Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles. Sometimes older isn't wiser. That's today's message. I love the Queen of Swords. She's basically a badass. She has been to hell and back again, ten times over. She's incredibly wise, sharp, tough, brave, independent, capable.....the list can go on. her darkness, she is one of the most ruthless and cutting energies in the tarot. If she cannot find peace in her pain, she will lash out in anger and the world around her will feel her wrath. The Page of Pentacles and the Justice surrounding the Queen are calling for her to heal and balance right now. Justice is showing her that her healing can be done by connecting with her innocence (Page) again. The young are perhaps wiser than the old because they are not yet tainted by trauma and pain. They approach life innocently, trusting that the world is loving and on their side. Are they wrong? No. Sure, life is a bumpy ride, but anger is no way to go about life. We are not put on earth to be bitter. Anger serves a purpose, i believe this, but we cannot stay in anger. The root of anger is always pain and our pain will continue to cycle around to us in this life as a test. When it does, we must remember to give ourselves what we didn't get when we received that wound in the first place. Love and acceptance. Presence and validation. What hurts you today? Be with it for a moment. Place your hands on your heart and send love there, to you. If you have children, hug them today and send them love, knowing that they are a piece of you. By loving them and being present with them, your own hurting inner child receives the love you longed for in your time of need. The Page of Pentacles walks openly into the meadow, innocent and curious about life's magic, unaware of danger and predators. Be like her today.
Namaste 💜🙏💜