Card of the day: 7 of Pentacles

Whatever you have been contemplating or in limbo over (7 of Pentacles) the last little while, it is time to move forward. We're talking pentacles here, so this is likely to do with finances, job, maybe even physical well-being. It feels important, though. It's an interesting reading because in the center we have the Justice card and then the Father (King) of Cups. I love the King of Cups because he just sails on with his life doing his own thing and is emotionally fulfilled for it. He represents  your spirit today I think this is the message in the reading. Follow your spirit or calling, whatever this is for you, and allow everything else to fall into place. That's what this reading shows. If it's finances you need to make a dream reality, the finances will show up. If it's paperwork for a loan or completion of a legal matter, the cosmos are working in your favor. This is the Justice card. Justice represent positive outcomes with regards to such things. I like this reading because it offers some clarity, maybe in the form of another person (King of Cups.) Perhaps you encounter someone who has just what you need to move forward. Whatever it is, the advice today is to follow your spirit. Do things you live. Be around people and places you love and jive with and allow things to take shape. Because they will, but you must act on it and not allow opportunities or gifts to sail by (King of Cups.)

I hope you have found benefit in this reading. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website: 

Namaste 💚 


Card of the day: Mother (Queen) of Swords

Card of the day: Mother (Queen) of Swords. The Queen of Swords is the lady with the cold hard facts. She is older, she is discerning, she wants you to grow, and she will not mince words. She has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of life and she understands that it's all just life. In this reading she is not necessarily someone else, though she could be, but a quality for you to embody. "Steely" is a word that comes to mind. "Be cool," she says, "do not allow emotions to cloud the situation." The most important part of this reading, and any reading in which it appears, is the Star. The Star trumps the majority of the deck and is essential to how a situation plays out, no matter how or where it appears. There is Hope. There is always hope and we must never ever lose sight of this truth. I like that the Empress follows the Star today because she shows you how. The Empress represents Divine Feminine. She is newness and fertility. She represents vitality, new life, and creativity. The message today is to embrace the truths of your life, whatever they may be for today, knowing that you can move forward with hope and life-renewed. The Queen of Swords may not feel so good, but she comes with her gifts , though it may take time to see them as such.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 💚


Card of the day: Seven of Pentacles

Card of the day: 7 of Pentacles. What gets my attention right away in the reading is the two outer cards, the 7 of Pentacles and the Hanged Man both have a similar energy of waiting or contemplating.... There is a sense of pause with them. What's in the center is making herself known, the Queen of Wands. Notice she is full of color and vibrancy while the other cards pale next her. Very strongly, my intuition tells me she represents our kundalini energy today (kundalini is said to be a serpent.) Kundalini is a powerful energy within all of us, said to awaken us to our highest potential....notice she lies coiled around her eggs, her divine creations. It is also said that kundalini energy lies dormant at the base of our spine waiting for activation. But what triggers her awakening? It is different for everyone. Life events are happening every day that can trigger kundalini. Some people actively pursue awakening kundalini, while others experience her quite by surprise, by personal traumas or dramas, unaware of what this energy even is. It can be scary to experience kundalini because she inevitably shatters the reality we have come to know. What you must understand about kundalini is that it is you, it is your plan to awaken her in whatever way you do in this life, whether conscious or unconsciously. She wants you to be awake! She wants you to live your best life and fullfill your potential. She will do it by tearing down the all the walls you have built for your safety and comfort. She wants you to understand that none of this is real. It is an illusion (Hanged Man) and she will scare you awake if she has to. With the Hanged Man here, the Pisces card, this reading speaks to me of a profound spiritual awakening of some kind. Whatever stagnancy (7 of Pentacles,) staleness, or confusion (Hanged Man) that has been, or is currently, hanging around will end because the Queen is tired of waiting. Many shifts are occurring in the cosmos (and in you) that are leading us into a new way of existence on this planet. The only way to change the world is from the INSIDE of one individual at a time. This is what kundalini is here to do. And it looks like it's your turn.

