Whatever you have been contemplating or in limbo over (7 of Pentacles) the last little while, it is time to move forward. We're talking pentacles here, so this is likely to do with finances, job, maybe even physical well-being. It feels important, though. It's an interesting reading because in the center we have the Justice card and then the Father (King) of Cups. I love the King of Cups because he just sails on with his life doing his own thing and is emotionally fulfilled for it. He represents your spirit today I think this is the message in the reading. Follow your spirit or calling, whatever this is for you, and allow everything else to fall into place. That's what this reading shows. If it's finances you need to make a dream reality, the finances will show up. If it's paperwork for a loan or completion of a legal matter, the cosmos are working in your favor. This is the Justice card. Justice represent positive outcomes with regards to such things. I like this reading because it offers some clarity, maybe in the form of another person (King of Cups.) Perhaps you encounter someone who has just what you need to move forward. Whatever it is, the advice today is to follow your spirit. Do things you live. Be around people and places you love and jive with and allow things to take shape. Because they will, but you must act on it and not allow opportunities or gifts to sail by (King of Cups.)
I hope you have found benefit in this reading. If you would like a personal reading with me, please contact me via my website: www.stephaniegweiss.com
Namaste 💚