Card of the day: Four of Swords

Card of the day: 4 of Swords. I love these illustrations together today. It almost feels like a map with the swords directing you where to go and step by step. But what is their direction? Both the 4 and the 7 of swords call for retreating. The 4 calls for meditation, while the 7 cautions you to hang back and protect yourself. We do have a full moon in Scorpio this weekend among many other intense energies at this time. Scorpio is the intense-est of the intense. Big, deep emotions could be arising starting yesterday or the day before, only increasing with this moon. Take the hint and rest. Take note of how Scorpio energy affects you. This all really depends on where Scorpio falls in your chart, and I highly suggest you look into it. For me, it is in the area of my health and daily routines and so I am being extra mindful of my eating and rest patterns; I'm also trying to be extra organized in my to-dos, checking things off the list as I go. You can see that this mindfulness is only to your benefit as the Ace of Pentacles tells of a prosperous new beginning of some kind happens for you once it passes. This is simply a practical advice reading today and as a not always very practical human, I appreciate it.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: Death

Card of the day: Death. This card is no surprise to me today as Mars conjuncts retro Pluto (Death) in Capricorn today, plus Saturn (restriction) near by. Add Jupiter retro (expansion) in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) to the mix, and building up to a full moon in Scorpio, this is the recipe for extreme frustration and the revealing of intense, very deep, very dark emotions, represented here by the Black Swan, none other than the King of Cups. The King of Cups is a bringer of light, a lover, and a master artist, but to become any of these things, one must travel through the depths of darkness to know the difference between light and dark.This King wears his darkness plain as day as anyone who comes across this King can see that he is unlike any others, they can feel that he has been where others have been too afraid to travel. But these dark journeys are what make him a King. The message in the cards today is to not be afraid of darkness, for it is part of who you are, but rather, allow your darkness to transform you so that you can reveal more of your light.The Death card usually doesn't mean literal death, but it does mean transformation by death of of some aspect of your life. Where in your life are you a caterpillar, a caterpillar who once found safety and refuge inside the cocoon, but now the same cocoon suffocates you? Is it your work? Is it your relationship? Or hobbies or friendships or school? We must allow ourselves to transform in this life as many times as we need in order to free Our freedom is our spirit and our spirit is our light. That is what we are here to do! The 10 of Pentacles is a good omen for what is on the other side of this transformation, and that is a sense of release, relief, and newfound contentment for having met your needs. Practical advice through this energy, because it can bring up feelings such as anger, violence, rage, self-hatred, etc. (that's what these planets do!) is to channel it in a positive way. Make angry art, cry, find somewhere to scream, exercise yourself into a puddle, whatever you need to do to release this and keep from hurting yourself or others. Once this passes, and it will, you'll see the light again, but remember, there is nothing wrong with you. You are a whole being with purpose and light and gifts and beauty. This planet needs you to learn how to navigate all aspects of yourself to help lift the rest of us into a higher consciousness. With that I'll stop.

One last thing, I love you. You are not alone.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: Three of Pentacles

Card of the day: 3 of Pentacles. The word "integrity" is coming to my mind instantly for this reading. 'Grunt' work, tedious chores, mundane 'to-dos....' this may be your day... Replying to emails and texts (Knight of Swords,) filling out paperwork, cleaning, organizing, etc. For those who are still working towards the dream but in the meantime have to pay the bills by working jobs that aren't necessarily your passion, this could be your day. Climbing the mountain can only be done one step at a time, ya know (3 of Pentacles.) These things can feel heavy and burdensome sometimes, but they need to get done in order to pursue the dream. We've all got to do things we don't want to do; that's just part of life. While you can't always change your situation, at least not instantly, you CAN change your energy and how you experience your situation. The message here today is to do whatever work is in front of you to be done with integrity and grace (Strength.) The Strength card is the Leo card. Leo speaks to us about our soul truth, which is love and coming from the heart. Do your best best to put heart into it today. Send love to those you work with. Put loving vibes into your emails and chores. Remember, you are not above anyone. We all must do this kind of work on our various paths and it's ok. We don't have to love it because this is how we know what we do love. But we do need to do it with love integrity and I hope you can understand the difference. Because ultimately, our integrity in this life is how we want to be defined as humans I think.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: The Hierophant

