Card of the day: Queen of Wands

Card of the day: Queen of Wands. The Queen of Wands has endless amounts of energy, she is outgoing, pleasant, and beloved by many. She she is fiery and creative, social and magnetic. The court cards are a bit fuzzy in readings sometimes because they can be people you know, but they can also represent you, or they can even be energies for you to embody in order to best to go about what is your heart's desire. What I see here today as she is with the 5 of Cups is a humbling of this Queen. The dark side of this Queen could be her arrogance... Did she get ahead of herself? This Queen can do it all, yes, but she is not exempt from loss or disappointment. She is facing that here today. If you have worked towards something that has failed or lost someone you love, perhaps someone you took for granted, is natural to grieve that loss. It is natural to go over in your mind and feel regret. What I know to add to this message is that we must also trust in the higher plan of life in these times. We are what we are in this world. We have only the life tools we have been given to do the things we do. Life plays out as it should so that we can learn what we each came here to learn and that looks different for every single human being. Release judgment of yourself and others and leave that in the hands of the Universe.  The Universe will always present you with another go around and it is giving you exactly that with a newfound sense of clarity here in the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords is a powerful new beginning, but it is a sword and it all swords have two sides. You must always use this sword wisely or be cut again. Take what you have learned from your loss and do better with it this time.

Namaste ❤
