Card reading for the week of 1/28/2019. A beautiful trio of cards, I must say. The Sun shines positively on all things, no matter its placement. The Fool tells us an opportunity sits before us, along with a choice. Do we take the leap and leave the comfort of our nest? The Sun affecting this card most definitely says 'yes.' Cosmically, I believe this reading is harkening the sextile (sextiles bring opportunities) between Neptune and Saturn, becoming exact this week. Neptune, while fantastic and spiritual, is nebulous and ungrounded (The Fool.) It represents the bigger picture or the dreams you hold for yourself with this one life. What are they? Saturn (King of Pentacles) is the hard work and dedication it takes to manifest those dreams into reality. We have 2 major arcana cards this week, the Sun and the Fool, which tells me that this is a turning point in the journey or a new phase. The choices you make now will mark the next chapter of your life. With both the Sun and the King of Pentacles, this choice (Fool) will bring a sense of both inner and outer stability, abundance, and happiness. Saturn is a difficult teacher, remember that. He wants you to work hard and understand what you are working for. He represents restrictions and karma, but most importantly, WISDOM. Notice we jump from the naivety of the Fool to the wisdom of the King with the optimism of the Sun in tact. Saturn pays based what you have earned. Have you been working hard? Pay attention to what this comes up this week. If it's not much or if you feel you've not been working hard, just know that this sextile will come exact 3 times this year because of the retrograde periods, meaning there are more opportunities ahead. My advice today is to say 'yes' to the dream, take the leap, and get to work.
Namaste 💜