Card Reading for December 8, 2020. Divine Discontent?

Card reading for 12/8/20. There are those of us who have come to earth knowing our life purposes and paths were to be unusual. We've come to live authentically and in integrity with the Earth and the Cosmos. We've come heal ourselves and inspire others to do the same, in order that we may serve something greater, this idea that humanity is better than the way we have lived. We help in the ways that we are able, using what we have been gifted through lifetimes of practice...and yet we've come to be something that there is not already. For those on this path, the road can often be confusing. We can put all our efforts in, maybe even find some level of material success, but I believe no matter how much we achieve by earthly standards, if we are truly spirit driven, we will have moments of doubt and discontent. We will have moments where we pause and look at what we've done so far and feel that it's either not enough or that it no longer satisfies the soul.

There is no road map for the map creators and we must keep going in the direction of our hearts, sometimes with only the light within to guide us. Our reading today speaks of just that, a moment of doubt perhaps, or a need for pause and reflection. The Chariot can achieve whatever he sets out to do and perhaps you have finally learned this for yourself. The question now is, are you still in alignment with Spirit? Or are you going on autopilot now? The thing about a truly authentic and spiritual life is that we must become attune to when life shifts direction. It's ok if what once drove you no longer does.

Currently the moon transits Virgo creating a Mutable Grand Cross between the nodes of the moon in Gemini/Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. The Mutable energies are all about adaptation. Life changes and we must all learn when it's time to change with it. This very well may be creating a divine discontent within you at this time and that's ok. It's cosmic. It may also be that you are burned out and need to recharge in order to go full Chariot again. My advice today is to seek quiet and ask the cosmos for guidance. What is my highest good at this time? Ask and the Universe will answer.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™

Stephanie ๐Ÿ’š


Card Reading for December 1, 2020. We are in the change...

Card reading for 12/1/20. I woke up with a very ominous feeling today, bad dreams, and visions of the Tower card so I'm not one bit surprised to see it in our reading today. We are now in the eclipse portal, still under the quick-moving energy of the powerful Gemini moon, but quickly we move into the more Sagittarian energy of the our next new moon and Total Solar Eclipse. These three cards each speak of movement and things changing quickly so this echoes the energy of eclipses. The Tower is associated with the planet Mars, but it feels very Pluto to me in the way that it comes in and destroys anything built upon lies and weaknesses and Uranian in the way it jolts us awake to higher truths.

On a personal level, we can each expect to be entering a new way of life in some way. Eclipses alone do this, but this December is very unique in that there are several huge energetic shifts beyond the eclipses. Collectively, and i feel it in my gut, something comes to shake us awake, perhaps truths coming to light that we do not wish to know. Gemini and Sagittarius both quest for knowledge in their respective ways. Perhaps this sounds a little crazy and paranoid and I hope that's true. But the Tower card doesn't mess around and it truly is the only card in the Tarot that gives me some anxiety. These three cards are not gradual change either. They each represent abrupt change that feels urgent and chaotic. So keep that in mind as we move through the next few weeks.

Here's what I see in these cards as a recommendation: movement. Move to increase breath/air/oxygen with pranayama, dance, yoga, even sexual energy. Stay in your body, get in touch with prana, chi, lifeforce... The energy that resides in your body needs to move. This is Wand energy, Fire, Air, Spirit, Creativity... to keep anxieties and darkness at bay through transitional times, move Spirit through your body with sacred, creative movement of some kind.

I wish I could give more specifics with the Tower today. It's tough with tarot sometimes, but I know this card, and it doesn't come out for nothing. It come to awaken us to higher shattering all we've built on lies. So take it as you will.



PS: to book a personal reading with me, please see my Rates & Services page.


Card Reading for November 24, 2020

Card reading for 11/24/20. Something strange is going on in these last weeks of 2020. I don't know about the rest of you but I find myself crying a LOT lately and when I step away from feeling to understanding, i realize i am grieving. We are now entering eclipse season and it begins with a lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini. Gemini is my rising sign and first house and when eclipses hit the first house, life changes. It's an end to one way of knowing life so that a new, more aligned version may come through. And so I know my body grieves. Eclipses do this for all of us, though, no matter where they fall in our charts because they are cosmic portals. The Universe requires evolution and so we are constantly being forced to say goodbye to what is no longer in alignment. We must change because life changes. The Heirophant and the High Priestess are masculine and feminine versions of sacred spiritual information. The Heirophant teaches us spiritual laws and Hermeticism, the High Priestess teaches that we are born already knowing these things, in fact, these laws and teachings are infused in our very being. Neither of these cards are any less important and we must learn to work with and balance these energies. You can only learn from teachers and books so much before you must begin to listen to your insides and apply the knowledge to your life. What have you been learning through 2020? Is it trust? Is it your own power to create?  This has been a hard year! But...have you made it? Have things worked out in their own mysterious little way? That's the Universe co-creating with you. And there's more to come. The Queen of Swords tells me the remainder of this year is going to be a doozy and inner strength is required. It is time to BE the energy of the Heirophant and High Priestess. These two sit on their thrones KNOWING what is on the other side of this is not only meant to be, but it is by their own creation. What awaits is the transformation of our World. My advice is today is to brace yourselves, allow the grief to come, brush up on your spiritual books and teachings, then go into nature, the World, and feel what it is telling you.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™
Stephanie ๐ŸŒˆ

To book a personal reading with me, please visit my Services & Rates page!