Namaste 💚


Card of the day: Temperance

Card of the day: Temperance. This reading is a sight for sore eyes, as far as I'm concerned. Temperance is an extremely positive card, one that offers healing to any situation, depending on the focus of the reading. The focus of this reading is the 5 of Pentacles, a card that speaks of financial hardship and/or illness. It is a card that is not so positive in itself, but if you do get this card, you want it to show up with Temperance!Pentacles reflect our values and physical reality. This includes, the body, finances, home, family, etc. This reading shows that whatever ails you, can and will be healed. What I like about this reading is that the final card is actually the 4 of Pentacles. How I read this trio is that the influence of the Temperance card is literally reversing the energy of the 5 of Pentacles to a 4. The 4 of Pentacles is an awesome card, but it comes with a warning to not hold too tightly to what it is that you gain. You have what you have asked for, but you must not try to control it or restrict it. Nothing is really "ours" in this life other than our spirit, we must remember this always. This card reminds you to be present and let go, let life flow. Feel gratitude for what you have created, for what you have built, for you create in the likeness of God. But once created, we must remember to let it go to life.... we must then let it go to God, once more. Nothing is under our control here. We "know" this, but we still try so hard. When we grasp this truly, that God's plan is greater than ours, we let go to Him and life force energy flows to where it needs. There is comfort to be found in letting go. One of our deepest needs as human beings is to know that we are taken care of too; that we don't have to do it all or alone. God wants you to know this is true every day. That is the message in this reading.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Cups

Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Cups. The Knight of Cups is poetic, romantic, passionate, yet tender-hearted. He is the guy who lives by his creativity and emotions. He is the romantic of the tarot and so a positive sign in a reading when you are wondering about your love life. He's also a sign to take action regarding a passion project. But notice today he comes along with the 5 of Cups. The 5 of Cups is a card of disappointment, sometimes even grief. Perhaps you have recently met someone who didn't turn out to be who you thought they were. Or perhaps a passion project has not taken off the way you thought it would. Whatever it is, it is close to your heart and feels like a loss. What I like about this reading is that it ends with a promising beginning. Perhaps what appears like a loss in your love life was really a necessary ending to make space so that a more fruitful relationship can begin. Maybe your passion project is just slightly delayed, but not failed as you have feared. Sometimes we grieve things that, in the long run, aren't even losses! Whatever it is, I say let it go allow something better. The Knight of Cups here brings good news and asks that you never underestimate Divine timing. Never lose faith in the Universe. Our heart's truest desires make their way to us when we truly let go to divine timing and divine will, with the understanding divine will is one and the same as your own, as you are the Universe, you are microcosm of the macrocosm.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a more personal reading with me, you can book me at my website:

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: Strength

Card of the day: Strength. Strength is represented in this deck by a lion gently carrying a rose in his mouth, an infinity symbol upon his forehead. I see the lion and I think of Leo and what it represents. Leo rules the 5th house of fun, creativity, children, play, performance, and romance. What do these things mean to you? Are you having fun in your life? Leo is ruled by the Sun, which in astrology, represents your soul. Sure, if you believe as I do, then our souls incarnate here to evolve and learn lessons (Hierophant)and blah blah blah, but is it not possible to evolve and learn by fun and play? Why are we working so hard anyways if it never amounts to pleasure of some kind? Leo rules our heart, as well, and the Strength card always speaks of following the heart. Most likely, the things you have passion for, are fun for you too. This reading today speaks of opportunities (Ace of Wands)for fun and play showing up for you, in a way that grows you spiritually (Hierophant.) They may not be so obvious to you which is why the Hierophant appears to be screaming in your ear, saying "hey you look over here at this thing. It's fun!" These opportunities could bring about some major life changes for the good, ushering in a lighter more playful time in your life. The Strength card also speaks of tempering the forward moving, masculine, or yang energy within us to find equilibrium. You don't have to push so hard, you know. Things come to you by your vibe, so be mindful of your vibe and practice the art of allowing right now. You've "done" enough for the time being. Take a break, enjoy yourself, and let things come. Just make sure to seize them when they do!

