Card reading for September 17, 2019. Perhaps it's time to review what we believe. Upon pulling this spread, I was first elated to see the 4 of Wands, a card of stability, celebration, and much deserved happiness, which btw, I am feeling today! Then out comes the 5 of Pentacles and my heart sinks, thinking 'oh man, I'm happy....there must be doom and gloom to come.' Then out pops the Queen of Cups pointing me back at these two cards for further observation. The Queen of Cups is our high and psychic self, the one who knows where our life goes before we do. She is asking me to look again and tell her what I see. What I see is that I struggle with happiness. In fact, it's absolutely terrifying to me because it has been my experience that it never lasts and when it ends, it usually ends painfully. So as I've developed, I've learned never to let myself get too comfortable in happiness. If I'm always slightly discontented, then maybe God wont take anything away. It's not a healthy belief, I know, but understand these things come from trauma and we don't always consciously understand how this came to be for us. The timing is awesome because I know I need to work on this belief, like, yesterday! Because literally, I am so freaking happy! The last 4 years since my divorce have been emotional, mental, and physical hell, due to the constant stress and worry about how am I going to keep up and making life work. I finally FINALLY feel like im getting to live and build a life again and so yes, it's bringing up some stuff for me. But what the Queen of Cups also represents is protection and what I've always known in my psychic eye is that I AM protected. These 4 years of worry about finances and my health, well, the truth is, things kept working out. I've had some scares, but I've also managed every single time, literally by the grace of God. Life is taking another turn towards happiness and I admit, I'm excited and terrified. But what I believe the Universe is trying to say in this reading today is maybe its time to drop the terrified, just be excited and see how that goes for me. Do you have any beliefs that are no longer serving you? Is it time for a review?
Namaste ๐งก