Card reading for 3/12/19. There is a very clear theme here: that of endings and loss. Notice the numbers, two 10s and the Judgement card, key 20 (two 10s.) 10s are endings, yet portals into the new. The 5s always bring a bit of confusion with their element, in this case, water or emotions. With the 5 of Cups we feel sad, we feel hopeless about something. The 5 of Cups faces the 10 of Pentacles and the 10 of Swords. Perhaps you have reached a pinnacle in your material world. Perhaps you have accomplished all your mental goals, such as, diplomas and degrees and statuses. Maybe you have mastered the physical plane by the standards of your neighbor, and yet, it does not bring you the satisfaction you were after. Perhaps it has left you feeling empty? Perhaps you are wondering 'what has been the point?' These cards are pointing to your death, but not in the way you think of it. This is an ego death. What is the real purpose of your life? Why are you here? Is it to acquire a bunch of stuff? Is it to be right all the time? Is it to be the smartest smart person? The Judgment card is your highest self asking you to examine your purpose again. Look back at your life and see what it is that has truly felt good in your soul. Has it been the money? Or the stuff? The social media likes? No. Every moment you have ever felt truly happy and truly purposeful and ALIVE has been when you were fully present in the very moment in which you are existing. Right now. Very simple. What is it that brings you into the present moment? This is a very personal question and only you can answer it. If you do not know off the top of your head, then might I suggest that you get out of your head by going to your breath. Simply breathe. Simply be. The cosmos want you to know that it is never too late to figure out your purpose....and the beauty is that your life has been full of hints. I believe there are no mistakes in life, but we can (and should!) learn. You can forge new paths and new karma. You do have the answers. Let go of the past, let go of the ego that holds onto pain and trauma and false drives and allow yourself to forgive. Allow the truth to come through.
Namaste 💜