I hope you have found benefit in this reading. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: The Sun

Despite a cloudy day, the Sun shines on your World today. What is that World for you? What have you given yourself to? Maybe it's love. Maybe it's career. Maybe it's passion or art. For me, above all else, it's most definitely my children. I feel these cards resonate for me 100% today as I'm fortunate to be present at yet another special event at their school this morning and then another event again later in the morning. Ive had many moments this week that were absolutely overcome with gratitude because it hits me, I have been able to do what I wanted most, I have been able to dedicate myself to my kids since before they were born. In spite of my worries and busy-ness, I know the Universe answers prayers for me when it comes to my kids. As a kid I did not want much, I didnt see it as much anyways, because it wasnt a typical career. I simply wanted to be a mom who made art. Nothing fancy, just me, loving on my kids, being there for them, and making the world prettier when they go to sleep or school. Life has been a whirlwind since I can remember, but I've been very fortunate that my kids are now 12 and 9 and I've been able to attend 99% of their events, of course, in major part due to my ex husband supporting the decision for me to stay home, and even after our divorce and I had to go back to work, I've worked for amazing bosses who understand my dedication to my kids and find ways to give me the day off. I've learned when it comes to my kids, finances come together, time comes together...I believe in my heart that being a mom is what I am here to do most and i can see that the Universe makes the way even when I cant figure out how. I believe this is the case for all of us, whatever our "World" is. The Universe shines a light there for creates a path. This is a personal message today obviously, but I share because I think with it being the end of the school year, any parents or teachers can resonate with the idea of giving yourself over to a child. It's not always easy and not everybody can understand that kind of sacrifice, but when you're in it, you realize it is no sacrifice at all....because to watch their moments happen, in many ways, is better than having your own moments. I can't explain it, but it is. I hope everyone has a great summer out there. Congrats to all the kids for making it another year. Much love. 

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: 9 of Wands

Card of the day: 9 of Wands. This is the second appearance of the 9 of Wands this week. Remember, the 9 of Wands speaks of feeling like you cannot go another step in this direction, for the journey here has left you drained. The message in it is to NOT give up, now is not the time. I like this trio today as they have a somewhat similar vibration in them to me. The 3 of Pentacles in the center speaks of determination and teamwork, sharing the load...I cant help but connect the mountain to the stairs, something about the web in the 8 of Pentacles too, definitely the feeling of climbing. It's natural for your legs to get tired in a climb. Maybe it's time to ask for help. Or take a break, but the Universe wants you to know you are building something beautiful and from your soul (8 of Pentacles.) This takes time, this takes patience, and dedication. The waxing Moon is in Virgo (daily work and routines) today as Mars (physical energy) in Aquarius trines the Sun (soul) in Gemini. Gemini and Virgo energies are Mercury rules the mind and the hands. Perhaps you have some handy-work, such as art or writing. Use this energy to keep building upon your creation. Take care of business. Get things in order. Another way you could interpret these cards today is that it's time for a change...maybe you are burned out in some area of life (9 of Wands.) Perhaps you have a talent that has potential to become something more (8 of Pentacles.) The 3 of Pentacles shows that you are correct in the potential, but work, dedication, and attention to details are required of you, perhaps help from another to expand upon a vision too. Either way the deep message is to keep going. Keep working.  Rewards come to those who put in the work.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste ❤


