Card reading for February 12, 2019

Card reading for 2/12/19. Well no surprises, the week of Valentine's Day we pull the Lovers as it is likely that many of us have love and relationships on our minds. The Lovers is obviously a card of union, soulmates, choices, and balance of our masculine and feminine energies. It is the card of Gemini and so it is also the card of mirrors or twin flames. The journey of relationships is a fascinating and often confusing one. But what I can say in truth as I've learned along my own love journey is that there are false flames out there. There are those who will be attracted to your inner flame and want it for themselves. Undeserving, they will say and do anything to manipulate and confuse you, meanwhile squashing your light by draining you and feeding you lies in order to keep you small and theirs. With real love, though, there is no confusion. You know the difference. Real love lights up when you light up and vice versa. Real love wants to see you shine even brighter. The Knight of Wands today represents each of us and our own selfish ways. We all want something for ourselves and I believe there is nothing wrong with this as it is just human nature, but wanting for ourselves is one thing. It only becomes dangerous if it takes away from another. Untempered, this Knight is very capable of hurting those around him. The Universe, like it does, is constantly reminding us that balance is key. We follow up with the Temperance card. Temperance is a card of balance, healing, and compromise. Notice the water dropping on the flames of Temperance. The water represents unconditional love and sacrifice. The flames represent our own passions and desires. Water and fire should be incompatible, however, in this card we see that the two are quite conducive and necessary for reaching love on a higher, more etheric or spiritual plane (aka vapor aka the Geese in the Lovers soaring through the sky.) Here I believe the Universe is having us ask ourselves, 'what am I willing to compromise in order to lift love higher, for myself and another?' Remember that in a Universe of mirrors, by truly loving another unconditionally and giving them what they need in their time of need, you love yourself the same and it just goes up from there.

Namaste ❤
