Card of the day: The Devil. We are two days away from an extremely potent lunar eclipse in Aquarius, conjunct Mars retrograde on the south node of the moon. This is a major eclipse, the longest lunar eclipse in a very long time, so it is no surprise to me that we pulled the Moon. The Moon is a card of mystery. The Moon is fluid and while it has an energy and meaning of its own, it is also flavored with the cards around it and the planets and signs that it talks to in the sky. As we approach this lunar eclipse (an energy of opposition) we also have a square to Uranus, a planet of unpredictability, in the sign of Taurus, a sign that loves predictability! Needless to say, its volatile out there. Uranus especially doesn't like Taurus because of its inflexibility and control and it wants to shake this shit up more than usual. Are you feeling this? Mars retro on the south node is speaking of past energy, the karmic shit and patterns you try to bury. The hard stuff. Mars is the planet of your base instinctual energy. I believe the Devil here represents this base energy. This is "old you" coming out. Are you reacting? Are you turning to old habits and patterns you thought you'd outgrown? This is so not news during eclipse season, but hey...YOU ARE BEING TRIGGERED. This is for your evolution and yes, it basically sucks. Lunar eclipses bring up emotional shit (sorry for my overuse of the word 'shit' but that is my truth today!) Meanwhile, Jupiter still transits Scorpio, the sign of our darkness and shit, bringing light and expansion there. This is a test, you guys. 7 of Pentacles is a test. It pauses your progress to test you. This is a necessary test, a difficult test and you're going to feel like you can't handle it. I want you to know that you can. Try to relax this week. Try to ground. Hunker down and face yourself. We must remember, we are never alone, but also try to understand we are all experiencing our shit right now and we can't save others or be saved by others. Mars retrograde on the south node means this is for YOU to handle. You can do it and so can I. I promise there is lighter energy on the other side of this. Hang in I got today.
Namaste ❤