Card of the day: The World

Card of the day: The World. Yay! So, to be honest I haven't been able to read my cards because life has been just kinda kicking my ass this last couple of weeks. Well, actually, this whole summer has kind of sucked the life force right out of me. But I will say this, I have felt a shift in the last couple of days and I have been waiting to see if it's a for real shift or just a little hump in the middle of the shitstorm that has been life in the recent weeks. The cards are really coming in today with a strong message that you're safe to relax and enjoy life right now. The World is the ultimate completion card. You are at an ending of what has been a difficult cycle. Many of us have been in our own version of this and are ready to shift the energy. The 6 of Swords echoes this message in a more minor way, it is the rainbow after the storm and it tells you to trust that you are now sailing in the direction of sunnier skies. The 10 of Cups, our center card, is a card of emotional happiness and contentment. The Universe wants you to smile and be happy. Life is always going to be a bumpy ride, but you'll get breaks. You get time for happiness too and it's important not to miss out on those times by worrying about the future or being hung up in the past. The time is now so take it. We also see the rainbow brought to our attention in each of these cards. The rainbow is a strong symbol of hope, and to see it reiterated in each card, the Universe is asking you to dive deeper into this symbol. I don't have space to do that for you here, but it's something you might benefit from studying on your own. What does it mean for you?

Namaste πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸŒˆ


Card of the day: 8 of Pentacles

Card of the day: 8 of Pentacles. Today's message is simple. Focus on the work of your soul (8 of Pentacles,) let go of control (4 of Pentacles,) and all will fall into place; all will be right and fair (Justice.) Sometimes we get hung up in the results of our work. Will it be good? Will it make me more money? But when our minds are stuck in the mode of wanting to know the end result, we lose sight of the fact that the work itself is why our souls are here on this earth, not the results. 8 of Pentacles is a card of apprenticeship and mastery, more specifically, it is mastery of work that is close to your heart, such as a hobby or talent. You can see the spider weaves her beautiful and intricate web. For the observer, this is a delicate piece of art, but for the spider, it is her home. It is necessary for her survival. Is she able to recognize its beauty? I don't know. This is where we may differ from spiders, because your craft, whatever it may be, is just as necessary for your survival, too, for your soul's expansion, but perhaps you do recognize the beauty in your gifts. In your heart, perhaps you know why you have chosen this life, but perhaps you don't see how to make it tangible for yourself. Well, dont fear because the Universe knows your natural gifts and talents and it wants you to expand in these areas because it is your gifts that are the real blessings to others. 4 of Pentacles shows security in this. Its message is that you ARE safe. But it is a card that shows some anxiety, fear of loss, and holding on too tightly to how you think things should be going. However, by doing this, you are not allowing things to flow to you. For now, simply embrace the work and don't think about the 'hows' and the 'whys.' The Justice card is a powerful card of karmic fairness. You are not be forgotten. Your work matters. Justice wants you to know that you will be taken care of by the Universe when you do your soul'swork, but you must learn to trust. Study the ebb and flow and how what you give always returns to you in time. Say to yourself today, "I am safe" and envision yourself held in the arms of, or in the light of, a higher power as you go about your work

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: The Star

Card of the day: The Star. By the light of the Star there is always hope. One thing to remember when reading a tarot spread is that the major arcana cards always win. The higher the card, the more influence it has. The major arcana shows you the phase you are in. The minor arcana, are just that: minor. Minor arcana are the details by which the major arcana cards are expressed. When the minors are ominous looking, try to remember that it is merely the detail of the major, merely a passing circumstance. Look to the majors for the overall story. Here today we have the Star, a major arcana, so we know that regardless of the circumstances that unfold around us, we will carry a sense of hope. Next to the 3 of Cups and the 7 of Wands, two minor arcana cards. These cards will tell us how our theme plays out. Firstly, these are all relatively positive cards, so yay. The 3 of Cups is indicating something emotionally fulfilling with loved ones. Perhaps you'll have a lovely moment within the day among kids, family, or close friends that brings you hope. Perhaps you'll spend some time among the trees and birds as the illustration indicates, for nature is always healing and hopeful. Yes, it can be that literal. The 7 of Wands indicates creative success through some kind of opposition. Perhaps you'll have a small victory today that with your creative projects that brings you hope, but it is a win that has not come easy. Maybe you spent yesterday writing your heart out in a blog, but mercury retrograde made it nearly damn impossible to publish, like me. But today it is finished and published with ease. Maybe it turned out to be perfect timing because it brought you a larger audience, bringing you hope, once more for your creative work. Whatever the cards indicate for you, the general sense it leaves you with is hope and healing. Enjoy the positive vibe today, enjoy your loved ones, get out in nature, and remember that any setbacks will unfold in perfect time.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ


