Card reading for 10/1/19. Do you believe if you ask for help that it will come? This message has come through strong for me in meditation the last few days, that I need to make it a point to remind people to ask for divine assistance. The Universe wants you to fulfill your dreams and purpose, and to be successful by your definition of successful. If you are unsure what your dreams and passions may be, look back to a happy memory in your life, of a time when you felt free and alive and time slipped away. Look to a time you felt you did something good for you and someone else felt good because of it and how fulfilling it felt to start this chain of good feelings.This memory is a place to start. We all have natural talents and why do you think that is? Maybe you are good at talking and connecting or making others feel welcome and safe. Maybe you are a good cook or writer or you are super funny like me (i joke.) Maybe you are behind the scenes tinkering with all the parts so things run smoothly. These are starting points. You have something and the world needs it.The World is changing for the better and the Universe wants you to know there is a place in this world for your unique gifts. It may not feel like it right now, but it is. Unfortunately, we as humans don't initiate changes unless we are made uncomfortable. This is what is happening on a worldwide scale at this time. We are being made reeeeally uncomfortable because it's time. We have to go through this weird bullshit so we can wake up and realize 'oh hey this is bullshit' and 'there must be more to my life.' Many people on earth badly desire change at this time, but don't know how to begin or what to do next. The cards would like to remind you today to simply ask for assistance. Just come out and say it "Universe, will you please help me?" Tell the Universe your intention, whatever it may be, and ask for guidance, clarity, strength, etc., whatever you need, and then look to the signs you receive. Accept them. Trust them. The Universe always comes through because we are all connected here and therefore what fulfills you, fulfills someone else and so on, fulfilling the whole Universe.
Namaste 💚