Card Reading for February 4, 2020

Card reading for 2/4/20. The World and the Sun card are similar in their interpretations, both very positive and definitely indicating successes. The 8 of Cups, however, speaks of abandoning successes or letting go of something hard earned in order to pursue a higher calling. I read the cards not in order, but by intuition and the story that forms in my head. What stands out to me is the Sun, front and center, shining brightly while surrounded by the two darker illustrated cards. I believe the Universe comes through every once in awhile to remind us why we are here on this remind us that while yes, material successes are wonderful, it counts not for who we are on the inside. We must keep our priorities straight and remember that we have enough and humble living is key to keeping us honest and grounded. Ultimately, the stamp we leave on the World is not our achievements or "stuff," but our spirit, our love, our kindness, and for how we have helped others. This the path of the lightworker and it is often very challenging. If you are on this path then you know that for as bright as the light within, so must be the shadow. It can be confusing at times because we are tested and tasked with hard things. But that is because our light is strong and when we let it go and shine, it can spread so very far. I feel this reading is saying that the Universe wants to continue to illuminate your path and conti make dreams reality, but it wants you to remember who you are and stay centered in love and light work. This is almost a 'check yourself' message today because like the seasons, I do feel as though things are about to shift positively and quickly to your benefit. We've been in the season of winter and life gets cold and quiet. It's certainly a test for those of us whose light work involves a certain degree of sales. Are you worried about bills? Understandable. But has the Universe ever not come through? This is but another test of faith. Things are ready to shift and my sense is that you sense it too. I'd say, stay focused on service and have faith that you are provided for and true successes await.

Namaste πŸ’™


Card Reading for January 28, 2020

Card reading for 1/28/20. Temperance is probably my second or third favorite Tarot card because it indicates the coming of that which you need to establish balance in your life again. Whatever that may be for you, money, health, is on its way. The thing about Temperance, it's a gentle healing, one of the heart and emotions. To pull Temperance, I always feel immediate relief. It represents archangel Michael and reminds us we do not walk our paths alone, but rather, we are protected and guided by God's loving angels. Still we are tested, obviously, but it is so that we can learn who we are, learn our strength, and zero in on what it is we came here to Earth to do. But never, even in our darkest days, are we alone. The 8 of Pentacles is traditionally known as the 'apprentice' card. We see the 8 of Pentacles and it reminds us we are onto something special, we have been given a gift that can go somewhere if we dedicate ourselves and do the hard work. The 8 of Pentacles is no overnight success, but a slow success we have earned through our effort. However, it does indicate something that comes naturally to us or something we enjoy. What is that for you? (PS: this can apply to relationship, money, health, and/or career if you think about it. It's all work in its own way.) The Ace of  Pentacles tells us there is good news to come with regards to it. I say it a lot in my readings 'just keep going,' because really, what else can you do? Quit? Quitting is different than letting go btw. Quitting feels gross inside; letting go is the relief that comes by trusting that things that are meant to be will be. It is a very tangible difference. If you want something and believe it is meant to be, the only thing to do is keep going for it. Rest when you are weary and then get back after it again. Temperance indicates to us that we are beginning to understand this Fool's Journey, and the peaks and valleys of following our hearts. That is the true key to whatever successes we seek because it allows us to keep going knowing the valleys are leading us right back to the peaks. The cards here show the next "up" phase in your journey so look forward to that today and know that it is deserved.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card Reading for January 21, 2020

