Card of the day: 6 of Cups

Card of the day: 6 of Cups. The 6 of Cups is a happy card, a card relating to children or even your own youth, or people from your past. This is an extremely relevant card for me this week, as I get a little sentimental about my kids last day of school. They grow so fast. I also like the illustration of it in this deck because it can be thought of as your colorful roots that create you, but also it's what gives life to the fruit of your tree. It's here today with the World, another extremely positive card, if not, the most positive card. The World is front and center, asking us to look at where we are, compared to where we've been. Sure, good things exist in the past, memories are always fuzzy with nostalgia, but there is a reason the past stays in the past. What is in this moment is so much more and this is true every day of life. The 7 of Pentacles is to the right or looking ahead. The 7 can represent some contemplation or confusion, maybe even stress, with regard to money or achievement. Will your work pay off?? Will your efforts matter? The answer is yes, but the message today is to let worry for the future go for now. Be present. You are always enough and will always be supported by the Universe. Just look at the abundance that exists in the roots of your creation. You already are infinite and colorful abundance. Today is about focusing on those who feed your roots and want to see you grow, today is about those who make your World go 'round. Maybe that's your kids, maybe it's your family of origin, or it's the family you have created with deep-rooted soul friendships. This reading says to honor those relationships today and allow the other stuff to fall into place, because it will, and if you are mindful, you can see that it already has.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a more personal reading with me, please contact me via my website:

Namaste 💜
