priestess, one that affirms purpose in your struggles and strife. Next to her sits the most coveted card when times have been tough, the World. The World signifies an end, at the very least, a culmination of the lessons you have learned. The World is extremely positive and the highest card in the Tarot. The World signifies some success, but what success means for you is unique to your situation. What can you look back on in recent months and feel that you have mastered?  If you cannot answer this, expect your answers to come soon. The Son (Knight) of Swords brings action and swift movement. Whatever the World represents to you here, the Knight brings it swiftly and perhaps even a bit chaotically. Day and night, even. One day you are struggling, and the next, perhaps you can barely keep up with your success. If you have been working steadily away at your dreams, the Knight and the World together bring tangible results you can feel good about. Congratulations, because you are onto the next level. The advice today is to tune in to your High Priestess. Thank her for her wisdom and for the inkling that set you on this journey in the first place....and for the many journeys yet to come.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card of the day: The Star

Card of the day: The Star. The 7 of Wands in this reading comes in the position that we are looking towards and it calls on us to have courage today. It tells us to look within and get to the root of what it is we are seeking. What you want in this life exists, even if you don't physically see it yet, even when perhaps you look a little crazy from any other perspective. In reality, something may not be working out as you thought it would, or perhaps not as easily. But this is just a step along the way. Rest assured that you are not alone. The Universe has been slowing things down majorly for ALL of us over the last 6 months to test us (7 of Wands.) We have all had to be the spark to our own inner flame. But the Star and the 6 of Pentacles is a very strong pair to color this reading. Together these two offer new prospects, new beginnings, and healing, just in the knick of time. And of course, together they offer hope and much to be grateful for. The good things in life are worth the effort, are they not? The good things are worth the crazy roller coaster of doubt and they are most definitely worth the wait. With Venus retrograde in the sign of Scorpio we are being asked to get to the stripped down, nitty gritty version of our desires. In Scorpio, Venus asks us to peel away the layers of nonsense and fluff to understand our truest part of our nature and our deepest spiritual needs and desires. Trust that she is doing so. Trust that she is showing you how let go of what no longer serves you and get to what is "real" and truly valuable for you now in this lifetime. It may not look like you thought it would. It will likely look absolutely inconceivable through the eyes of anyone else....but how does it feel to YOU? What does your heart say? This is what matters. Let the cosmos do their work right now, even if it's tough. It's supposed to be tough. But believe in yourself and keep hope and gratitude in your heart, KNOWING that what you seek is seeking you....and will be with you when the time is truly right for it.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: The Hanged Man

Card of the day: The Hanged Man. Have you been waiting on something? Perhaps you've begun to doubt your path again. First if all, this reading is all major arcana, so however this pertains to you, it is significant. The Hanged Man is a card of limbo, it is neither good nor is simply a period of pause. It is the card of Pisces, so perhaps you have been reflecting over matters of spirituality or creativity. Perhaps you've simply been indecisive. Either way, cosmic help is on its way. The Star brings hope and high energy. The Hierophant offers tangible assistance and prospects. I feel that the new moon in Libra on Monday will act as a trigger for many wonderful new opportunities to come via connecting with other people. That's what the Hierophant is, he someone in a place toΒ  offer you what you have needed in order to get to the next step along your journey.Β  This is no free gift, btw. The Hierophant is the Taurus card and with this energy he recognizes your hard work above all else. He values your value. He honors your dedication to matters of feminity, such as beauty, art, music, performance, poetry, food, and anything good for planet Earth. Taurus appreciates the "finer things" and will put his money (or energy) in support of what he values. The Star is the Aquarius card and so this tells me that this assistance is for the benefit of not only you, but the collective, as well. The Star colors every reading with hope and so this week I say allow yourself to be hopeful. Allow yourself to believe in you. Understand the value your unique gifts bring to the world and have faith that the cosmos see you being you. Above all, believe that good things come to you with faith and in time.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card of the day: The Chariot