Card of the day: 6 of Cups

Card of the day: 6 of Cups. The 6 of Cups is a happy card, a card relating to children or even your own youth, or people from your past. This is an extremely relevant card for me this week, as I get a little sentimental about my kids last day of school. They grow so fast. I also like the illustration of it in this deck because it can be thought of as your colorful roots that create you, but also it's what gives life to the fruit of your tree. It's here today with the World, another extremely positive card, if not, the most positive card. The World is front and center, asking us to look at where we are, compared to where we've been. Sure, good things exist in the past, memories are always fuzzy with nostalgia, but there is a reason the past stays in the past. What is in this moment is so much more and this is true every day of life. The 7 of Pentacles is to the right or looking ahead. The 7 can represent some contemplation or confusion, maybe even stress, with regard to money or achievement. Will your work pay off?? Will your efforts matter? The answer is yes, but the message today is to let worry for the future go for now. Be present. You are always enough and will always be supported by the Universe. Just look at the abundance that exists in the roots of your creation. You already are infinite and colorful abundance. Today is about focusing on those who feed your roots and want to see you grow, today is about those who make your World go 'round. Maybe that's your kids, maybe it's your family of origin, or it's the family you have created with deep-rooted soul friendships. This reading says to honor those relationships today and allow the other stuff to fall into place, because it will, and if you are mindful, you can see that it already has.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a more personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: 9 of Wands

Card of the day: 9 of Wands. The Tarot is always so fascinating to me. I really feel like it is a living thing sometimes, sensitive and temperamental, just like a person. I'm learning to treat it as such. Somedays I turn the cards and it's like a voice just comes through with a very clear message. Other times come along and it's absolute's story. I'm learning to heed these silences and you may notice that in the lessening of my general readings from time to time. Today they speak again and when I woke, I instantly felt that they would. First thing I notice today is the numerology of these cards. 9+1+11 = 21. Today is the 21st of May and the start of Gemini season (Air,) perhaps represented here by the Ace of Swords. Aces are beginnings, the swords are of the Air element. Air represents our mental plane and specifically, the Ace represents a sense of clarity within that mental plane. It's a powerful start. It is appropriate that it is in center and following the 9 of Wands, a card that speaks of endings and lack of stamina or energy. It's the feeling that you just can't anymore! This reading says hang in there, a fresh surge of energy comes in with the powerful Ace and the start of a new solar season in Gemini. Gemini is fun, Gemini is social and creative. This week there is a beautiful trine between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio. This is extremely creative and jovial energy. Gemini's ruler, Mercury, is in Taurus receiving this positive energy flow. Creative and/or romantic opportunities exist for you this week. Look to where these planets reside in your chart for more clarity. The advice in the cards today is to seize it. The Strength card reiterates the message which is to find the strength to push through whatever dulldrum or exhaustion you've been experiencing to welcome this new time of passion. The Strength card is about following the passions of your heart and living a heart forward life, whatever this means for you, and if you've been living life feeling held down by the weight of reality, it certainly takes strength to do that sometimes! But you do have it within you. The life you dream about is already exists in the ethers, and it's time to take charge and show the Universe that you still want it. Today, I suggest you  get in touch with your intentions, be productive, and keep your senses open to potential opportunities.

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: The Moon

Card of the day: The Moon. So I'm a little confused by this one, but hey, the Moon card is confusion...its mysteries, its secrets, magic, and illusions. We're sitting at a brand new moon, so perhaps this speaks of what this moon in Taurus brings into our lives. Both the Moon card and the King of Cups relate to the sign of male/masculine Cancer and/or Pisces. Scorpio a little too in the King, but my intuition tells me this is really more Cancerian than anything else. I'm a Pisces so when I see these cards i think 'hmm, is it me?' But my gut says no, this is masculine and outside of myself. Perhaps it's time to hone the masculine water within. What do I mean by that? Water is emotions. Masculine water has no fear of vulnerability. He owns his vulnerability. In fact, he knows that it's in vulnerability that we reveal our true strength. Our vulnerability is our heart and our art to give. Perhaps you've been masking your emotions with regard to one or more areas of life and it's time to take it off because this mask is keeping you bound to a life you don't really feel at home in (8 of swords;) a life you may be realizing you don't even want. These cards could mean that masculine water is coming into our worlds in the form of another human. Maybe he crosses our path and we realize we want to constructively set our emotions free as he does. Maybe being with him shows us how to be free...or at least sparks the desire to be free... What I do sense is a feeling or desire to break loose in some area (8 of Swords.) The 8 of Swords is a card that when it shows up, it reminds us that we can free ourselves. We have the wings to is written in our DNA, but also, these swords cannot hurt us unless we allow them to.