Card reading for 1/21/2020. Oh, the Sun thank ya Jesus. I don't know about you guys, but I literally felt the shift in energy yesterday as the Sun moved from Capricorn to Aquarius. For the first time in several weeks I didn't feel the dark cloud of doom looming in the background of my life! You know, like maybe things are going to work out alright? Kinda like we know they always do, but it's nice to really feel it. You are protected, my friends. The Sun promises this and there is no greater power in the solar system than our Sun. If you study the occult, you know the Sun is Jesus or Son. The Sun is here for us, whether we see him or not, whether we feel him in the freezing cold of winter or not; he is here. The Sun always wants to help us get back to who we are when we are without the worries and pressures of adulthood, the inner child. What is your inner child like? Who are you when you surrender worry? I really love the Page of Pentacles in this deck because she wants to do things, she dreams, but she is still grounded and practical. She wants to create a rich and beautiful life, in fact, beauty is her gift and she sometimes forgets the power to heal and help that is held within something so simple as beauty. But think about a rainbow or a rose...or a piece of classical rich and whole do feel when you gaze upon such beautiful things? To be able to create beauty is a blessing. The Page trusts that the Sun looks out for her, honors her gifts, and surrounds her in a protective rainbow bubble. I notice that in the 9 of Pentacles we see that it forms a nest of protection, as well. I believe this reading is saying you are very protected because you offer up your gifts in service of something greater. Whatever your dreams are, if you follow them practically, you will always be provided for because your gifts are of value. I feel very much like this was a fresh reminder of why some of us are here. A creative life can feel undervalued, I know...because like its 2020 and who has time or money for art anymore? But this is a false story. God has everything if you think about it. The one thing he doesn't have is what you have yet to create.



Card Reading for January 14, 2020

Card reading for 1/14/20. Things are in a state of transition... with the 2 of Pentacles we were doing a lot and we were handling it alright too. But perhaps we were running on fumes there for a minute. The 4 of Cups comes in and shows us that it's time to slow down, make some choices and that is ok. When I see the 4 of Cups I am reminded to 'check myself before I wreck myself,' that things aren't as dramatically terrible as they seem. This card only looks sinister, but in fact this card is speaking of that little shadow in you that is always discontented when in fact, maybe things are just a little stagnant. Sometimes even all is well. This is trauma, my friends, the anxiety that arises when we are still.... resulting in the feeling that we must busy ourselves lest we face the monster and die. But... It's January! January slows down. I have never liked January for this reason and it is my most challenging month of the year. The cosmos are really testing our shadows this month too so theres that. The 4 of Cups also reminds us when things start to turn dark, even if just in our minds, we must go back to a state of gratitude. Sure, changes need to be made because life is change, but the 4 of Cups wants to stir up drama by making sweeping changes. The Knight of Wands tells me changes are on their way, sooner than we think, but we must resist the impulsivity within that wants it now. For now I might suggest you sit with your life and really examine what it is that scares you. For me as a creative small business, it's always money. If I'm not busy, I'm not making money and I start thinking crazy thoughts like I'm done for and I'll never make money again. I start thinking about throwing it all away and just being a regular person because sometimes in all God's honest truth, I would trade the creativity for financial and emotional stability many many days. Not all days, but some days. It is what it is...and I believe our reading today is a 'hang in there, be rational' kind of thing. Not a very inspiring reading today, but sometimes it's what we get. In the meantime, sit with the anxiety and try to understand its root, if that's what you are feeling.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card Reading for January 7,2020

Card reading for 1/7/20. Happy New Year, everyone. Right away, the Fool. We must never let go of the child inside. The Fool is our innocence, the part of us who still dreams, who isn't hurt by life yet, no scars, who wants to explore life out of purity of heart. In my meditation today I saw not people wandering around, but wounds... in spirit. I don't know how to describe this other than clouds bumping into one another, some clouds were darker than others, but each had a light inside somewhere. Each time one cloud touched another, it would create a dark spot in another cloud....and it became an infinite chain of wounding. The message today was to let go, the Hanged Man always wants us to surrender something, in this case it is our desire to just allow our wounds to defeat become dark. The 6 of Swords tells us there will always be obstacles and hurts and wounds, but to get off the wheel of karma, if one truly desires to do so, we must keep defying the darkness within ourselves that wants to quit. Does that make sense? I'm saying in order to heal, we sometimes have to fight for our light. We do this by understanding that we are all hurting and often simply acting from our wounds. From a hurt place we hurt others, of course. I'm not saying we need to allow toxic people or situations into our lives. Not at all. No way, lol. But we must forgive and let go. Turn our own light back on and never allow life to snuff it out. What my meditation showed me too was each cloud's light, more powerful than the dark spots. And our light can be activated and brightened simply by intending it to be so. That by brightening our cloud, we brighten other clouds we don't even have to touch. For example, your light, on some psychic level, can light up someone else across the globe. Some of us are "ignitors" and if you are a very resilient human, than that is something you are tasked with in order to ascend your karma; being strong in your own light in order to ignite, and heal, the world. The advice today is very much to play, to dream. Remember the magic of a rainbow. Hang upside down from a tree and feel what it's like when the ground becomes the sky.