Card of the day: The Hierophant. Interesting! The Hierophant is the Taurus card, a card of structure and conformity. The Tower is the Aries card, a card destruction and of structure collapsing. Between the two is the 2 of Cups, a card of partnerships and soul contracts. I interpret this as a divine partnership where the two hearts desire to create something new. The words repeating in my head are "first, you must learn the rules in order to break them." This could be romantic or business, but it is positive in my opinion. I see this as a trailblazing and new (Aries) kind of partnership, but partners who wish to build something strong and unique, but that lasts (Taurus.) The advice here is to follow the structure and watch as something unique unfolds.The laws of the Universe are the same for everyone, despite some of us having that "trailblazing" nature. You must put in the work in order to reap the status and rewards. You must show the Universe your intention by your action. If what you desire to create is in your mind, it is possible, but not without some amount of kind of conformity. Desiring to be a trailblazer isn't enough. Your work must be good. The work in itself is the trailblazer, really, not you. You are the conduit for the work. Check in with your intentions today and make sure your work is in service of love and others and of the planet. If it is and you are doing what you have the energy to do, then all will fall into place in the right time.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


PS it's my busiest time of year. I'll be falling behind on these daily readings...ย 


Card of the day: The Hanged Man

Card of the day: The Hanged Man. What is the meaning of the Hanged Man? Such a creepy looking card. In fact, the Hanged Man is not so scary. He is simply calling for perspective. He is a symbol for letting go. One thing to be understood about the Hanged Man in any reading is that he is there by his own accord. No one hung him here. He will not die. He hangs by his feet; he is hanging himself in such a way that he could set himself free. The Hanged Man's element is water. He is with the King of Cups today, also water. This tells me perhaps there has been a period of suspension relative to emotions. Have you been holding back from love in some capacity? Perhapsย  afraid of being hurt? Pain can cause to retreat or "hang" back. Doing so is necessary sometimes as we build our strength back up from the inside. The warning in the Hanged Man is not to take forever. Don't let opportunities for emotional fulfillment sail by you (King of Cups.) The Star lets you know it's ok to let go. It's ok to have Hope in what seems like a good thing! Release the fear and release the skepticism (Hanged Man.) Let love in and move forward. See how the King of Cups directs you? He is strong and secure in his emotion. He sails forward with or without you. Go with him. Or be him.

Namaste โค


Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles

Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles. Energy is such a strange and fluid thing. Intangible and yet, inescapable. This lineup is so on point for me today, and once again, I am amazed at how quickly and dramatically energy can shift. The 3 of Swords is a card that represents separation. Swords are of the Air element or "mind," but you can see by the red cord binding the three swords that this is separation from something of a powerfully emotional nature too; something pertainingto the heart and mind. The 9 of Cups is indicating, in fact, that it is your idea of emotional fulfillment or contentment that you feel separated from. I don't have the space or real depth of knowledge yet in astrology to go into the current planetary aspects here, but I can tell you that yesterday with Chiron moving into Aries and Saturn turning retrograde (among a few other things) there a bit of an identity crisis happening in the cosmos. Is it time to revise your intentions? Do you even know what makes you happy? (9 of Cups) The Page of Pentacles is the messenger of practicality. She's suggesting that this is a temporary feeling. You know where you are heading and this may be one of those times its appropriate for you to you power through. I believe its important to always honor what you feel, don't get me wrong. But don't dive too deep into it right now because it's short-lived. Take a little rest if you need and then get back to building your future. The Page also indicates study so this may be a time to deepen your knowledge in a certain area of life, perhaps a class. She could simply be suggesting that you rest up and read a book on your couch today. Either way, remember, this passes as do all things.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: 10 of Pentacles

Card of the day: 10 of Pentacles. The 10 of Pentacles is a very happy card, a card of success and material abundance. The Emporer (Aries, btw, just pointing out the themes and synchronicities that continue to show up) is another power card indicating success, but I notice sandwiched in the center today is the 7 of Wands. The 7 of Wands is a card of success too, but success not without courage; success, not without challenge. I like this reading today because it's real. What's success without a little challenge anyways? Is it even success if it it comes too easily? This reading is reminding that you are supported in your efforts, whatever they may be. But we are challenged in life to prove who we really are and how badly we're wanting something. How bad do you want it? Because it's there for you if you push on. You may encounter some opposing views today that'll perhaps have you doubting yourself (7 of Wands.) Dont let it. It's not worth your energy and deep down, you know it too. You are supported in ways unseen to you, trust that. Today, keep your eyes (and thoughts and emotions) on the prize.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: Father (King) of Wands

