Card reading for 1/7/20. Happy New Year, everyone. Right away, the Fool. We must never let go of the child inside. The Fool is our innocence, the part of us who still dreams, who isn't hurt by life yet, no scars, who wants to explore life out of purity of heart. In my meditation today I saw not people wandering around, but wounds... in spirit. I don't know how to describe this other than clouds bumping into one another, some clouds were darker than others, but each had a light inside somewhere. Each time one cloud touched another, it would create a dark spot in another cloud....and it became an infinite chain of wounding. The message today was to let go, the Hanged Man always wants us to surrender something, in this case it is our desire to just allow our wounds to defeat become dark. The 6 of Swords tells us there will always be obstacles and hurts and wounds, but to get off the wheel of karma, if one truly desires to do so, we must keep defying the darkness within ourselves that wants to quit. Does that make sense? I'm saying in order to heal, we sometimes have to fight for our light. We do this by understanding that we are all hurting and often simply acting from our wounds. From a hurt place we hurt others, of course. I'm not saying we need to allow toxic people or situations into our lives. Not at all. No way, lol. But we must forgive and let go. Turn our own light back on and never allow life to snuff it out. What my meditation showed me too was each cloud's light, more powerful than the dark spots. And our light can be activated and brightened simply by intending it to be so. That by brightening our cloud, we brighten other clouds we don't even have to touch. For example, your light, on some psychic level, can light up someone else across the globe. Some of us are "ignitors" and if you are a very resilient human, than that is something you are tasked with in order to ascend your karma; being strong in your own light in order to ignite, and heal, the world. The advice today is very much to play, to dream. Remember the magic of a rainbow. Hang upside down from a tree and feel what it's like when the ground becomes the sky.
Namaste ❤