Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Cups

Card of the day: Son (Knight) of Cups. The Knight of Cups is poetic, romantic, passionate, yet tender-hearted. He is the guy who lives by his creativity and emotions. He is the romantic of the tarot and so a positive sign in a reading when you are wondering about your love life. He's also a sign to take action regarding a passion project. But notice today he comes along with the 5 of Cups. The 5 of Cups is a card of disappointment, sometimes even grief. Perhaps you have recently met someone who didn't turn out to be who you thought they were. Or perhaps a passion project has not taken off the way you thought it would. Whatever it is, it is close to your heart and feels like a loss. What I like about this reading is that it ends with a promising beginning. Perhaps what appears like a loss in your love life was really a necessary ending to make space so that a more fruitful relationship can begin. Maybe your passion project is just slightly delayed, but not failed as you have feared. Sometimes we grieve things that, in the long run, aren't even losses! Whatever it is, I say let it go allow something better. The Knight of Cups here brings good news and asks that you never underestimate Divine timing. Never lose faith in the Universe. Our heart's truest desires make their way to us when we truly let go to divine timing and divine will, with the understanding divine will is one and the same as your own, as you are the Universe, you are microcosm of the macrocosm.

I hope you have found benefit in this reading today. If you would like a more personal reading with me, you can book me at my website:

Namaste 💜
