Card of the day: The Hanged Man. Have you been waiting on something? Perhaps you've begun to doubt your path again. First if all, this reading is all major arcana, so however this pertains to you, it is significant. The Hanged Man is a card of limbo, it is neither good nor is simply a period of pause. It is the card of Pisces, so perhaps you have been reflecting over matters of spirituality or creativity. Perhaps you've simply been indecisive. Either way, cosmic help is on its way. The Star brings hope and high energy. The Hierophant offers tangible assistance and prospects. I feel that the new moon in Libra on Monday will act as a trigger for many wonderful new opportunities to come via connecting with other people. That's what the Hierophant is, he someone in a place to offer you what you have needed in order to get to the next step along your journey. This is no free gift, btw. The Hierophant is the Taurus card and with this energy he recognizes your hard work above all else. He values your value. He honors your dedication to matters of feminity, such as beauty, art, music, performance, poetry, food, and anything good for planet Earth. Taurus appreciates the "finer things" and will put his money (or energy) in support of what he values. The Star is the Aquarius card and so this tells me that this assistance is for the benefit of not only you, but the collective, as well. The Star colors every reading with hope and so this week I say allow yourself to be hopeful. Allow yourself to believe in you. Understand the value your unique gifts bring to the world and have faith that the cosmos see you being you. Above all, believe that good things come to you with faith and in time.
Namaste 💜