Card of the day: The Star. The 7 of Wands in this reading comes in the position that we are looking towards and it calls on us to have courage today. It tells us to look within and get to the root of what it is we are seeking. What you want in this life exists, even if you don't physically see it yet, even when perhaps you look a little crazy from any other perspective. In reality, something may not be working out as you thought it would, or perhaps not as easily. But this is just a step along the way. Rest assured that you are not alone. The Universe has been slowing things down majorly for ALL of us over the last 6 months to test us (7 of Wands.) We have all had to be the spark to our own inner flame. But the Star and the 6 of Pentacles is a very strong pair to color this reading. Together these two offer new prospects, new beginnings, and healing, just in the knick of time. And of course, together they offer hope and much to be grateful for. The good things in life are worth the effort, are they not? The good things are worth the crazy roller coaster of doubt and they are most definitely worth the wait. With Venus retrograde in the sign of Scorpio we are being asked to get to the stripped down, nitty gritty version of our desires. In Scorpio, Venus asks us to peel away the layers of nonsense and fluff to understand our truest part of our nature and our deepest spiritual needs and desires. Trust that she is doing so. Trust that she is showing you how let go of what no longer serves you and get to what is "real" and truly valuable for you now in this lifetime. It may not look like you thought it would. It will likely look absolutely inconceivable through the eyes of anyone else....but how does it feel to YOU? What does your heart say? This is what matters. Let the cosmos do their work right now, even if it's tough. It's supposed to be tough. But believe in yourself and keep hope and gratitude in your heart, KNOWING that what you seek is seeking you....and will be with you when the time is truly right for it.
Namaste ❤