Card of the day: Seven of Wands. A challenge may show up today where you feel you need to defend yourself...but here's the thing, it's not the challenge you think it is. This is someone else projecting onto you their own challenges and trying to make it yours because they envy your peace and contentment some area of life. The Star is here to tell you to stay calm, trust, and hold that peace in your heart. The King of Swords reminds you to use clarity of thought to distinguish what is yours and not yours and detach from a momentarily toxic situation. In other words, don't worry about it. This passes and just to affirm my intuitions, I pulled an additional card and received the Chariot. Chariot is the champ of the Tarot and an affirmation to stay in your lane today, stay focused on you and allow other people's drama to settle. It's all good.
Namaste 💜