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for December 31, 2019

Card reading for 12/31/19. My last reading of the decade! Wow, these cards.  Fresh starts all around, peace, stability, harmony, celebrations. 2020 is a 4 year and the only numbered card we received is a 4. 4s are stable. 4s are solid foundations. I've been meditating quite a lot on the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happening in just over a week now. There is a real sense of dread surrounding this conjunction and my anxiety keeps expecting Tower Tower Tower. But it never shows. Capricorn energy is intimidating, that's kind of its thing, and its especially intimidating if you have ever experienced low self-esteem or low self-worth. Right now there is a LOT of this Capricorn energy and perhaps you can feel the issue of worth coming to a head. Maybe you're feeling a bit squished or suffocated, I know I certainly am. The guilty conscience is bery loud right now. Do you know you are good and yet something is always telling you you are no good? Maybe even evil? I believe many lightworkers were born with the guilty conscience as one of main obstacles to work through in this lifetime. This guilt is our empathy for the planet talking. This guilt is the mirror in us reflecting the collective consciousness. People are skeptical of our intentions because of their own issues to work through. Some of the kindest, most generous, and high vibrational people I have ever encountered feel this same sense of anxiety and guilt, as though they are not enough or as though everything they do is wrong or bad. We must keep fighting this voice by continuing to follow the sound of our hearts. We feel this guilt because we are a force for change and this feeling most certainly acts as a catalyst for healing and the work we must do. But it is time to let go of some of the weight and I believe that is what 2020 offers. We deserve to be happy. We deserve to prosper. We deserve to feel safe and strong. We deserve to relax! This conjunction very much wants us to examine not only our sense of power, but also karma. Let us not bring the past with us into this new cycle. Let it go. Forgive and know you are forgiven.

From my heart I wish you infinite blessings for a new decade!

Namaste πŸ™


Card Reading for December 17, 2019

Card reading for 12/17/19. Very clear theme here today and it is one of pwer and success. I included the candle in my photo today because I'm hearing very strongly in my head 'boldness' and 'courage' and 'power in the light.' If you are doing light work on this earth, you must believe in your work now more than ever. You must also understand there are those out there who do not love your successes and are actively working to make it harder and harder for you to do so. But consider this: are these people (or systems) merely reflecting back to you your own self-doubt? I've been meditating heavily on the upcoming conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, happening January 12, 2020. This is VERY much about your power and your perception of what is in authority over you. Preceding the conjunction, we walk through the Capricorn and Cancer eclipse gateway. These next few weeks is as major a doorway as we will see for a very long time, a doorway into the next phase of our lives, and really, life as we know it on planet earth. The question is, are you entering the next phase of your life in shackles? Yes, things could get pretty hairy for a minute, much like the tangle of woods in our 6 of Wands, because those who perceive themselves to be in control do not like to be challenged, but...challenge, we must! What we know about the 6 of Wands is that it represents wins against small challenges, and in the end, small is all it ever is. YOU are the World card here today and you are learning that you manifest your successes when you own your power and believe that you deserve. The 9 of Cups is saying 'why on earth would you think you dont deserve to succeed in the first place?' The energy of the next few weeks is asking us to look deeply at our self worth and work through any barriers or blocks that keep us small....since that's so easy, right? This is going to feel like restraint from the outside. This is going to be some challenges, but nothing we can't handle, and handle it, we will. Once we do so, we can walk through this gateway and turn to our percieved restraints and say 'you have no power here anymore.' I hope this makes sense today...i'm outta space.



