Card Reading for December 10, 2019

Card reading for 12/10/19. This is a very appropriate spread for the Gemini full moon I think as the first two cards are opposites in some ways, echoing the confusion playing out in the cosmos at this moon. But just like i wrote in my Gemini moon horoscope yesterday, clarity does come for us, just not right away. In the first card, the 3 of Pentacles, we see you have had some successes, your work is paying off in some way, perhaps you are even getting some recognition. It feels good and it's showing. This is normally a card that's encouraging you to keep going and I believe it still is here today, but with a hitch. You can't keep going the way you have been, nobody can for very long without some help. With the 8 of Cups, it tells me it's time to think seriously before proceeding because in your gut, you know it's time to let go of something. What, though? Gemini is about duality and contradictions and complexity. Gemini is the many facets that can come together to make a single human. But it can also be quite literal, as in one human DOing too many things. Juggling too much. Does this sound true for you? Gemini struggles to make choices because Gemini knows that literally every path is an equal and viable option. But your body knows, and choose, you must. The question is, what is the choice? Follow your heart or follow logic? This is an answer the tarot cannot give, but it does offer an avenue for which to figure it out. 4 of Swords says rest, isolation and meditation. This card is similar to the Hermit, however, it is a minor arcana and therefore, it calls for a very brief rest (which seems to be a recurring theme in my readings, lately.) If you study the 4 of Swords you notice the little lamb is quite happy in his rest and with his rest, his 3rd eye lights up. What is the 3rd eye? This is where our heart and logic work together to illuminate the truest and most aligned path for our lives. We all have a 3rd eye and we can all access its wisdom with just a little bit of intentional quiet. Next week, clarity comes I promise you, and a clear choice makes itself known. For now, i advise you to simply rest and clear the dusty path for it.

Namaste 🙏