Card of the day: Ace of Pentacles

Card of the day: Ace of Pentacles. This looks really refreshing. Firstly, we have Temperance as our center card. Temperance is a very positive card that signifies healing. Today it is surrounded by the Ace of Pentacles and the King of Pentacles. Pentacles represent the physical, material world. This could be your body healing, and for some this may be so. Perhaps you'll cross path with the right doctor or healer now (King of Pentacles) who can initiate a new and prosperous journey of healing for you (Ace.) However, I can also read this as a financial healing. If you've been hurting for money, I think you are going to get some help, either from the Universe or an actual person (King) who can move you closer your most abundant path. Whatever this is, I feel there is a shift coming in and it has Saturnian reward written all over it to me. Have you done your due diligence? What I see here is efforts paying off just when you began to think they would not. Trust your work and know your value as it will be reflected back to you. With this reading I'd advise you to be open to any offers made or opportunities that spring up in the next couple of days, as well, as they could be very fruitful financially and beneficial to your overall well-being. Bottom line, your healing vibe is getting "out there" and your own healing will be made so soon.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 🧑

#twu #thewildunknown #tarot #tarotreading #temperance #healing #aceofpentacles


Card of the day: The Moon

Card of the day: The Moon. There is so much mystery in the cosmos for the month of August, and for the last month or so, really. Currently we are between eclipses....yes, we are STILL between eclipses. Between eclipses is a vague time. Things are in flux between eclipses and while a lot is happening, it's not always clear where it leads. This eclipse season has been a hefty one, for sure, 3 eclipses versus the usual 2. But it is so because it is calling for our attention. It's time to evolve. The Moon in the tarot has many meanings, which is what makes it such a mystery. It can magical fantastical meaning, but it can also carry the meaning of deception and secrets. The Moon in the sky is a reflection of the Sun's light, so we must remember that the stories we create under the Moon are not always what is true. The Sun is our true essence and in times of confusion and uncertainty, it is best to connect with the sun. Get outside and meditate, I say. The 8 of Swords here represents a feeling of restriction. Let me tell you something, there are 5 planets retrograde at the moment, 6 if you count stationing Uranus, 7 if you count Chiron. Retrogrades slow down us down. Trust me, no one is moving at the pace they would like to be right now. ALL the heavy hitters are retro. Our saving grace are the benefits, Jupiter and Venus, moving forward and, of course, the Sun and Moon that never retrograde. Focus your energy on staying optimistic (Jupiter) and staying heart centered (Venus.) The Knight of Pentacles appears again today, but this time he asks you to keep plowing away at your path. See how he aims for the swords that keep the butterfly bound? Just keep knocking them down, one at a time. Checking stuff off your list and moving forward at the pace the cosmos will allow. Check and recheck. Do and redo til you KNOW your efforts are worthy. The Knight of Pentacles is a doer. He is confident and consistent in his work. Be like him during this time and have faith that your butterfly will be free to fly again when the time is truly just right. Energy shifts a LOT by the end of August. Keep at it and have faith, my friends. We're all in it together right now.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: Wheel of Fortune

Card of the day: Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune IS change that is destined and divinely timed. You cannot turn it, you cannot decide when it stops either. It just is and it often remains one of life's greatest mysteries. Divine time, God's time. The Wheel turns for your own soul growth and when where you are is no longer serving your highest soul purpose. I like to believe my spirit works with God on this one....that the plan for my life was co-written and my highest self has a hand in turning my wheel. Even though my lower self is confused...hurt and even angry by it, I trust my higher self to be consulting with God as they spin the Wheel together. Afterall, my soul purpose is her soul purpose and God's ultimate soul purpose for me. What I see in these cards today is the Wheel turning towards a new and richer version of life. Abundance IS what the 10 of Pentacles brings; abundance and stability and a life that is content and secure. But I also intuit that what it is bringing is VERY different than the vision of abundance we had for ourselves. The point is, it's there for us. Front and center, brought in by God's own hand. The key in this reading is that I also see the low octave of the Knight of Pentacles, aka, stubbornness, pushing against this change and God's gift. Why resist it so? The lunar eclipse in Aquarius last week was conjunt retrograde Mars on the South Node. For the non astrology nerds, this is an energy of massive and difficult letting go. Mars involved here brings the anger and the resistance to this change. Aquarius is the dream! Where Aquarius lands in your chart is your big life vision and dream. Mars wants it his way. The cosmos are telling you to let it go. The cosmos are calling for radical faith from you. Do what you need to do and trust that God hears your prayers and answers them in ways that are godly...which means you may not "grasp" it in the moment. Trust anyways. We pulled the Wheel earlier in the week and so this message is trying to be heard. I also note today that we pulled two 10s. 10s are the gateway to new beginnings. 9 are the ending, 10s are the portal. Close your eyes and walk through it.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: 6 of Pentacles

