Card reading for 3/19/19. It is interesting to me, and not surprising at all, that there is a theme of looking back here in this reading today. The moon is nearly full in Libra, the sign of relationships. Mercury is retrograding in Pisces, the sign of karma. I do not doubt that many of us are reviewing our past relationship karma and wondering, 'was this complete?' 'Am I karmically correct to move on?' The 10 of Pentacles indicates a sense of security and safety in your material life. When things feel chaotic or even just new and different, safety in things tangible is appealing, of course. Remember though that many of us have no idea what a healthy relationship even looks like. We look back on what is known and it feels safe, but that does not mean it's good for us...its just what we know. Sometimes what is good for us is actually quite repelling, because it challenges us to be better versions of ourselves and that can be so foreign from our norm. Notice we have the 6 of Cups next. The 6 of Cups indicates a feeling of nostalgia and happy memories. I love how this aligns with Mercury retrograde in Pisces because Pisces is also the sign of rose-colored glasses. Mercury retrograde here, well, things are not necessarily as we recall them to be. There is no doubt that with this mercury retro/full moon on Libra combo, we are being called to look back in order to move forward. But one thing to remember, there is a reason things did not work out. Lastly we have the High Priestess. The High Priestess is representative of our own higher knowing. She looks back at her past but the beauty of her is that she can discern. The look on her face says it all. She knows what is in the past is a piece of us, but more importantly, she knows it must remain there. She knows there is only forward motion in life. There is a lot of cosmic (and karmic) energy right now around relationships. Take this time to review things, it is natural process, of course, but get in touch with your inner High Priestess before you do so. She knows what is good for you. She is your way forward.
Namaste 💜