Card Reading for December 10, 2019

Card reading for 12/10/19. This is a very appropriate spread for the Gemini full moon I think as the first two cards are opposites in some ways, echoing the confusion playing out in the cosmos at this moon. But just like i wrote in my Gemini moon horoscope yesterday, clarity does come for us, just not right away. In the first card, the 3 of Pentacles, we see you have had some successes, your work is paying off in some way, perhaps you are even getting some recognition. It feels good and it's showing. This is normally a card that's encouraging you to keep going and I believe it still is here today, but with a hitch. You can't keep going the way you have been, nobody can for very long without some help. With the 8 of Cups, it tells me it's time to think seriously before proceeding because in your gut, you know it's time to let go of something. What, though? Gemini is about duality and contradictions and complexity. Gemini is the many facets that can come together to make a single human. But it can also be quite literal, as in one human DOing too many things. Juggling too much. Does this sound true for you? Gemini struggles to make choices because Gemini knows that literally every path is an equal and viable option. But your body knows, and choose, you must. The question is, what is the choice? Follow your heart or follow logic? This is an answer the tarot cannot give, but it does offer an avenue for which to figure it out. 4 of Swords says rest, isolation and meditation. This card is similar to the Hermit, however, it is a minor arcana and therefore, it calls for a very brief rest (which seems to be a recurring theme in my readings, lately.) If you study the 4 of Swords you notice the little lamb is quite happy in his rest and with his rest, his 3rd eye lights up. What is the 3rd eye? This is where our heart and logic work together to illuminate the truest and most aligned path for our lives. We all have a 3rd eye and we can all access its wisdom with just a little bit of intentional quiet. Next week, clarity comes I promise you, and a clear choice makes itself known. For now, i advise you to simply rest and clear the dusty path for it.

Namaste πŸ™


Card Reading for December 3, 2019

Card reading for 12/3/19. Oh, Moon card, I knew you were in there.... My dreams last night were complete nutty bananapants and I woke up with the Moon card in my mind's eye. I knew it would show in our reading today. Times feel so weird right now, am I right? Like something is dying or ending? Something we are maybe not so ready to let go. The feeling of imminent change is so palpable, nothing like I've ever experienced before, certainly. I admit, for the last few days my stomach has been in knots, not fully understanding why, and without better words to explain, I know have been grieving for something not quite tangible to me yet. The Moon is the tarot's eloquent way of shrugging its shoulders and saying ' hey sorry I can't help ya out, but uh, I don't know. I mean, i know it's something, but that's not helpful, so... heres a pretty card.' Annoying. But that's where we are. Surrounded here by the Empress and the 8 of Pentacles today, I do believe this has something to do with the upgrade I've written about before. Do you ever wonder if the dream you've been chasing for forever is actually even your dream anymore? I do. Maybe there's something else. It's scary because I don't know what that could even be for me. But I know I'm exhausted. I'm tired of pushing my weird rock up the hill. I'm a just a little Pisces-brained creator, not a business/marketing major. I don't know how to make my Instagram look good, nor do i care, and sadly, it seems that's what it takes nowadays. Jupiter is moving into to Capricorn this week and this is huge news for life path and career so I'm holding out hope for a shift. Capricorn is symbolic of getting right in the world, making your mark, and aligning with your true purpose. Jupiter entering this sign and the upcoming Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January is certainly going to bring us into deeper alignment with our purpose, but dont be surprised if it looks nothing like you've pictured before. I trust the Empress here today. She promises growth and abundant change. The 8 of Pentacles advises us 'steady as she goes.' The Moon says don't jump to conclusions just yet as there is still much to unfold. Enjoy the mystery. Namaste πŸŒ™


Card Reading for November 26, 2019

Card reading for 11/26/19. Don't be afraid of rest. Today we have the King of Pentacles, which speaks of the hard work we've been doing. The Six of Swords is assuring us that the work is paying off and we are on to better times. Btw, when I speak of 'work' in my readings, I'm speaking of work on the soul level. This could be your job, but I believe the messages that come through me in these readings have more to with the neverending soul work we are tasked with as humans in order to raise our consciousness and vibrate higher. That said, you are doing a good job. It is my interpretation today that the meaning of the Hermit in this reading has to do with Neptune stationing direct in the sign it rules, Pisces. Neptune retrogrades are very subtley felt by even the most sensitive of sensitives among us. Neptune is the planet symbolic of your faith and trust in the Universe looking out for you. Anytime a planet stations, its energy is amplified, one way or another. In retrograde, I believe we feel the more shadowy aspects of a planet. With Neptune, this could leave you feeling a little bit confused, sleepy, maybe depressed, lonely, futile, even. These are symptoms of a blocked or inactive crown chakra. Please take care of yourself and know that everything is ok and it is going to continue to be ok. The Hermit is the Virgo card and Virgo is the medicine for Pisces (and vice versa) aka Neptune. Virgo teaches us to honor our spiritual connection (Pisces) by grounding, purifying, and honoring our physical bodies with nutrition, self-care, and  daily ritual (Virgo.) The Hermit says you are not going to lose any steam or momentum by taking rest, by disengaging from the to-do list and getting back in touch with God. Today is the new moon in Sag as well. Sag and Pisces are very similar in that they both represent different aspects of our faith in this life. We all connect to God in our own way.  My advice today is to get in touch with God in your way. Some things that work for me are yoga, nature, prayer, meditation... even naps. But do what calls you. The point in the cards today is that you know that it is ok to do so.