Card of the day: 6 of Pentacles. Good news! You made it through the first two eclipses. This has been a really dramatic time in the cosmos and we aren't even finished. There will be another solar eclipse at 18Β° Leo on the 11th of August. However, the next eclipse is feeling much more light to me...of course, this is just my intuition talking, as I have not yet studied the aspects this Leo eclipse brings. What I can say is this, if you have struggled through the last month, you can know that you have entered a moment of grace (6 of Pentacles.) Use this time to relax and spend quality time with the ones who have been slighted by the chaos of the last few weeks (6 of Pentacles.) Times are indeed changing (Wheel,) and a karmic "righting" is being done (Justice.) You can count on this as the Wheel and the Justice carry a strong message when they come as a pair. Balance is being restored and circumstances are being put to where they should be. Trust this reset, even if it has been difficult. Wrongs ARE being made right. But so is the reverse of this message. If you have been on a moral high horse, the Universe is bringing you back to earth where you stand equal to everyone else. You MUST release your resentment and anger for it is not your place to serve justice upon another lest it be served upon you. The Universe is ultimately loving, I believe this, but moreso, it is fair and balanced. We cannot, as human beings, take this balance for granted (6 of Pentacles.) We must continue to trust the timing of the Universe, even under the most stressful conditions. Lesson learned. What I sense from the 3rd and final eclipse forthcoming, however, is a doorway opening and a chance at a new beginning that is centered in heart energy (Leo.) Leo is the light of your heart. Leo is your love, confidence, creativity, fun, youthfulness, and play. Begin to channel this energy now and envision where you wish it to take you in the months to come.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: The Devil

Card of the day: The Devil. We are two days away from an extremely potent lunar eclipse in Aquarius, conjunct Mars retrograde on the south node of the moon. This is a major eclipse, the longest lunar eclipse in a very long time, so it is no surprise to me that we pulled the Moon. The Moon is a card of mystery. The Moon is fluid and while it has an energy and meaning of its own, it is also flavored with the cards around it and the planets and signs that it talks to in the sky. As we approach this lunar eclipse (an energy of opposition) we also have a square to Uranus, a planet of unpredictability, in the sign of Taurus, a sign that loves predictability! Needless to say, its volatile out there. Uranus especially doesn't like Taurus because of its inflexibility and control and it wants to shake this shit up more than usual. Are you feeling this? Mars retro on the south node is speaking of past energy, the karmic shit and patterns you try to bury. The hard stuff. Mars is the planet of your base instinctual energy. I believe the Devil here represents this base energy. This is "old you" coming out. Are you reacting? Are you turning to old habits and patterns you thought you'd outgrown? This is so not news during eclipse season, but hey...YOU ARE BEING TRIGGERED. This is for your evolution and yes, it basically sucks. Lunar eclipses bring up emotional shit (sorry for my overuse of the word 'shit' but that is my truth today!) Meanwhile, Jupiter still transits Scorpio, the sign of our darkness and shit, bringing light and expansion there. This is a test, you guys. 7 of Pentacles is a test. It pauses your progress to test you. This is a necessary test, a difficult test and you're going to feel like you can't handle it. I want you to know that you can. Try to relax this week. Try to ground. Hunker down and face yourself. We must remember, we are never alone, but also try to understand we are all experiencing our shit right now and we can't save others or be saved by others. Mars retrograde on the south node means this is for YOU to handle. You can do it and so can I. I promise there is lighter energy on the other side of this. Hang in I got today.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: Queen of Cups

