Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Wands

Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Wands. My intuition for this reading is that we are feeling the rumblings of Uranus in his critical and final degree of Aries before he makes his way into Taurus next week. A new phase of life begins in some area of life for you, so get ready. And with Uranus being the shaker upper of the planets, his transits, especially if you are sensitive to energy, can bring about a sense of anxiety beforehand without necessarily knowing why. Uranus ultimately desires freedom in whatever area he transits or aspects in our chart. He achieves this by revolutionizing some aspect of our reality, shaking up monotony, forcing big change, and ultimately, bringing about an entirely new sense of self. Uranus is an evolver, for sure. Uranus's movements are represented here today as the Knight of Wands, whose energy is similar. The Knight brings a sense of urgency or impulsiveness to our thoughts, he makes us want to act and a feeling that we NEED change. Like, right now. Today, he comes along with the 8 of Cups, a card in its simplest meaning, represents abandonment through disappointment. 8 of Cups is not so easy for anyone, as it represents letting something (or someone) go where there is a strong emotional attachment. However, look to the Five of Swords. This attachment of yours, whatever (or whomever) it may be, you can see now that not only is it no longer serving you, it is now officially doing more harm to you than good. Our life is a constant practice of letting go, a shedding of the skin (snake,) if you will. The beauty of this reading is that if you are conscious, you feel the change coming...your intuition has probably been poking at you for some time. The good news is that you can be proactive too. You can follow the hints of the Universe and ease this anxiety some. The thing about Uranus is that change inevitably comes. Whether we initiate it or the Universe does depends on us. The Knight is a cautionary card today too. Don't think that just because you feel this urgency today that the timing is right. In fact, these cards together tell me that it is not. But it will come and you will know. All will be well. I promise.

Namaste 💜