I don't know. With the Moon here, it just isn't for us to know yet....this remains a mystery until the Sun shines on it.

Namaste 💚


Card of the day: The Hierophant

Card of the day: The Hierophant. Ok wow, no this is not yesterday's reading, but yes, these are two of yesterday's cards. That's always significant, especially considering how I'm interpreting the Hierophant as Uranus moving into Taurus today (please check yesterday's reading.) The Hierophant is also a card of higher learning or learning lessons. In many decks the Hierophant is called the Pope, so you can think of it as wisdom coming to you from a teacher of some sort with regard to higher knowledge, things of an esoteric nature. I love this because Uranus, represented in this card as the lightning is the planet of the higher mind. Mercury is mind, Uranus is higher mind, the more spiritual cosmic mind. Perhaps Uranus coming into Taurus holds the key. Wherever Taurus falls in your chart, perhaps this is the key to unlock the gateway to your creative new beginning (Ace of Wands) and a more emotionally fulfilled life (10 of Cups.) For me Taurus rules my 12th house. The 12th house is the most mysterious of the houses, the house of secrets and dreams, the house of things hidden and one's own undoing. One could interpret this as revealing what is hidden about myself can open new doors to a more whole and emotionally fulfilled existence. In this case it is Taurean aka Venutian (Taurus is Earth ruled by Venus) qualities, such as beauty, sensuality, material abundance, earthly pleasure, etc. This makes absolute sense for me as a Sun/Moon/Mercury Pisces. I definitely deny myself of these things in the name of sacrifice for something higher and being "good." Aka a guilty conscience for no real reason. But maybe it's time I honor my own worthiness, see my own value..maybe its make like a Pisces in this area and let go to a more pleasurable human experience. A more dreamy reality. This is how I choose to interpret the cards today. This feels personal, once more. But I always set the intention that should I choose to share my message, that it be relevant to those who happen to stumble across it. I do offer private readings if you would like to know how the cosmos are speaking to you, directly. You can book me at:

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: The Hermit

Card of the day: The Hermit. So I haven't shared my card reading for a few days and it's kinda because sometimes these cards get so personal I just don't want my business everywhere. Again today, they're pretty on point for what my intuition is whispering to me. The Hermit is pretty obvious. He represents a period of inwardness, meditation, and contemptlation. My sense tells me that many of us are sensing the change in the air. Of course, the energy of the cosmos is always in flux, but in the next few days there are major changes to the sky, including Uranus moving into Taurus tomorrow, which I believe, is represented here by the Hierophant. Not to mention the new moon in Taurus on the same day! The Hierophant is the Taurus card, shown here perched on a key being struck by lightning. Lightning is associated with Uranus. Taurus is an earth sign, but it's a sign that is ruled by Venus. Venus represents pleasure, love romance, beauty, earthly delights....emotions in many ways. (10 of Cups) When change is in the air, there is a natural sense to pull back and brace yourself (Hermit,) but notice what is in the center here for us? The card of emotional contentment, none other than the 10 of Cups. This is a card of happiness and radiating positivity. Perhaps this is what lies on the other side of this pending change? Only time will tell. My intuition says that it is good, but I admit a part of me is fearful for what this brings. But it seems the Universe is affirming with signs left and right so maybe it's time to let go and trust it. Maybe it's time to believe good things can happen to you too. I'll join you.

