Card Reading for December 17, 2019

Card reading for 12/17/19. Very clear theme here today and it is one of pwer and success. I included the candle in my photo today because I'm hearing very strongly in my head 'boldness' and 'courage' and 'power in the light.' If you are doing light work on this earth, you must believe in your work now more than ever. You must also understand there are those out there who do not love your successes and are actively working to make it harder and harder for you to do so. But consider this: are these people (or systems) merely reflecting back to you your own self-doubt? I've been meditating heavily on the upcoming conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, happening January 12, 2020. This is VERY much about your power and your perception of what is in authority over you. Preceding the conjunction, we walk through the Capricorn and Cancer eclipse gateway. These next few weeks is as major a doorway as we will see for a very long time, a doorway into the next phase of our lives, and really, life as we know it on planet earth. The question is, are you entering the next phase of your life in shackles? Yes, things could get pretty hairy for a minute, much like the tangle of woods in our 6 of Wands, because those who perceive themselves to be in control do not like to be challenged, but...challenge, we must! What we know about the 6 of Wands is that it represents wins against small challenges, and in the end, small is all it ever is. YOU are the World card here today and you are learning that you manifest your successes when you own your power and believe that you deserve. The 9 of Cups is saying 'why on earth would you think you dont deserve to succeed in the first place?' The energy of the next few weeks is asking us to look deeply at our self worth and work through any barriers or blocks that keep us small....since that's so easy, right? This is going to feel like restraint from the outside. This is going to be some challenges, but nothing we can't handle, and handle it, we will. Once we do so, we can walk through this gateway and turn to our percieved restraints and say 'you have no power here anymore.' I hope this makes sense today...i'm outta space.

