Card reading for 1/21/2020. Oh, the Sun thank ya Jesus. I don't know about you guys, but I literally felt the shift in energy yesterday as the Sun moved from Capricorn to Aquarius. For the first time in several weeks I didn't feel the dark cloud of doom looming in the background of my life! You know, like maybe things are going to work out alright? Kinda like we know they always do, but it's nice to really feel it. You are protected, my friends. The Sun promises this and there is no greater power in the solar system than our Sun. If you study the occult, you know the Sun is Jesus or Son. The Sun is here for us, whether we see him or not, whether we feel him in the freezing cold of winter or not; he is here. The Sun always wants to help us get back to who we are when we are without the worries and pressures of adulthood, the inner child. What is your inner child like? Who are you when you surrender worry? I really love the Page of Pentacles in this deck because she wants to do things, she dreams, but she is still grounded and practical. She wants to create a rich and beautiful life, in fact, beauty is her gift and she sometimes forgets the power to heal and help that is held within something so simple as beauty. But think about a rainbow or a rose...or a piece of classical rich and whole do feel when you gaze upon such beautiful things? To be able to create beauty is a blessing. The Page trusts that the Sun looks out for her, honors her gifts, and surrounds her in a protective rainbow bubble. I notice that in the 9 of Pentacles we see that it forms a nest of protection, as well. I believe this reading is saying you are very protected because you offer up your gifts in service of something greater. Whatever your dreams are, if you follow them practically, you will always be provided for because your gifts are of value. I feel very much like this was a fresh reminder of why some of us are here. A creative life can feel undervalued, I know...because like its 2020 and who has time or money for art anymore? But this is a false story. God has everything if you think about it. The one thing he doesn't have is what you have yet to create.