Namaste πŸ™


Card Reading for November 19, 2019

Card reading for 11/19/19. This is interesting. Do you ever receive things and you're like 'uh, ok? This was like nowhere on the radar of things I wanted, Universe.' But then it turns out to be the super coolest thing ever in your life? A good example from my own life was when I found out I had a gluten allergy. It was quite confusing and honestly devastating at the time, but now, 10 years later I'm so grateful for it for a multitude of reasons! One, I'm healthier than ever, but also the journey to simply eat differently has awakened me mentally and spiritually in ways I cannot express here in a single Instagram post. This is what is trying to come through here in the cards. It may not be something as serious as a food allergy, in fact it most likely is not...from the looks of the cards, though, it most certainly isn't arriving in a shiny package tied with bow. However, the Page of Wands brings divine news, and my advice is always to trust the path, no matter how twisty and annoying it gets. More importantly, trust yourself, as this could also be a case of misinformation (the Page of Wands could very much be that pesky Mercury in retro.) Either way, there is purpose in her message and the trick in this reading is going to be how you handle it. Are you going freak out and let it devastate you? Or are you going to stay grounded and proceed from your center? Look at the 9 of Swords here, this card is your warning and your key. Certainly not the happiest of cards, but the eyeballs here are a very important symbol.  No matter what is going on around you, you still have your inner sight, your inner knowing. Get (or remain) centered and use it. That is your way through this.

Namaste πŸ’™


Card Reading for November 12, 2019

Card reading for 11/12/19. This reading is very simple today. Get clear about what you want. I can see that you have been hustle-bustling away and you certainly do not lack talent or skill. Everything you have done up to this point has absolutely been useful and certainly good practice. But my friend, it's time to upgrade. Yes, it's time the apprentice become the master. This means you must find clarity of thought, clarity of voice, clarity  of integrity, clarity of intention, clarity of action...clarity in every way. You are the Ace of Swords which is an extremely powerful card. It's a no nonsense, cut-to-the-chase manifestor! But this card cuts both ways. What you think is becoming, so make sure what you are creating is what you want to bring in. This means minding your thoughts. Have you noticed that you are creating very quickly now? I believe this happens as we become more aligned with our path. Trust that the Universe has been watching and waiting all this time, having faith in you finding your way. It sees that you are ready and it is ready to smile on you. Your task now is to answer the following question with clarity:

β€˜What do I want?’

And so it is....

Namaste πŸ’š


Card Reading for November 5, 2019

Card reading for 11/5/19. The World is set for an energetic upgrade, something those of us in the creative and alternative healing world have been sensing for some time. There is something else in the air lately, though, like we've been reading the little blurb on the back, but now the story is ready to begin. I see the Justice card today, and of course, i think 'balance.' I've been lovingly forced to work on balance in my life for awhile now, to learn what it means to rest and to allow. The last several years I have been in a constant state of hustle and stress, pushing in order to get all the things done, but much to my own frustration, little reward. Around my birthday in March I felt my body, more like my energetic body, just kinda collapse from the exhaustion of it all. At this point, I have been dealing with some fatigue for several months, but what is really funny about it is that my life has never been so magical and I have never in my life been so emotionally and mentally stable and happy. The reason for this is that in this letting go, my personal life became really beautiful, my work has picked up, and my creative inspiration has been at its highest in years. I look at it as though the Universe forced me into understanding what it means to rest, to flow and allow, rather than continue to push myself to exhaustion. Now I am learning to work smart rather than hard, it's an important lesson on the road to success, which is what I see here in the cards today. The Universe is showing me how to be organized and maximize my energies so that when it's time to work, I get more done, and when it's time to relax, I can. I see in these cards today that things are set for yet another upgrade, and what appears to be some financial success. Hallelujah, am I right? The Justice comes out as a friendly reminder of the lessons we have been learning about our energy flow. We can handle more, but we must never forget to balance with rest, prioritize rest. For the introverts like me out there, we must prioritize alone time. For the creatives out there, we must prioritize introspection for it is in these spaces that our creativity (and creative success) flows.