Card of the day: Father (King) of Wands. Btw, the way I read these cards is intuitively and as a story in the order I pull them. However, the more I practice, it seems the card in the center is what feels like the focus or general theme. So while the card today is the King of Wands, I can't help but feel like the Star is the obvious focal point here and sets the feeling of the entire reading. The Star is truly a favorite for me as it symbolizes Hope. To me, life is hope. Why do we do anything we do? What drives us beyond desire? It is Hope....we hope for something. I find hope to be one of most beautiful of human expressions, right up there with love. Hope is optimism and possibility; hope is innocence and faith. With Hope, everything feels new and alive again. With Hope, everything flows with light and magic. That is very much the energy brought in by this weekend's new moon in Aries. This reading is very positive today. The thing about the King of Wands (Aries, btw which we are in now) and the Empress is that they are very creative and prosperous energies. The Empress represents divine femininity and creation. All creations are brought forth through the divine feminine. The masculine energy (King) is the seed. The feminine (Empress) is the vessel. You are being asked to bring your divine creations into this reality. Remember "creations" are not necessarily "art" in the traditional sense. Your creations are whatever you do with love and passion. This could be your work, your children, your hobbies, your friendships. What gives you Hope? What is your passion? Bring it forth. The world is ready for you. The soil is fertile (Empress.) Have faith in your creativity in whatever way it manifests. Trust that you are divinely inspired and do not take it for granted. You creations are much needed as the world shifts into a higher vibration. I think I could go on and on with this reading today, but I will stop, as I really think the Star says it all. You are the Star. You are Hope.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: Mother (Queen) of Cups

Card of the day: Mother (Queen) of Cups. Another powerful trio today. The Queen is literally waving goodbye to the past, 'be gone with you!' she seems to say. She's ready to party with her huge cup of wine, the weird party cats of the Justice card, and the "hoot" of an owl from the Wheel. A karmic reset is occurring in your life. A time of happiness and lightheartedness. The Justice has been a recurring card in the last week or so. This is a message to be heard. I believe that message is that you've paid your debts, healed many wounds, you are doing your good work, and so the Wheel turns for you now in the direction of positive change. This does not mean there won't be bumps and shakeups, but gradually over the last few years, you have made your way from the outer spokes of the Wheel to the center. You know how to utilize the tools that can assist you in stabilizing yourself as Wheel inevitably turns. I think the message I get from the Queen today is to trust it. The Queen of Cups is highly psychic and rivals the High Priestess in the Tarot. She represents your intuition. If she is shoo-in the past away confidently, you can do the same. Relax and let it be a good time! I also believe the Justice to be calling your attention to the karma you are creating now. Are you aligned with your higher intentions? We are planting seeds right now, under an Aries New Moon. Plant good seeds!

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: Justice

Card of the day: Justice. We have the Justice again and here today with the Mother and Father, King and Queen of Fire Energy (Twin Flames.) Immediately I sensed this was a karmic balancing of the feminine and masculine fire energies coming along with this weekend's new moon in Aries (Fire.) Sure enough, I pulled an additional card and got none other than the Moon. This new moon is a heavy hitter. Lots of aspects to it and I am neither skilled enough in my astrology nor have the space to go into it here today. This reading could be interpreted a number of ways, but if you believe you are a twin flame, you can, at the very least, expect some insight into this relationship. Wands are also our creative passions and spiritual energy, so this could be a reading expressing some reset or renewal in that area of your life. My intuition tells me that with Uranus conjunct this new moon, we are in for surprises regarding our personal fire energy, our passions, however it is we express this in our lives. My advice today is to hang on for the intense ride that is sure to be coming.

Namaste โค


Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles

Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles. I love this reading today. Opportunities are there, right front and center (Wheel of Fortune.) But will you seize them? (8 of Swords.) Will you miss them altogether? The Page is calling on you to BE OBSERVANT today. Don't discount little things (Page.) Check your emails, check your spam, make sure your notifications are on. Listen to the things people, especially children, have to say as they could be clues about an opportunity you might otherwise miss. My intuition just keeps saying something about children, so I'm just leaving it here as it may apply for some (Page.) Whatever opportunity this is has the potential to be a great new direction for you (Wheel,) but it requires your keen observation. The cosmos are also saying you can't expect it to just happen for you once you discover it. No one else can do this, but you.You must believe in it and yourself enough to move and act upon the opportunity (8 of Swords.) This is a really interesting reading today and some kind inkling in me says it has some heft, whatever it is. I look forward to seeing how this plays out.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: Ace of Pentacles