Card of the day: The Chariot. This is an interesting trio today and a very high vibe one, at that. Both the Chariot and the 3 of Pentacles speak to us about success through focused will and action. The Chariot does not come without obstacles, but the beauty of the Chariot is that he does not lose. Notice the moon on his brow. This indicates an inner strength coming from intuitive knowledge. You may not know why you pursue the things you do, you only know that you must. Go with that. The 3 of Pentacles is success in the initial stages of a project, whereas the Chariot shows a successful completion, so long as the hard work is put in. Interestingly, these two cards indicate some sort of recognition and/or fame for work well done, as well. I believe the message here is to stay focused on the intuitive knowing. Take action and stay cool when obstacles inevitably arise. However, be open to opportunities that may come to you based on a job well done. The 3 of Pentacles also indicates help from outside or teamwork. Perhaps that's where our Knight of Wands fits into this. Someone with fiery creative energy may cross paths with you, leading you to the next phase of your journey or perhaps there is a new and exciting creative opportunity for you. What I will say about this is stay grounded and decide if the opportunity is a match to your inner vision. If such a person or creative opportunity shows up, the Knight of Wands energy tends to want to act quickly. Do not be hasty. He also indicates quick changes in the energy. Again, go back to your intuition to decide what is right for you. However you decide to act on this, though, the cards indicate a positive outcome. If this is not the opportunity you have been seeking, it's ok to reject it. Another is always on its way.
Just stay true to you.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Pentacles

Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Pentacles. In the tarot, the knights are cards of action and the kind of action they ask of you is determined by their suit. This Knight is of the suit of Pentacles and this means he calls for hard physical work, determination, and perseverance. What I like about this reading today is his placement. Notice how he faces the past? You have been hard at work and the cosmos are paying attention, but maybe you are wondering 'WHEN, Universe?' Dont focus on this. In the center, the Universe shows us how to create the shift. The center card is always my main focus, and today it is the 6 of Pentacles. This is truly one of my favorite cards. This card asks you to look at what is in front of and find gratitude. You have more than you realize. The 6 shows us that the buds on the branch are ready to flower. There is abundance for you and you must find ways to believe in it before it is tangible to you. The 6 of Pentacles tricks us into an abundant state of mind because a small gratitude practice only attracts more to be grateful for. Start small. What are you grateful for today? Look back (Knight) to where you were a year ago, how far have you come? In front of you is one of the greater and most significant shifts in the tarot, the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel is neither good nor bad, it just is. It's change, and by no coincidence do we sit at the doorway of change in season, the autumnal equinox and the start of Libra season this weekend. If you have been in a sewing and growing period, get excited because it is now time to reap, especially shifts in the way of your material world (Pentacles.) For creative people, this would be a great time to be promoting yourself, tying up loose ends on projects, making space for new clients, and preparing for your work to move. This reading tells me what my intuition tells me, and that is that the yang energy of the past few months is ready to get yin. Yin is the energy of receiving. If you have been working hard, take a breathe and let the abundance in.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card of the day: The Hermit

Card of the day: The Hermit.Β  Ok, I know I start just about every reading this way, but....I love these cards. As I was shuffling, I thought to myself, 'I think this will pertain to the Virgo new moon' (coming up on Sunday the 9th,) and sure enough, we pull the Virgo card, the Hermit. This feels like a perfect card today, btw. Where I am, it is rainy and cozy, our first hint of Autumn. A lot of my energy has gone OUT this week and today, I am feeling the call to pull inward. Ther Hermit card asks for just this... inwardness, meditation, retreat, reflection, and quiet. Things have started to stir this week, I think we've all felt it. But it requires a moment to process. We must have quiet to hear our thoughts. We must slow down to feel our feelings. Interestingly, we also pull the King of Pentacles today, which is an earth energy, as well, but my vibe on this one today is that this is referencing Saturn going direct tomorrow. I believe what the Hermit is asking us to reflect upon are our material goals (King.) What are you working towards? The last 6 months with Saturn retrograde, much of our efforts have felt fruitless. Not all of it, but it's been a nose to the grind time, and the input just hasn't matched output for a lot of people. I believe with Saturn going direct on the 6th and a positively aspected new moon in Virgo, these cards are asking us to get really focused, because we're making shit happen. Lazer in on your goals because the energy is about to really shift into high gear, because up next is the Emperor. The Emperor is the Aries card (we have an Aries full moon at the end of the month, btw.) Aries is pure masculine and forward moving energy. Aries is momentum. There is no other energy so quick and purely desire-focused as Mars-ruled, Aries. Aries is about the self. What are you desiring at your essence? And have you been focused upon it? If not, now is the time to zero in, because I believe this energy to be magical. Starting right now, we can manifest left and right, but today, just take a moment to pause. Observe your world and see what that is. Be objective and realign your focus, if needed. And then.... buckle up.