Namaste πŸ’š


Card reading for October 29, 2019

Card reading for 10/29/19. The cards are reassuring us today. Have faith! Battles against our inner demons will never cease for us humans, but the cards want us to know we don't have to go down the same old road. We are learning new coping techniques that when applied, actually work. When applied repeatedly, these techniques just become our new way of doing things and we begin to see that life's swings are not so crippling or dramatic. Our lows don't have to be so low or last so long. Nor do we have to find false avenues to numb us or get us lost in an unhealthy state of high. There is a middle place we are learning to navigate and when we falter, which we will all do, we know we do not spend time in guilt and self-punishment. Rather we get up, forgive ourselves and get back to life. We are collectively being triggered these days, and this is because a higher vibration awaits us, in fact, a new earth awaits us. But to get there, we must change. In order to change, we must be triggered. I'm feeling the archetype of the warrior spirit today and being reminded that we are in a battle not only for the planet, but for oursouls and spiritual growth. Some of us are not natural born fighters, in fact, it feels very foreign and backwards to fight. But I acknowledge now that this is my conditioning to be the peacekeeper. At what point are we complacent? At what point are we doormats? Our dignity and selfworth is worth fighting for. Our inner peace is worth setting boundaries and saying no, to other people, of course, but especially to our own toxic old ways. This is the line we are walking in the world with other people, obviously, but can you see how it is also true within ourselves? 'Do no harm, but take no shit.' What does that mean to you on a personal level, between you and you? What shit do you give yourself when you mess up? I think my point is that loving ourselves enough to forgive ourselves and get back up will always be the hardest test in our spiritual evolution. Balance truly is the key.... and it appears we are learning, we are getting there...  so good work and high fives βœ‹

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for October 22, 2019

Card reading for 10/22/19. Be careful what you wish for... I can't help but note each card is a multiple of 10 today...10 in numerology is a number meaning 'completion.' Perhaps you have sensed you are completing a phase of your life. I certainly have, and that is because this is true on a collective level as the cosmos are in a great shift at this time and we as humans are on the precipice of life as we have never seen. What the cards reveal today is a bit of a friendly warning, so do not put much worry into the image of the 10 of Swords. This card to me never indicates the violent death it portrays. However, it does portray the human potential for suffering, the fall from the high to the lowest low, perhaps for which you have been in the midst. Most importantly, though, this card also speaks of suffering coming to an end. Like the Wheel of Fortune and the Judgment tell us, we do not stay in suffering forever. No, if we learn from our mistakes, if we forgive ourselves and others, we will always rise again and to even greater heights. The cards today want you to know you have paid some harsh dues and are now leveling up in life. This is a very good thing, especially for those of us who have foreseen it and stuck by our vision even at our lowest lows. I say 'be careful what you wish for' because at this level of understanding, things can manifest for us very quickly now. Perhaps through your struggles you have visualized success or love or money, as these are typical wishes for us humans. But today I ask you, have you thought about what it means when it all finally comes to you? Your whole life actually changes. Your ability to manage time changes. Your stress level changes. Your disbursement of energy to your loved ones changes. Are you really ready for this? The cards today are saying 'brace yourself' because your visions are manifesting quickly now and if you are not prepared for the real change and responsibility that comes, it could bring you down once again. My advice today is to find gratitude. Be grateful for every little problem that arises out of your new life because if you have truly learned, then you can look at it knowing that it, too, is your wish come true.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card Reading for October 15, 2019