Card of the day: Ace of Pentacles. A lovely reading today. These cards are marking a potentially prosperous time and/or idea (Ace of Pentacles.) Have you had any new insights regarding your life purpose? For me, I have had new ideas floating in on the wind left and right for the last few days. It feels like hope to me (The Star,) divine inspiration, endless possibilities, and a remembering of my soul and how I have always felt when I am at my best. This winter has been HEAVY, and for a moment there, I was beginning to wonder if my naturally, and sometimes sickeningly, optimistic outlook on life would ever return! It has, btw, but with a deeper peace and a deeper confidence; a knowing that I am strong enough to travel through the storms. The Strength card represents strength, obviously, but not in the way we typically think of strength. No, the Strength card represents not aggression or domination over anything or anyone, not the "flexing our big muscles." Rather, it represents the softer, more feminine aspects of power, power in vulnerability and authenticity. It represents being led by the muscle called the heart. If I am nothing else, I am heart led. I am happy to say that I feel realigned with my heart and my purpose which is to help people discover their own divinity and purpose through my passions, such as art, yoga, and energy work. It's a good feeling. I typically ask the cards for a general reading for anyone who may benefit from their message. If you are reading this, than the message is for you too. You can expect this shift to come for you very soon, if it hasn't already. I believe we are living in times when it is crucial that we all align with our soul's true path. How do we do that? We check in with the heart. If you have any inklings of what that purpose looks, but more importantly, FEELS like for you, then the message here is for you is to start (or carry on as you have been) in that direction.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: The Hermit

Card of the day: The Hermit. Wow, I think this message is pretty simple and obvious. It's time to check in with yourself and practice some detachment when it comes to your hopes and dreams (9 of Cups.) Everything that is meant to be will be and so there's no sense making yourself crazy about it (5 of Swords.) Its time to pull back (The Hermit,) relax, and cut loose what is no longer fulfilling you. It's ok for you to let go if you are no longer being fulfilled by something (or someone.) Sometimes we need that reassurance. We are evolving humans. We change every day, each of us, at our own pace. We SHOULD be refining our desires as we go. People often get confused when they have made a commitment or set a goal, yet inside, they believe the commitment now to be stunting them or worse, they no longer even want the commitment! Yet they feel they must persevere for one reason or another. There is no one making you do anything but you and only you can know what is right for you. It seems you are being called to check in and see what that is.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ


Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Swords

Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Swords. So how are things REALLY? Today, the cards are asking you to determine what is really real and giving you a warning about the power of your mind's creation. How do you handle boredom and/or stagnation? (4 of Cups) To me, stagnation is killer (Knight of Swords.) I like to be doing and I like things to be going and moving and new. When I am asked by the Universe to stop and just "be" or to have patience, I admit, this is my most difficult soul work. I think the same goes for many people, actually. But have you wondered why that is? My intuition is that this is a deeply rooted lack of trust. To "let go" is really kind of scary because good grief, what if no one catches you? Falling hurts! We know this because we've all "fallen" in one way or another. And so we try to control and command the Universe, willing ourselves to never fall again, all the while, knowing the Universe doesn't work that way. A lot of times, this controlling comes in the form of worry and anxiety. Worry is a way to feel in control when you feel so out of control. Planning and plotting all possible outcomes, and of course, our shadowy side likes to plan the awful outcomes. But here's the thing, things always work out! Dont they? Yes! Unfortunately, many of us have trained our brains into thinking it's because we worried so hard about it. This isn't true, however. Worrying only causes stress within you. Stress only gets your body swirling with stress hormones that over time, can cause your body to deteriorate and become really unwell. The reading today is a warning and a call to be real with yourself about your circumstances. Bring your mind to the absolute present moment where you can see crystal clearly, that all is well in your world. Do your best to stay there. Because your tendency to worry can and will get you into a very real and very harmful state of dis-ease if you don't learn to reign in it (5 of Pentacles.) Our bodies hold the key to this as our breath is our built in anchor to the present moment. Close your eyes and breathe. Practice gratitude. Tell yourself that you are ok right now and repeat and repeat and repeat. You are more than ok.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’™


