Card of the day: 2 of Cups

Card of the day: 2 of Cups. The 2 of Cups is usually a card of romance, but I like to look at the surrounding cards for clarity. However, this card is always a deep soul connection card. This can be platonic as well, siblings, friends, business partners, etc. It is someone you jive with and feel you have known lifetimes before. Today it is here with the 3 of Swords and the 10 of Cups. This tells me this is definitely a situation with someone you are in a romantic pairing with, or have romantic feelings for, or even perhaps more accurately, someone you WERE in a romantic pairing with. Perhaps there have been troubles waters, timing issues, separation by distance, or even literal physical obstacles in the way of this pairing like another person. The 3 of Swords speaks of painful separations, breakups, loneliness, heartache, etc. Have you lost someone you love? The pain of the 3 of Swords is so great, it's unbearable really. It's a card of much turmoil, both mentally and emotionally. You are correct in assuming this person is a soul mate as you are bound together by red cord representing the heart (Two of Cups, 3 of Swords.) But there is much good news in this reading because we end it on the 10 of Cups. The 10 is a card of emotional happiness and healing. Whatever this situation has been for you, you can know that it ends very soon. That it heals as it should and emotional fulfillment can be yours again. Is it with this person? That is hard to say. What I see here is healing and mending of the heart. But only you know how this looks. What I can say is we have a solar eclipse happening today in the sign of Cancer. Cancer represents our deepest emotional, soul needs. A solar eclipse here represents a new beginning in this area of your life. You deserve not only for your emotional needs to be met, but to be surpassed. You are beautiful and deserving. Remember that as you set your intentions with this moon. In true love, we do not need to suffer. In true love, we feel the difference because we are set free. I wish you a happy Cancer New Moon Eclipse, everyone, and I wish you all the love.

Namaste ❤