Card reading for 10/15/19. This message came through my meditation very strong today, 'you are worthy, you are forgiven.' Do you believe in second chances? I do. At least I do for everyone else. When it comes to me, though, I admit I question it. I think one of the hardest things to work with as an empath is the feeling of carrying the world on your shoulders, a LOT guilt, and a really hard time offering yourself the same gentleness you can so easily offer others.  The last few years, I have prayed for another chance at my life. I've prayed for new love, I've prayed for my children to be happy, healthy, and successful in our modern family, and I've prayed to be able to continue to do the work I love to do. But I have also made so many mistakes...and I've questioned my deservingness of such things. Along this journey I've discovered how deep my pain goes. I've discovered that reading all the spiritual books in the world doesn't mean anything until you apply it to your real life situations. Truth is, my wounds have been triggered hard these last few years and I've lashed out. It's not pretty and I know I've hurt people. I immediately feel terrible. I've prayed for forgiveness, and yet, the guilt keeps me down and I haven't felt it. The circumstances of my life seemed to go from bad to worse and I just assumed it's because that's what I deserve. But a little over year ago, I fell in love. And piece by piece, my life is looking more and more like I want it to. I've been waking up lately with immense gratitude in my heart and the inkling that things are only going to keep getting better. In my meditation today I thought β€˜why not?’ and then i felt forgiveness from somewhere. Was it finally just my own self? I don't know but my heart let go and I cried because I trusted it. I really felt it. The cards today are affirming it too. The message here for you today is that you can have and do whatever you wish, but to see it as real and not a trick, you must first believe in your heart that you are worthy. Forgiveness is a neverending process for us humans and yet a multifaceted jewel. Never stop practicing it and when good things come into your world, know it is because you too are forgivable and worthy.

Namaste ❀


Card Reading for October 8, 2019

Card reading for 10/8/19. The Universe has a not-so-funny way of teaching us who we are and what we are made of by handing us Tower card moment after Tower card moment. If one is perceptive, then eventually one will begin catching the hints and see that we are not the things we identify ourselves to be. We are spirit which is infinite. The more we label ourselves and identify our BEing with our physical reality, as in 'I am this' or 'I am that,' trust me, the Universe will dissolve these labels time and again. Who are you, really? If you've never pondered this, maybe it is time. But...this reading today tells me you have and you are learning. When we are on a spiritual path, we can begin to identify with concepts such as poverty and/or sacrifice because so much that comforts us gets stripped away. This must be the Universe's plan, right? Um kinda, but it goes deeper. I think if we keep going and keep questioning, we'll discover the Universe is really just trying to help us establish our substance, our value. What are you worth? Because according to the Universe, you are worth what you are accepting...which then becomes your belief, which then continues to be reflected back in your reality. As a single mom trying to run a creative business, I have certainly been on my own little journey of exploring my worth. I've had enough successes to tell me, I'm onto something, but in truth, I have struggled much just to pay my bills and stay motivated. I've told myself, 'well, I know I'm doing good work so this must be the Universe's plan.' Recently it occurred to me to ask the Universe for an intentional Tower moment, to collapse beneath me any unhealthy beliefs built on falsehoods that I've adopted along my spiritual journey, including that I must sacrifice or martyr myself and my material needs in order to do good work in the world. I have to say, it's working. Because that's a crap belief. What I see in the cards today is my gratitude for yet another shift in identification and the infinite opportunities for abundance opening up to me now by making that shift. I invited that in and you can too. You still have to create solid work, but you can live well too.

Namaste πŸ’š


Card Reading for October 1, 2019

Card reading for 10/1/19. Do you believe if you ask for help that it will come? This message has come through strong for me in meditation the last few days, that I need to make it a point to remind people to ask for divine assistance. The Universe wants you to fulfill your dreams and purpose, and to be successful by your definition of successful. If you are unsure what your dreams and passions may be, look back to a happy memory in your life, of a time when you felt free and alive and time slipped away. Look to a time you felt you did something good for you and someone else felt good because of it and how fulfilling it felt to start this chain of good feelings.This memory is a place to start. We all have natural talents and why do you think that is? Maybe you are good at talking and connecting or making others feel welcome and safe. Maybe you are a good cook or writer or you are super funny like me (i joke.) Maybe you are behind the scenes tinkering with all the parts so things run smoothly. These are starting points. You have something and the world needs it.The World is changing for the better and the Universe wants you to know there is a place in this world for your unique gifts. It may not feel like it right now, but it is. Unfortunately, we as humans don't initiate changes unless we are made uncomfortable. This is what is happening on a worldwide scale at this time. We are being made reeeeally uncomfortable because it's time. We have to go through this weird bullshit so we can wake up and realize 'oh hey this is bullshit' and 'there must be more to my life.' Many people on earth badly desire change at this time, but don't know how to begin or what to do next. The cards would like to remind you today to simply ask for assistance. Just come out and say it "Universe, will you please help me?" Tell the Universe your intention, whatever it may be, and ask for guidance, clarity, strength, etc., whatever you need, and then look to the signs you receive. Accept them. Trust them. The Universe always comes through because we are all connected here and therefore what fulfills you, fulfills someone else and so on, fulfilling the whole Universe.

