Card of the day: The Hermit

Card of the day: The Hermit.  Ok, I know I start just about every reading this way, but....I love these cards. As I was shuffling, I thought to myself, 'I think this will pertain to the Virgo new moon' (coming up on Sunday the 9th,) and sure enough, we pull the Virgo card, the Hermit. This feels like a perfect card today, btw. Where I am, it is rainy and cozy, our first hint of Autumn. A lot of my energy has gone OUT this week and today, I am feeling the call to pull inward. Ther Hermit card asks for just this... inwardness, meditation, retreat, reflection, and quiet. Things have started to stir this week, I think we've all felt it. But it requires a moment to process. We must have quiet to hear our thoughts. We must slow down to feel our feelings. Interestingly, we also pull the King of Pentacles today, which is an earth energy, as well, but my vibe on this one today is that this is referencing Saturn going direct tomorrow. I believe what the Hermit is asking us to reflect upon are our material goals (King.) What are you working towards? The last 6 months with Saturn retrograde, much of our efforts have felt fruitless. Not all of it, but it's been a nose to the grind time, and the input just hasn't matched output for a lot of people. I believe with Saturn going direct on the 6th and a positively aspected new moon in Virgo, these cards are asking us to get really focused, because we're making shit happen. Lazer in on your goals because the energy is about to really shift into high gear, because up next is the Emperor. The Emperor is the Aries card (we have an Aries full moon at the end of the month, btw.) Aries is pure masculine and forward moving energy. Aries is momentum. There is no other energy so quick and purely desire-focused as Mars-ruled, Aries. Aries is about the self. What are you desiring at your essence? And have you been focused upon it? If not, now is the time to zero in, because I believe this energy to be magical. Starting right now, we can manifest left and right, but today, just take a moment to pause. Observe your world and see what that is. Be objective and realign your focus, if needed. And then.... buckle up.

Namaste 🧡
