Card of the day: The Devil. As I shuffled the cards today I asked for a specific message regarding Jupiter going direct tomorrow, July 10th, in the sign of Scorpio. I believe this message is very clear. Do not focus on the material matters (Devil.) The Devil has many interpretations, but almost always he represents our base or root chakra. Today he represents fear. There is a voice within each of us that constantly "wants" from a place of fear, and when you get to the base of the fear, usually it's a fear of death. I want more money because I am afraid I will end up homeless... and die. I want health because I am afraid my body will get sick....and die. This is human. But what you must understand is that this fear of death only comes because we know we have not lived, not fully, at least not how we know we should. How do you quiet this? The 6 of Pentacles. The 6 of Pentacles is the step by step process to releasing fear. To me, this card is always a reminder to practice gratitude. This card asks you to look at what you have and know that it is worthy and enough. Be grateful for it. The 6 of Pentacles asks that you give back with your presence. Being present for those in your life will be smiled upon by the cosmos (Chariot.) The Chariot is the Champ of the tarot. He wins, he gains, he accomplishes... through action. You are on track here. You are doing what needs to be done to materialize your desires. There is no need to focus on whether it is enough. It is. And this will be revealed to you in a more tangible way very soon. This is what Jupiter in Scorpio does. Scorpio shows us our fears, Jupiter expands and intensifies everything it touches. Retro in Scorpio he tests his expansion of our fears! If you have been feeling intense, tested, or fearful, just know that this is in line with the cosmic energy. But Jupiter is ready to go direct and release this. He likes to reward and his timing is perfect with the solar eclipse in Cancer. The Chariot shows you have passed this test and now things will get rolling. Material gains, whatever this may mean for you, are on their way. Enjoy.
Namaste 💜