Namaste πŸ’š


Card Reading for September 24, 2019

Card reading for 9/24/19. When people, and all the world seem lost or unfair, insensitive, cruel, or focused solely on their own material gains, it is tempting and oh so easy to lower yourself and your integrity in order to match up in what can feel like a battle of good versus evil. The Devil card today represents this feeling, the feeling of being trapped, enslaved, or powerless to someone or something outside of you. When we feel this way, suppressed or backed in a corner, we can instinctively lash out in cruelty at others in order to try and free ourselves. What I will remind you today is that when we do this, when we are cruel to another, even if we feel we are defending something good or pure, the truth is our own cruelty only further enslaves us by creating a new karmic debt. Being cruel and insensitive serves no higher purpose in human life ever. I feel at this time on Earth we are being triggered, collectively and individually, and it is more imperative than ever that we reach higher and into our hearts to find empathy. We must continue to heal our wounds and we must continue to practice discipline over our lower human urges. As tough as it is, we must find empathy for those acting cruelly and remember that in fact they are the ones enslaved. Empathy is how we grow and rise higher. Love is the way to freedom and true peace in our hearts. Venus in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn this week. These are the values at our core being suppressed and strangled by Saturn. Our freedom with our own money is being suppressed. Our love life is being suppressed. The way we choose to live is being suppressed. My advice today is do not give in to the lower self. The Sun is in Libra right now backing up Venus very soon. Libra is Justice and justice will be made in cosmic time, but we, my friends, do not control that. The Wheel of Fortune here represents the karmic turn in front of you. Which direction will it spin? That is in our hands this time, my friends. Today we must remember that just because the world is cruel doesn't mean we have to be. In fact, if we desire true change on this planet, it's the reason we must not be.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card Reading for September 17, 2019

Card reading for September 17, 2019. Perhaps it's time to review what we believe. Upon pulling this spread, I was first elated to see the 4 of Wands, a card of stability, celebration, and much deserved happiness, which btw, I am feeling today! Then out comes the 5 of Pentacles and my heart sinks, thinking 'oh man, I'm happy....there must be doom and gloom to come.' Then out pops the Queen of Cups pointing me back at these two cards for further observation. The Queen of Cups is our high and psychic self, the one who knows where our life goes before we do. She is asking me to look again and tell her what I see. What I see is that I struggle with happiness. In fact, it's absolutely terrifying to me because it has been my experience that it never lasts and when it ends, it usually ends painfully. So as I've developed, I've learned never to let myself get too comfortable in happiness. If I'm always slightly discontented, then maybe God wont take anything away. It's not a healthy belief, I know, but understand these things come from trauma and we don't always consciously understand how this came to be for us. The timing is awesome because I know I need to work on this belief, like, yesterday! Because literally, I am so freaking happy! The last 4 years since my divorce have been emotional, mental, and physical hell, due to the constant stress and worry about how am I going to keep up and making life work. I finally FINALLY feel like im getting to live and build a life again and so yes, it's bringing up some stuff for me. But what the Queen of Cups also represents is protection and what I've always known in my psychic eye is that I AM protected. These 4 years of worry about finances and my health, well, the truth is, things kept working out. I've had some scares, but I've also managed every single time, literally by the grace of God. Life is taking another turn towards happiness and I admit, I'm excited and terrified. But what I believe the Universe is trying to say in this reading today is maybe its time to drop the terrified, just be excited and see how that goes for me. Do you have any beliefs that are no longer serving you? Is it time for a review?

Namaste 🧑