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: 10 of Pentacles

Card of the day: 10 of Pentacles. The cards today are a bit perplexing, I admit. A bit contradictory, but that happens, that's life too! I think what they are getting at is our state of mind around abundance. Pentacles are the earth element. They represent everything tangible that we place value in. The 10 of Pentacles is the highest of high when it comes to material abundance, harmonious family and home life, and overall contentment. The 5 of Pentacles represents material loss or poverty. It also represents illness and just an overall "poor" state of physical being. Then we have the 9 of Pentacles. The 9 speaks of financial freedom. In the sky today we have Venus squaring Neptune and Sun oppose Jupiter. To me this is our 5 of Pentacles and what I mean by that is just an unclear state of mind with regard to our finance. Things feel iffy for some reason and it's worrisome. However, later this week we have a trine between Pluto in Capricorn and the Sun in Taurus. These two signs are the master manifestors. Positive energy flow between these two, especially considering we're talking Pluto, is a sign of big pay off. Notice these two amazing cards surround this much weaker card? This tells me that you are safe. You are surrounded and supported. Maybe there's a hiccup in the finances today, an expense we weren't anticipating. Or maybe this is purely a worry mindset. But my intuition tells me not to stress it today because whatever it is, we bounce back feeling free once more.


Card of the day: Seven of Pentacles

Card of the day: 7 of Pentacles. The 7 of Pentacles is a bit of a test, really. It is Pentacles so it is earth, speaking of your material world. Material world is anything physically tangible to you that you place value in. Anytime we pull a 7 (of any suit) we are asked to look at our inner conversations (our thoughts and our emotions) around this subject and hold it up to what is actually real. How do you feel about your material situation? The 7 of Pentacles promises you success in what you believe and put effort towards, but what is that? Up next you can see where this goes and that you have a choice. You have the most positive card in the deck (World) front and center and you have one of the most difficult cards (10 of Swords) next to that. The World is what is trying to get your attention here, I'd like to point that out. It's there for you, but will you choose it? Or do you quit? The swords are our mental world and the 10 of Swords speaks of feeling defeated. Do you really feel defeated? Are you really ready to give it up? OR do you just need a break so you can start again? I believe this reading is a bit of tough love with an emphasis on the love today. The World is there. The World trumps any and all cards. It is a promise of whatever it is you desire, but no where does it promise an easy path. You do have to keep trucking in order to get yourself there, but you will get there. Advice today is dont make hasty decisions from a weak mental place. If you need a rest, take it (7 of Pentacles.) Then decide how you wish to proceed.

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: The Sun

Card of the day: The Sun. Interesting trio here today. Two extremely positive cards and one not-so positive. But that's life, I think, right? I'm interpreting this two ways today. On one hand this could be an exaggerated sense of optimism and the 5 of Pentacles stands as a warning to be careful with your finances and/or your health. On the other hand, these cards could be read that any issues around finance and/or health are short-lived and you will triumph with effort, optimism, and maybe even a little luck.

I love this reading today because it's thought provoking. It's balanced and yet, it's hopeful. The elements work as a unit and are as they are to keep each other in check. Too much of one or the other definitely teaches us the value of that element, but it also leaves us lacking in some area and we will need lessons in order to find our balance. Pentacles are of the earth element and considering we are smack in the middle of Taurus, with Saturn, Pluto, Mars, and the waning moon in Capricorn, this makes sense. My intuition tells me that there is much to look forward to (Sun,) but it requires work and determination (Chariot) but also requires that we stay humble, grounded, and realistic, lest we lose ourselves in the process. (5 of Pentacles.)

I hope you have found benefit in this reading. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: Five of Swords

Card of the day: Five of Swords. Very simple message today. Worry vs intuition. Who will win? How do you know what is your intuition (Mother of Cups) versus worry, anxiety and self destructive thinking? (5 of Swords)The answer is very simple. Anxiety is crazy feeling. Intuition is calm, quiet, and at peace. Changes are ahead, big ones too (The Tower.) A part of you already knows what changes are on their way and deeply, you also know it's ok. The other part of you is creating a story based upon a fear of traumas of the past repeating themselves. This doesn't have to be so! Whatever is coming is already written in the cosmos. It's on it's way to you and you can either face it with fear as you've done before or you can face it with peace, love, and knowing that it's all good. The Tower brings a transformation, but heres the thing, the Tower is usually a change that has been intuitively anticipated and subconsciously DESIRED because it is always much needed. The message here today is that you have a choice in how you face the Tower. How will you choose?