Card of the day: Queen of Cups. 5 cards today.... I pulled my usual three and then two more fell out and thank goodness because after seeing what my three were, I would have had to pull more to understand them anyways. Immediately I notice the perfect water match, the King and Queen of Cups. Water is emotions, so this is balance of emotions here, but sandwiched in between is the Queen of Swords. Two Queens, also meaningful. Two Queens is typical of drama. This reading is speaking very much to dualism and balance as I see we also have the 2 of Pentacles; a card that calls for maintaining balance. The Queen of Swords here is acting as a block, literally sending the masculine water aspect and the feminine water aspect away from each what does this Air Queen represent? In her positive aspect, she is wise, experienced, resilient, and strong. In her negative aspect however, (and how I'm reading her today,) she is bitter, cutting, and ruthless. Air represents our thoughts and self-talk. What this tells me is that it's time to check your thoughts. What are you saying to yourself? Because you are blocking your own emotional balance, at this point. When your emotions are out of balance your physical world becomes imbalanced too (2 of Pentacles) and this creates a cycle of chaos and unhappiness. It's pretty basic spirituality to know that thoughts with feelings behind them, become things. If you know you're negative right now, this is going to require work on your end. Desire and effort. The mean Queen of Swords in you may say it's pointless to try at this point, but it's time to shut her up. What I see here is that even the slightest effort to shift your thoughts in a more positive direction will have quick results (8 of Wands) and could lead to some exciting things. 8 of Wands represents positive activity involving creative and spiritual business, it can represent travel, it can also represent new love rushing in and since we have the King and Queen of Emotions here, this could likely be the case. Our self-talk is always creating, regardless of intention. The advice today is to tune into your self-talk and make sure it's creating in your favor.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: 3 of Cups

Card of the day: 3 of Cups. Wow...well, if this was a personal reading I would say we have a marriage on the horizon or a legal matter is coming to a successful close. This is a general reading, however, so the interpretation is a little more broad. The 3 of Cups is cause for a celebration. It is happy times with our closest loved ones. Justice typically represents legal situations, but it can also read on a more karmic or universal level. Perhaps there is a legal situation coming to a close for you....or honestly, looking at this, I could see surprise legal situations popping up here such as hidden or lost money or inheritance. If so, this looks to end in your favor. But if it is more karmic in nature, it has been a trying situation youve had to endure. The Universe is fair here, though, and you are being rewarded for the energy you have put forward. This reading is rewards of a monetary or material nature. The King of Pentacles is a wealthy, stable, and secure dude. He values home, he values nice things. He is quality over quantity any day. But the key to this king is that he is a hardworker. He is extremely dedicated, trustworthy, and commited. He earns everything he has and knows he deserves what comes to him in return. He understands his own worth...this is big. In relationship, he does not settle and once he finds his match, he works hard to keep her. In our reading he represents this energy of reaping what you sow...but also of knowing your worth. This is not an easy lesson for all of us. Regardless of whether he represents a person or an energy to embody, this is energy that will benefit you on a physical, tangible way. You will reap what you've sown and from the looks of it, you will be pleased. Bottom line: work hard, be good to people, and know your worth. It comes back to you. I love this reading today.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card of the day: Judgement

Card of the day: Judgement. These cards never fail to awe me. Very relevant in my little world my Grandpa is now reunited with his Love today. The Judgment is the card of karma. What I see here in this reading is that karmic debts have been paid...and you are free to love again. The way Judgement is placed here with the Page of Wands and the 3 of Cups, this tells me that there has been a release of deep karma around love. Has something been held up for you around love? Have you been separated from your love or even lonely for a love you've never experienced in this life? Have you dreamt of love so great, but not been able to make it tangible for so long? Have you understood why that might be? If not, expect your clarity soon. If so, know that the Universe is always fair and merciful and you can expect your pain to ease very soon. The Universe only wants you to appreciate what is yours, know that it is precious, and never to be taken for granted. If we slip, it let's us know in mysterious ways, ways that can be quite painful. But the Judgement card is very clear and final, as it is the 2nd highest card in the Tarot. It is saying you have understood the lesson here and you are set free now. The common thread between the Judgement and the 3 of Cups is "reunion." Together with the Page of Wands, (our messenger of spirit in the Tarot) I believe this is a reunion of a love on deep spiritual plane. Soulmates. The 3 of Cups is also cause for celebration. When this love is reunited again, please remember to celebrate every breath within it. Never forget the heartache of your separation and treasure this love like the diamond it is.