Namaste 🧑


Card of the day: 4 of Pentacles

Card of the day: 4 of Pentacles. The 4 of Pentacles asks that you let go a little in your material world, especially your finances. What do I mean by this? When the 4 of Pentacles appears in a reading, it brings to your awareness the fear you have of losing stability in money. If you are scrimping and penny pinching, you are not allowing flow to your money. Of course, it's good to be smart with your money, but you can still treat yourself in small ways. These small treats are how we get in the zone of feeling abundant (9 of Pentacles) which allows us to attract the abundance we really wish for (9 of Cups.) It's funny to get this reading because, personally, I was going to test the Universe on this very subject today anyways, before even pulling these cards. I've been trying not to spend lately and I'm proud of that, except I notice I'm starting to feel deprived. In the past when I've had this feeling, I treat myself to something small and meaningful to me, usually a crystal or stone, or maybe a pretty dress. It can be scary to let the money go (4 of Pentacles,) knowing that I have bills to pay. But I also know these things make me feel abundant. Doing this sends the message to the Universe that you are worthy. Whenever I've done this, I find that the Universe always ends up paying for it in the end because I'll receive approximately the same amount of money in some other way, such as a free dinner or a sale on my work or a client books with me. The Universe is teaching us how to flow with money and live the life we envision, but you must first trust and let go. The two 9s in this reading reiterate the message of letting go. Try it out today. Ask the Universe to show you money. Start small so it's easier on the mind to let go. Spend $5 on something that just makes you happy, but most importantly, abundant. Watch how the Universe returns the $5 to you in other ways. You can always do more, but fear is a huge thing in this. You must be able to really let go for it to work.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles

Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles. Sometimes older isn't wiser. That's today's message. I love the Queen of Swords. She's basically a badass. She has been to hell and back again, ten times over. She's incredibly wise, sharp, tough, brave, independent, capable.....the list can go on. her darkness, she is one of the most ruthless and cutting energies in the tarot. If she cannot find peace in her pain, she will lash out in anger and the world around her will feel her wrath. The Page of Pentacles and the Justice surrounding the Queen are calling for her to heal and balance right now. Justice is showing her that her healing can be done by connecting with her innocence (Page) again. The young are perhaps wiser than the old because they are not yet tainted by trauma and pain. They approach life innocently, trusting that the world is loving and on their side. Are they wrong? No. Sure, life is a bumpy ride, but anger is no way to go about life. We are not put on earth to be bitter. Anger serves a purpose, i believe this, but we cannot stay in anger. The root of anger is always pain and our pain will continue to cycle around to us in this life as a test. When it does, we must remember to give ourselves what we didn't get when we received that wound in the first place. Love and acceptance. Presence and validation. What hurts you today? Be with it for a moment. Place your hands on your heart and send love there, to you. If you have children, hug them today and send them love, knowing that they are a piece of you. By loving them and being present with them, your own hurting inner child receives the love you longed for in your time of need. The Page of Pentacles walks openly into the meadow, innocent and curious about life's magic, unaware of danger and predators. Be like her today.Β 

Namaste πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ

