Card of the day: Five of Swords. Very simple message today. Worry vs intuition. Who will win? How do you know what is your intuition (Mother of Cups) versus worry, anxiety and self destructive thinking? (5 of Swords)The answer is very simple. Anxiety is crazy feeling. Intuition is calm, quiet, and at peace. Changes are ahead, big ones too (The Tower.) A part of you already knows what changes are on their way and deeply, you also know it's ok. The other part of you is creating a story based upon a fear of traumas of the past repeating themselves. This doesn't have to be so! Whatever is coming is already written in the cosmos. It's on it's way to you and you can either face it with fear as you've done before or you can face it with peace, love, and knowing that it's all good. The Tower brings a transformation, but heres the thing, the Tower is usually a change that has been intuitively anticipated and subconsciously DESIRED because it is always much needed. The message here today is that you have a choice in how you face the Tower. How will you choose?
Namaste 💜