Card of the day: Justice

Card of the day: Justice. Oh my, well, we certainly have a hefty trio here! I got some really interesting insight into the Justice this morning during my meditation and it was no surprise to me to see it in my spread. The Justice can certainly be about legal matters, but to me, it is speaking in a broader theme about karma today as it appears with the Death card. There are certain times in life when I am so aware of every reverberation of every sound or thought or action I make and i have definitely felt this for the last few days. I call it a hyper awareness of karma. I believe right now the Justice is asking you to look at a situation in your life with the perspective you have gained through time and experience, before you proceed to act or more importantly, REact (Knight of Swords) because right now, you are planting little seeds. We are in Aries, afterall, the season of beginnings, but also, Aries rules our base instincts. The Death is telling you that a change is required of you right now as you are balanced and free at last from choices you've made in your past, choices, perhaps made out of naivete. Regardless, you've learned some things and now, you are creating new Karma as we begin a new cycle. There must be a death in the way you have instinctually handled things in the past. There must be a death in how you make choices. You must be wiser and more methodical in your actions. You must think things through, when before you have only FELT your way through. Or vice versa, if you are a person who instinctively leads from the mind, this is a call to feel more. Perhaps you never understood the ways by which the Universe creates its balance, but now you can. You can see now how things naturally unfold and no choice, wise or unwise, felt or unfelt, goes without consequence. I will say this now, you CAN rest assured that you have paid your price for the past. The Universe is fair, but never intentionally cruel. However, our wisdom will be tested for eternity. The advice today is to be mindful. Be present. Be grateful. Be wise. A shakeup (Knight of Swords) may come your way soon. It's a test. You have a choice in how you embrace it.

Namaste โค


Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles

Card of the day: Daughter (Page) of Pentacles. Hmm, this is interesting. Two Pages and the 8 of Wands...I see a theme. Each of these cards can mean messages coming in. Interesting to me though is that the Page of Swords is in the center. She typically represents messages that are not bad, necessarily, but disruptive and not overtly "good." However, I believe that with the Page of Pentacles and the 8 of Wands, this is an overall good message, it just may require a bit of effort on your end. The Page of Pentacles ties into our reading yesterday, as well, with the Hierophant representing continued education of some kind. The Page of Pentacles is the most studious of the pages and her messages are often in reference to things like continued education, but because of her pentacles, she could also have something to do with finances. Considering the synchronicity of these cards to each other and how it ties to yesterday's reading, I believe the message today is to look for even more synchronicity, especially if we are thinking about expanding our learning. The Page of Swords asks that we be observant. The Page of Pentacles asks that we be open to the forms by which these messages may come. The 8 of Wands lets us know that even the tiniest messages can bring big changes in the blink of an eye. The message today is to go back to your intention for this new cycle. Be practical (Page of Pentacles) and honest (Page of Swords) about what you need to move in that direction. Look for messages (all cards today) and affirmations in the form of synchronicity aka signs. This could come in so many forms, but remember, the Universe knows what has meaning for you. Trust that. If you're already certain what the signs have been pointing you towards, perhaps this is a message for YOU to take the first step and SEND a message.

Namaste โค


Card of the day: The Hierophant

Card of the day: The Hierophant. Lots going on in the cosmos right now and I don't have the space to get into it here, but there is a very strong sense of restriction and restraint when it comes to progressing along our paths. The Heirophant is not necessarily an easy or difficult card, he just IS. He represents conventionality and doing things by the book. There are laws that govern our universe and no one is exempt from these laws. We can absolutely create what we wish, but what we wish to reap, we must sow first. The Hierophant is here  with the 3 of pentacles. This is a very clear message of determination and focus The 3 of pentacles shows us that we are on a path that is showing results, but perhaps we're feeling we've plateaued. Plateaus can be a bit of a blow to confidence (8 of swords) leaving us feeling a bit confused or stuck about what to do next. The Hierophant and 3 of pentacles tell us it's time to kick it up a notch in order to boost our confidence and get things moving again. Do we need more training, formal education, or mentor? (The Heirophant) Do we need to partner up with someone else or be part of a team? (3 of Pentacles) What I will say is this, this feeling of restriction, if you are feeling this, is a good sign because once again, it means you are in sync with the energies. The cosmos are always providing the energies we need in order to expand our experience and propel us forward. This frustration that we feel, though it is uncomfortable, IS the feeling that will propel us forward. Whatever vision you have for yourself, today would be a good day to meditate upon it. Be realistic with yourself about what you need in order to make it happen, make a list, and then start checking things off on at a time. Realize that nothing and no one holds you back on this vision other than yourself. We are usually our own worst critic and enemy! And this is why I love when I get the 8 of swords because it gives me this very reminder: the buck stops here. I COULD simply open my wings and fly. I CAN and DO)create my reality, but I must do it within the parameters of the laws governing the Universe. The Universe likes to see your intention through your action. In order to expand our experience, we must expand in our knowledge and action.



