Card of the day: 7 of Pentacles. The 7 of Pentacles is a bit of a test, really. It is Pentacles so it is earth, speaking of your material world. Material world is anything physically tangible to you that you place value in. Anytime we pull a 7 (of any suit) we are asked to look at our inner conversations (our thoughts and our emotions) around this subject and hold it up to what is actually real. How do you feel about your material situation? The 7 of Pentacles promises you success in what you believe and put effort towards, but what is that? Up next you can see where this goes and that you have a choice. You have the most positive card in the deck (World) front and center and you have one of the most difficult cards (10 of Swords) next to that. The World is what is trying to get your attention here, I'd like to point that out. It's there for you, but will you choose it? Or do you quit? The swords are our mental world and the 10 of Swords speaks of feeling defeated. Do you really feel defeated? Are you really ready to give it up? OR do you just need a break so you can start again? I believe this reading is a bit of tough love with an emphasis on the love today. The World is there. The World trumps any and all cards. It is a promise of whatever it is you desire, but no where does it promise an easy path. You do have to keep trucking in order to get yourself there, but you will get there. Advice today is dont make hasty decisions from a weak mental place. If you need a rest, take it (7 of Pentacles.) Then decide how you wish to proceed.
Namaste 💜