Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Pentacles. In the tarot, the knights are cards of action and the kind of action they ask of you is determined by their suit. This Knight is of the suit of Pentacles and this means he calls for hard physical work, determination, and perseverance. What I like about this reading today is his placement. Notice how he faces the past? You have been hard at work and the cosmos are paying attention, but maybe you are wondering 'WHEN, Universe?' Dont focus on this. In the center, the Universe shows us how to create the shift. The center card is always my main focus, and today it is the 6 of Pentacles. This is truly one of my favorite cards. This card asks you to look at what is in front of and find gratitude. You have more than you realize. The 6 shows us that the buds on the branch are ready to flower. There is abundance for you and you must find ways to believe in it before it is tangible to you. The 6 of Pentacles tricks us into an abundant state of mind because a small gratitude practice only attracts more to be grateful for. Start small. What are you grateful for today? Look back (Knight) to where you were a year ago, how far have you come? In front of you is one of the greater and most significant shifts in the tarot, the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel is neither good nor bad, it just is. It's change, and by no coincidence do we sit at the doorway of change in season, the autumnal equinox and the start of Libra season this weekend. If you have been in a sewing and growing period, get excited because it is now time to reap, especially shifts in the way of your material world (Pentacles.) For creative people, this would be a great time to be promoting yourself, tying up loose ends on projects, making space for new clients, and preparing for your work to move. This reading tells me what my intuition tells me, and that is that the yang energy of the past few months is ready to get yin. Yin is the energy of receiving. If you have been working hard, take a breathe and let the abundance in.
Namaste 💜