Card of the day: Judgement

Card of the day: Judgement. These cards never fail to awe me. Very relevant in my little world my Grandpa is now reunited with his Love today. The Judgment is the card of karma. What I see here in this reading is that karmic debts have been paid...and you are free to love again. The way Judgement is placed here with the Page of Wands and the 3 of Cups, this tells me that there has been a release of deep karma around love. Has something been held up for you around love? Have you been separated from your love or even lonely for a love you've never experienced in this life? Have you dreamt of love so great, but not been able to make it tangible for so long? Have you understood why that might be? If not, expect your clarity soon. If so, know that the Universe is always fair and merciful and you can expect your pain to ease very soon. The Universe only wants you to appreciate what is yours, know that it is precious, and never to be taken for granted. If we slip, it let's us know in mysterious ways, ways that can be quite painful. But the Judgement card is very clear and final, as it is the 2nd highest card in the Tarot. It is saying you have understood the lesson here and you are set free now. The common thread between the Judgement and the 3 of Cups is "reunion." Together with the Page of Wands, (our messenger of spirit in the Tarot) I believe this is a reunion of a love on deep spiritual plane. Soulmates. The 3 of Cups is also cause for celebration. When this love is reunited again, please remember to celebrate every breath within it. Never forget the heartache of your separation and treasure this love like the diamond it is.

Namaste ๐Ÿงก