Card of the day: The Sun

Card of the day: The Sun. The Sun is here today with the Tower and the Ace of Cups. I think this is a really interesting combo of cards, especially with the Tower, a card of destruction and upheaval, falling right in the middle of two of the more positive cards in the deck. I believe these cards are speaking today about this absolutely nutso full moon in Libra we are having. To me, the Sun card and the tower are a single energy in this reading, a reiteration. The sun right now (the actual sun, not the card) is in Aries, ruled by Mars. The Tower is actually represented by the planet Mars. So, a Mars theme. Mars is all about action and go go go. It is currently in Capricorn with Saturn, the planet of restriction. This is difficult energy for Mars on it's own, but these two planets, at the time of the full moon also happen to be squaring the moon in Libra. The moon is our emotional world. Libra is the sign that speaks to us of our relationships. What does this all mean?? I believe this powerful moon energy is here to help us shed yet another layer of illusion around our concept of love by bringing necessary destruction and upheaval. We spend so much of our lives reconciling expectations in relationships. We project onto one another our needs and wants and desires. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we build a person up (or down) in our minds, our minds turn them into something they are not, and then poof, something happens to shatter the facade and we are left in the aftermath of dealing with them not being this imaginary thing they never were anyways. I believe in the greater scheme of things, the cosmos are trying to illuminate us in the way of what it means to truly love another without condition and without expectation. How else can the Universe do this but by destroying all falsehoods we have around love? What I see in the cards as the outcome of this energy is a newer, broader awareness around the concept of love (Ace of Cups,) an "aha," that will awaken you and allow you to carry on with life loving even more deeply than before. What does it really mean to love someone? This would be an excellent question to meditate upon under this energy.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’›


Card of the day: The Tower.

Card of the day: The Tower. I believe the cards are speaking of the volatile energies in the air between now and the full moon in Libra on Saturday. There are several aspects of tension and I think the Tower today is giving us a heads up that there will be some upheaval in the form of flared tempers, miscommunications, and things just not following the way we'd like. It's not necessarily scary stuff, nothing to spaz about, but as they say, forewarned is forearmed. The 5 of Swords is there too, and this is indicating that your reactions to whatever situations may arise could actually be more destructive than the events themselves. There may be a sense of urgency to this stuff, but not so. These energies pass. The 3 of Cups reminds us that panic and worry are unnecessary because things eventually settle down and there is peace, once more. As you approach your day today, just set the intention to stay cool. Whatever comes up today, I'm cool. I going to be the cool head.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’›


Card of the day: The Fool

Card of the day: The Fool. So here we are at the start of Spring. A new cycle or journey has begun for us in at least one area of life and then boom, we must pause and reflect upon some aspect of our life (also, Mercury retro.) Looks like we've hit our first little bump in the road... What was your intention for this new cycle? Have you forgotten already? The 5 of Swords here with the 6 of of Cups to me speaks of self-destructive behavior (5 of Swords) like dwelling in the past (6 of Cups) and regrets. The fact is, you cannot change what has happened in the past or where a situation has left you because of it. In fact, there really is no bigger waste of your energy than that spent on regret because here's the thing, you are not dead. You can take action and make the necessary corrections or you can let go, trusting that you already have and keep onward. What the Fool represents is an opportunity. The number for the Fool is 0. Zero represents infinity and the eternal loop of both our soul and human existence. Life will alway give you a new chance and your chance is always now and now and now. But if you want it,ย  you must take the chance. You must DO. Intentions and hopes and wishes and thoughts and prayers and talking are great, but if these things are not inspiring your action, then these things are failing you. Actions are what speak to the Universe. Actions show the Universe who you really are. The 6 of Cups indicates an emotional and karmic situation, someone from your past (maybe even past life.) This could be an opportunity to try again and both the Fool and the 6 of Cups speak of innocence and trust. If you are willing to give this a go, then you truly must approach it anew. Advice today, when whatever situation this is arises for you, remember your intention for this new cycle. Is this situation cohesive with your intention? Only you can answer that. It's ok to say yes or no, but trust yourself and live in the now.

Namaste โค