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: Queen of Wands

Card of the day: Mother (Queen) of Wands. The Queen of Wands is a master creator. She is full of ideas and fire and extreme independence. She wants to be social, she wants to be free, she wants to pursue her passions and creativity above all else. If you happen upon her when she's in her element (fire,) when she's in her freedom, you'll swear your just met a real life magical fairy. This Queen is high vibe and she is meant for a high vibe creative life, period, end of sentence. However, life is life, and any aspect of this Queen's life that is out of alignment with her high vibe feels like a major drag, and will absolutely bring out her ugly side, which is anxiety,  irritability, anger, maybe even sadness. Look out for that behavior today and find the discipline (Chariot) to stay high in your vibe. Here today the Queen's got her drag, the 5 of Cups. The 5 of Cups today is the 'whatever' in your life that is not aligned with your spirit. This 'whatever,' is there for a reason. It's to show you contrast. This IS how we learn. If you have moments where you aren't sure of your path, the 5 of Cups will be there to show you that it definitely isn't effing this. The path is becoming clearer though. You can see this by looking forward to the Chariot. The Chariot is a card of decisive action. And succeeding. What have you been seeking clarity on? Your work? Your relationship? To me, this reading signifies the clarity you have sought and the readiness to take action. This week we have Mercury finally leaving shadow and going full speed ahead in the sign of Aries (Fire/action.) With Mercury retro and in shadow here for over a month, we have had confusion about what action to take. We know we're dissatisfied somewhere, but what do we DO? This becomes clearer now. The warning in this reading is not to waste time or energy in self-doubt. Make your choice and go for it.

Namaste ❤


Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Wands

Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Wands. My intuition for this reading is that we are feeling the rumblings of Uranus in his critical and final degree of Aries before he makes his way into Taurus next week. A new phase of life begins in some area of life for you, so get ready. And with Uranus being the shaker upper of the planets, his transits, especially if you are sensitive to energy, can bring about a sense of anxiety beforehand without necessarily knowing why. Uranus ultimately desires freedom in whatever area he transits or aspects in our chart. He achieves this by revolutionizing some aspect of our reality, shaking up monotony, forcing big change, and ultimately, bringing about an entirely new sense of self. Uranus is an evolver, for sure. Uranus's movements are represented here today as the Knight of Wands, whose energy is similar. The Knight brings a sense of urgency or impulsiveness to our thoughts, he makes us want to act and a feeling that we NEED change. Like, right now. Today, he comes along with the 8 of Cups, a card in its simplest meaning, represents abandonment through disappointment. 8 of Cups is not so easy for anyone, as it represents letting something (or someone) go where there is a strong emotional attachment. However, look to the Five of Swords. This attachment of yours, whatever (or whomever) it may be, you can see now that not only is it no longer serving you, it is now officially doing more harm to you than good. Our life is a constant practice of letting go, a shedding of the skin (snake,) if you will. The beauty of this reading is that if you are conscious, you feel the change coming...your intuition has probably been poking at you for some time. The good news is that you can be proactive too. You can follow the hints of the Universe and ease this anxiety some. The thing about Uranus is that change inevitably comes. Whether we initiate it or the Universe does depends on us. The Knight is a cautionary card today too. Don't think that just because you feel this urgency today that the timing is right. In fact, these cards together tell me that it is not. But it will come and you will know. All will be well. I promise.

Namaste 💜


Card of the day: Seven of Wands

Card of the day: Seven of Wands. A challenge may show up today where you feel you need to defend yourself...but here's the thing, it's not the challenge you think it is. This is someone else projecting onto you their own challenges and trying to make it yours because they envy your peace and contentment some area of life. The Star is here to tell you to stay calm, trust, and hold that peace in your heart. The King of Swords reminds you to use clarity of thought to distinguish what is yours and not yours and detach from a momentarily toxic situation. In other words, don't worry about it. This passes and just to affirm my intuitions, I pulled an additional card and received the Chariot. Chariot is the champ of the Tarot and an affirmation to stay in your lane today, stay focused on you and allow other people's drama to settle. It's all good.

Namaste 💜