Namaste 🧑


Card of the day: Queen of Wands

Card of the day: Queen of Wands. The Queen of Wands has endless amounts of energy, she is outgoing, pleasant, and beloved by many. She she is fiery and creative, social and magnetic. The court cards are a bit fuzzy in readings sometimes because they can be people you know, but they can also represent you, or they can even be energies for you to embody in order to best to go about what is your heart's desire. What I see here today as she is with the 5 of Cups is a humbling of this Queen. The dark side of this Queen could be her arrogance... Did she get ahead of herself? This Queen can do it all, yes, but she is not exempt from loss or disappointment. She is facing that here today. If you have worked towards something that has failed or lost someone you love, perhaps someone you took for granted, is natural to grieve that loss. It is natural to go over in your mind and feel regret. What I know to add to this message is that we must also trust in the higher plan of life in these times. We are what we are in this world. We have only the life tools we have been given to do the things we do. Life plays out as it should so that we can learn what we each came here to learn and that looks different for every single human being. Release judgment of yourself and others and leave that in the hands of the Universe.Β  The Universe will always present you with another go around and it is giving you exactly that with a newfound sense of clarity here in the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords is a powerful new beginning, but it is a sword and it all swords have two sides. You must always use this sword wisely or be cut again. Take what you have learned from your loss and do better with it this time.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: 2 of Cups

Card of the day: 2 of Cups. The 2 of Cups is usually a card of romance, but I like to look at the surrounding cards for clarity. However, this card is always a deep soul connection card. This can be platonic as well, siblings, friends, business partners, etc. It is someone you jive with and feel you have known lifetimes before. Today it is here with the 3 of Swords and the 10 of Cups. This tells me this is definitely a situation with someone you are in a romantic pairing with, or have romantic feelings for, or even perhaps more accurately, someone you WERE in a romantic pairing with. Perhaps there have been troubles waters, timing issues, separation by distance, or even literal physical obstacles in the way of this pairing like another person. The 3 of Swords speaks of painful separations, breakups, loneliness, heartache, etc. Have you lost someone you love? The pain of the 3 of Swords is so great, it's unbearable really. It's a card of much turmoil, both mentally and emotionally. You are correct in assuming this person is a soul mate as you are bound together by red cord representing the heart (Two of Cups, 3 of Swords.) But there is much good news in this reading because we end it on the 10 of Cups. The 10 is a card of emotional happiness and healing. Whatever this situation has been for you, you can know that it ends very soon. That it heals as it should and emotional fulfillment can be yours again. Is it with this person? That is hard to say. What I see here is healing and mending of the heart. But only you know how this looks. What I can say is we have a solar eclipse happening today in the sign of Cancer. Cancer represents our deepest emotional, soul needs. A solar eclipse here represents a new beginning in this area of your life. You deserve not only for your emotional needs to be met, but to be surpassed. You are beautiful and deserving. Remember that as you set your intentions with this moon. In true love, we do not need to suffer. In true love, we feel the difference because we are set free. I wish you a happy Cancer New Moon Eclipse, everyone, and I wish you all the love.

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: The Magician

Card of the day: The Magician. I always love the Magician. Tomorrow we have a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer and it is very obvious to me that this reading is speaking of it today. With Pluto in Capricorn and in exact opposition to the Sun and Moon, this is set to be a powerfully transformative eclipse. What I see here in this reading is pure magic. Expect the unexpected...expect to be transformed, because what we have here is an abundance of fire an water. The Magician is just that, he is magic in the way of action and pure infinite potential, the spark of a massive flame. He is the fire element that get things moving. Next we have the The King of Wands, more fire. The King of Wands is like lightning striking, things happen around him in the blink of an eye. The Queen of Cups is next, our water lady. She is mystical and psychic, magic in her way of knowing the unknown.Β  Finally we have the Moon, water again, specifically the Cancer card. The moon represents mystery and illusion, but also magic under the right conditions. What I see here are the right conditions. What is an eclipse? It is bringing together the Sun (Fire) and Moon (Water.) Fire and water don't typically jive, but what they do do is cause a change in a dramatic way and powerful way. Fire causes water to bubble and boil. My advice with this reading is to hone and own this electric energy. Make the change you need to make while you have the cosmos on your side. You have what you need, you are the Magician. What is boiling deep inside of you? Make it so before you evaporate. Let go and know that the Universe will provide all that you need. Just take the first step, the one step that scares you most.


