Card of the day: Death. This card is no surprise to me today as Mars conjuncts retro Pluto (Death) in Capricorn today, plus Saturn (restriction) near by. Add Jupiter retro (expansion) in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) to the mix, and building up to a full moon in Scorpio, this is the recipe for extreme frustration and the revealing of intense, very deep, very dark emotions, represented here by the Black Swan, none other than the King of Cups. The King of Cups is a bringer of light, a lover, and a master artist, but to become any of these things, one must travel through the depths of darkness to know the difference between light and dark.This King wears his darkness plain as day as anyone who comes across this King can see that he is unlike any others, they can feel that he has been where others have been too afraid to travel. But these dark journeys are what make him a King. The message in the cards today is to not be afraid of darkness, for it is part of who you are, but rather, allow your darkness to transform you so that you can reveal more of your light.The Death card usually doesn't mean literal death, but it does mean transformation by death of of some aspect of your life. Where in your life are you a caterpillar, a caterpillar who once found safety and refuge inside the cocoon, but now the same cocoon suffocates you? Is it your work? Is it your relationship? Or hobbies or friendships or school? We must allow ourselves to transform in this life as many times as we need in order to free Our freedom is our spirit and our spirit is our light. That is what we are here to do! The 10 of Pentacles is a good omen for what is on the other side of this transformation, and that is a sense of release, relief, and newfound contentment for having met your needs. Practical advice through this energy, because it can bring up feelings such as anger, violence, rage, self-hatred, etc. (that's what these planets do!) is to channel it in a positive way. Make angry art, cry, find somewhere to scream, exercise yourself into a puddle, whatever you need to do to release this and keep from hurting yourself or others. Once this passes, and it will, you'll see the light again, but remember, there is nothing wrong with you. You are a whole being with purpose and light and gifts and beauty. This planet needs you to learn how to navigate all aspects of yourself to help lift the rest of us into a higher consciousness. With that I'll stop.
One last thing, I love you. You are not alone.
Namaste ๐