Card of the day: The Sun

Despite a cloudy day, the Sun shines on your World today. What is that World for you? What have you given yourself to? Maybe it's love. Maybe it's career. Maybe it's passion or art. For me, above all else, it's most definitely my children. I feel these cards resonate for me 100% today as I'm fortunate to be present at yet another special event at their school this morning and then another event again later in the morning. Ive had many moments this week that were absolutely overcome with gratitude because it hits me, I have been able to do what I wanted most, I have been able to dedicate myself to my kids since before they were born. In spite of my worries and busy-ness, I know the Universe answers prayers for me when it comes to my kids. As a kid I did not want much, I didnt see it as much anyways, because it wasnt a typical career. I simply wanted to be a mom who made art. Nothing fancy, just me, loving on my kids, being there for them, and making the world prettier when they go to sleep or school. Life has been a whirlwind since I can remember, but I've been very fortunate that my kids are now 12 and 9 and I've been able to attend 99% of their events, of course, in major part due to my ex husband supporting the decision for me to stay home, and even after our divorce and I had to go back to work, I've worked for amazing bosses who understand my dedication to my kids and find ways to give me the day off. I've learned when it comes to my kids, finances come together, time comes together...I believe in my heart that being a mom is what I am here to do most and i can see that the Universe makes the way even when I cant figure out how. I believe this is the case for all of us, whatever our "World" is. The Universe shines a light there for creates a path. This is a personal message today obviously, but I share because I think with it being the end of the school year, any parents or teachers can resonate with the idea of giving yourself over to a child. It's not always easy and not everybody can understand that kind of sacrifice, but when you're in it, you realize it is no sacrifice at all....because to watch their moments happen, in many ways, is better than having your own moments. I can't explain it, but it is. I hope everyone has a great summer out there. Congrats to all the kids for making it another year. Much love. 

Namaste 💜