Namaste 🧑 


Card of the day: The Devil

Card of the day: The Devil. As I shuffled the cards today I asked for a specific message regarding Jupiter going direct tomorrow, July 10th, in the sign of Scorpio. I believe this message is very clear. Do not focus on the material matters (Devil.)Β  The Devil has many interpretations, but almost always he represents our base or root chakra. Today he represents fear. There is a voice within each of us that constantly "wants" from a place of fear, and when you get to the base of the fear, usually it's a fear of death. I want more money because I am afraid I will end up homeless... and die. I want health because I am afraid my body will get sick....and die. This is human. But what you must understand is that this fear of death only comes because we know we have not lived, not fully, at least not how we know we should. How do you quiet this? The 6 of Pentacles. The 6 of Pentacles is the step by step process to releasing fear. To me, this card is always a reminder to practice gratitude. This card asks you to look at what you have and know that it is worthy and enough. Be grateful for it. The 6 of Pentacles asks that you give back with your presence. Being present for those in your life will be smiled upon by the cosmos (Chariot.) The Chariot is the Champ of the tarot. He wins, he gains, he accomplishes... through action. You are on track here. You are doing what needs to be done to materialize your desires. There is no need to focus on whether it is enough. It is. And this will be revealed to you in a more tangible way very soon. This is what Jupiter in Scorpio does. Scorpio shows us our fears, Jupiter expands and intensifies everything it touches. Retro in Scorpio he tests his expansion of our fears! If you have been feeling intense, tested, or fearful, just know that this is in line with the cosmic energy. But Jupiter is ready to go direct and release this. He likes to reward and his timing is perfect with the solar eclipse in Cancer. The Chariot shows you have passed this test and now things will get rolling. Material gains, whatever this may mean for you, are on their way. Enjoy.

Namaste πŸ’œ


Card of the day: Five of Pentacles

Card of the day: 5 of Pentacles. If you are sensitive, and anyone who reads this likely is, you are feeling the buildup to the upcoming eclipses. Do you KNOW something is going to happen, but it isn't happening right now and it makes you crazy with anxiety? What I notice before eclipses are a period of stagnation yet our senses become intensified....quiet before the storm type stuff. What the Universe wants you to know is DO NOT WORRY. Worry (5 of Pentacles) is poor use of your imagination. Instead spend this powerful time visualizing (3 of Pentacles) what you DO want to happen when this doorway finally does open. A new beginning (Fool) is on it's way to you in some area of life. The Fool is the ultimate new beginning too! It helps to know where this energy is hitting in your astrological chart, that way you can focus your intentions. You can do this by googling "free natal chart" but you must know your time of birth. The upcoming eclipses begin next week with a solar eclipse in Cancer, then a lunar eclipse in Aquarius two weeks later, then a solar eclipse in Leo two weeks after that. Solar eclipses are the new beginnings. This is where you set your intentions, and with the eclipse energy behind them, make them good! Lunar eclipses are the culmination (or ending) of a prior intention. Whatever happens around this time, whatever door closes for you here, trust it and let it go... The Universe has something better for you just through the next door. Be observant and focused on the time leading up to the eclipses and most importantly in today's reading, do not waste energy on worry. Visualization and trust are your ticket.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Cups

Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Cups. At first glance, this reading is quite comical to me. Shake ups are coming at you. I like how the baby swan sweetly floats about on her little rainbow. In her own little world, this Page is, and purely due to the innocence of her heart, she can be taken off guard. But we can't forget that this is the page of water, she is deeply psychic like her mother and you can see that a part of her looks to the changes before her. Perhaps more than innocence here we have a bit of denial... "maybe if I keep on this way, I can stay in my rainbow forever" she wonders. With this page, it is a very fine line for their is no malice in her heart. She is a dreamer who truly believes all is possible. Pages are messengers in the Tarot and the Page of Cups delivers messages related to the heart. Perhaps someone unexpected shows up in your world, shaking up matters of the heart....but something about the Pages expression here tells me not so unexpected at all. Is it love? Only your heart knows this. The 8 of Wands, as illustrated, strikes like lightning. This card tells you that movement is occurring and for the comforting still waters of this Page, that can be scary. Destructive, even (Tower.) The thing about the Tower that I like to remember is that it is linked to Pluto. Yes, Pluto represents destruction, but also transformation. In evolutionary astrology, Pluto is symbolic of our deepest soul desires. Pluto is why we incarnate. So when the Tower strikes, in the midst of its chaos, the key is to trust that it is your soul creating a path for your desires to manifest. It is an essential part of the plan. Advice today is to trust this. Don't let fear or denialΒ  ruin what your heart has been asking the Universe for.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste ❀


Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Swords

Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Swords. Pages in the tarot are the messengers. Depending on the page, you can understand what kind of message is coming through for you. Swords are of the element of air, having to d ok with our mental world. The Page of Swords is quiet and observant. She notices things others do not see and this is her strength. She stores this information away and uses it to her benefit as it becomes necessary. Her message for you is always to pay attention. Today she is asking you to look at what is directly in front of you, her sword pointing the way. The Pages can represent youth, so perhaps the message is surrounding a child. Perhaps your message comes from a child, 'from the mouths of babes....' Next to the Page today is the 6 of Wands. I love the 6 of Wands, especially this illustration. Te image of the delicate blue butterfly having made its way into the light and out of the dark tangle of sticks is very poignant. The 6 of Wands represents a small triumph, and because it's wands, it is speaking of our spiritual and/or creative world. Have you asked for a sign? I believe your sign is coming. Yes, you will be affirmed. The 7 of Cups speaks of fantasy and illusion in matters of the heart. Perhaps you have been confused or are experiencing confusion. Perhaps there are too many options and you seek clarity. Or maybe you are doubting the dreams that dwell in your heart and have begun questioning your sanity. Been there! The advice today is to be keen and observant. The advice today is to look for evidence of your dreams in the reality that is directly in front of you. What do you see that affirms your vision? Focus your energy entirely on this small affirmation and watch how it grows for you today and in the days to come. We have a new moon in Gemini tomorrow andI find this reading ties into it nicely. Gemini is an air sign and very similar in nature to a butterfly. It reminds us to be light in our being and enjoy the flight. Gemini is also extremely keen mentally, and excellent at communicating. Perhaps this moon communicates with you, delivering your sign upon a butterfly's wing. Be like the Page and watch for it.

Namaste πŸ¦‹πŸ§‘πŸ¦‹


Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Cups

Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Cups. Knights in the tarot show us how and where to take action in our lives. This particular Knight is extremely imaginative, a dreamer and romantic at heart. What makes him so are his deep emotions. He does not bury his feelings; it is impossible for him to do so anyways. No, this knight thrives when he expresses what he feels. It's these emotions that make him extremely creative. He is an artist, a writer, maybe a poet. If you are reading this and if you relate to this character, please know that your creativity is much needed in this world. It is your gift to give. The message in this reading today is focus on the "work" of your heart, for the expressions of your heart ARE being noticed and "judged" by the Universe right now, so do not feel discouraged. Judgment is not a bad card, in fact, it is quite good if you have been doing what your heart guides you to do with your life. The Judgment card is often referred to as the karma card. 'What you sow, so shall you reap,' that is the message in the Judgement. If you have not been seeing the results of your efforts, this is a turn for you. If you have not been working, this is a sign for you to get on it. The 9 of Pentacles, front and center in our reading, is the reward for you. This 9 speaks of tangible successes through the efforts you put forward. It speaks of financial independence and abundance, which i mean, lets face it, money is why we work. It a bonus when it happens to be work we love. Which this appears to be. I like this reading and it feels very timely.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 🧑


Card of the day: The Fool

Card of the day: The Fool. I haven't pulled the Fool in awhile, but what I love about this reading is I saw him coming in my mind's eye before I pulled him today. That tells me something. The Fool is an opportunity. He is the first card in the major arcana marking the beginning of a new phase. In the tarot, the major arcana represent a phase that you are in, while the minor arcana represents the details of the phase. The Fool represents first steps, optimism, but in the form of innocence or naivete. His message is to take the leap! He comes today with a most positive card to assist you in the leap, the Star, reminding you that it's ok to hope right now. Have faith and the Universe will catch you! The leap could be inspired by the King of Cups, so this could be love. Cups are of the water element, representing our emotions. This King could be a water sign male that you meet and feel for, or he could be a water sign man that has a creative opportunity for you. Or both. Whatever it is, let go and take the leap. This is good for you and you'll be glad you did. Somewhere in you knows this is what you've been asking for.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website at:

Namaste πŸ’œ
