Card of the day: Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune IS change that is destined and divinely timed. You cannot turn it, you cannot decide when it stops either. It just is and it often remains one of life's greatest mysteries. Divine time, God's time. The Wheel turns for your own soul growth and when where you are is no longer serving your highest soul purpose. I like to believe my spirit works with God on this one....that the plan for my life was co-written and my highest self has a hand in turning my wheel. Even though my lower self is confused...hurt and even angry by it, I trust my higher self to be consulting with God as they spin the Wheel together. Afterall, my soul purpose is her soul purpose and God's ultimate soul purpose for me. What I see in these cards today is the Wheel turning towards a new and richer version of life. Abundance IS what the 10 of Pentacles brings; abundance and stability and a life that is content and secure. But I also intuit that what it is bringing is VERY different than the vision of abundance we had for ourselves. The point is, it's there for us. Front and center, brought in by God's own hand. The key in this reading is that I also see the low octave of the Knight of Pentacles, aka, stubbornness, pushing against this change and God's gift. Why resist it so? The lunar eclipse in Aquarius last week was conjunt retrograde Mars on the South Node. For the non astrology nerds, this is an energy of massive and difficult letting go. Mars involved here brings the anger and the resistance to this change. Aquarius is the dream! Where Aquarius lands in your chart is your big life vision and dream. Mars wants it his way. The cosmos are telling you to let it go. The cosmos are calling for radical faith from you. Do what you need to do and trust that God hears your prayers and answers them in ways that are godly...which means you may not "grasp" it in the moment. Trust anyways. We pulled the Wheel earlier in the week and so this message is trying to be heard. I also note today that we pulled two 10s. 10s are the gateway to new beginnings. 9 are the ending, 10s are the portal. Close your eyes and walk through it.
Namaste ❤