Card Reading for November 17, 2020: Stay In The Light

Card reading for 11/17/20. Stay in the light, my friends. This week, Venus makes a square to Saturn (and the rest of the Capricorn stellium) while the moon moves through Capricorn, highlighting this energy. What is this energy? Venus squaring Saturn can feel very low, under-valued, unloved, maybe even hopeless, and it has come through very clear for me this week that this is a test, a last test of what we have been learning over the last few months. What have you been working on? More importantly, what beliefs around your value have you been reworking? Mars went direct last week, and personally, I felt it as a surge of excitement, vitality and excitement for the work I do and a strong certainty that the things I have been working on behind the scenes while Mars was retro are going to start moving. I felt it and I saw it in the form of money. Venus. Well now Venus makes squares all week and so this could be a slow week on the dollar bill front BUT before I even did my reading today, I saw the Star card, THIS card from THIS deck which I haven't used in months. I took it as a sign and sure enough it was the first card out. The message in this reading is to stay in the light right now, stay in positive belief for yourself and the value of the gifts you have to offer. The Queen of Pentacles and the 3 of Pentacles are reiterating this message that IF you have been doing the work, better times lie ahead, on both the financial plane, but also your self-worth in general. This week is a test and we mustn't let it shake our faith because despite how it seems, things are not getting worse. No, in fact they are about to get a whole lot better, but we must keep our eyes on the light of the stars. Today, visualize the Star card and all it represents. Healing, hope, illumination, guidance, warmth, comfort, positivity. Let it wash over you. Allow yourself to laugh at how dire things can feel and go ahead and be the ridiculously optimistic light warrior that you are. I promise in the weeks ahead you will see๐Ÿ’š



PS: you can book a personal reading with me by following the link in my services page!


Card Reading for November 10, 2020.

Card reading for 11/10/20. There's a lot of noise in the world right now and a lot of mixed messages, mind control, and misinformation. If we take a look here we see the Page of Wands and the Page of Pentacles. These cards represent represent news or information coming at us, not from us, and to me at least, they both appear to be very loud even though they are just cards! The High Priestess is my favorite tarot card, Card #2. What I love about the High Priestess is she already knows what's up. She doesn't need to be told because her information comes from a higher source that she channels from within. Through silence. This is very important right now for anyone who considers themselves sensitive or to be a "lightworker." Neptune transits the sign of Pisces at this time, Neptune rules Pisces, and as a Pisces with Neptune conjunct my sun right at this very moment, I feel I can offer a unique perspective of what exactly this means. Neptune is very mysterious and misunderstood, but it's so important. The high end, which in astrology is the highest of high, is oneness, universal love, compassion, and unity consciousness. But the low end, is quite possibly the lowest of low. Neptune in its low form is deceit, it's confusion, it's illusion. Neptune is also the media. We must make this connection. As Neptune transits Pisces we have an opportunity to awaken to unity consciousness. Unfortunately, we are also susceptible to extreme deceit and confusion on a collective level. We must work to shut out the noise so that our channels, our inner High Priestess, is clear and able to receive the divine guidance she uses to create upon this earth. 2s in numerology speak of partnership, building, co-creating. The message I'm getting here today is to disconnect from false information sources and echo chambers, or at least be very proactive about protecting your energy in the coming days and months. Use your intuition to connect with those on the same path of awakening. Use discernment to feel who is truly in service of raising consciousness on the earth at this time. Unfortunately, it's not everyone who says so! A lot of people are just fascinated by spiritual stuff or appearing on social media to live a magical life in some way, but they have yet to travel the deep shadows. They have yet to realize there are always more shadows. They project and manipulate under the guise of spirituality. That is dark end Neptune, my friends. And we will only see more of this in the coming months and years. Divisive tactics, even ever so subtly, should alert your inner Priestess to who you can simply send love to from afar. I personally think right now that the body talks. Tap into the body and the subtle feelings you get when you scroll your social media or various news outlets. Your body is very intelligent and it receives information on a very basic level. In my experience it is never wrong. Find clarity and true information so that you find the true servants of the cosmos who simply want to help people and help the planet. I hope this has been helpful. If you'd like a personal reading with me, please follow the link in my bio.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™



Card Reading for November 3, 2020: Time to Come Together

I'm going to attempt to keep this short and sweet today. I see a choice in the cards today: the 2 of Wands, conscious collaboration or the 4 of Cups, complacency. You can choose the 2 of Wands which offers up hope and a path in working together. Or you can choose the 4 of Cups, the path of discontent, boredom, and eventual bitterness. But which path do you think the Sun smiles upon? The Sun in the reading represents the Christ Consciousness which is coming through very strongly to so many in 2020. The Sun can see that the 2 of Wands brings together two very different energies, but if we view the energies as Yin and Yang, we can see that they very much make sense when working in their true cohesive essence. The Sun sees unity in their differences. The 4 of Cups comes as a warning today and I find it poignant on our election day here in the US. Whatever the outcome, please don't lose sight of Unity, don't lose hope in collaboration, and most importantly don't lose faith in what the Christ energy comes through to teach us. There is always hope and there is always a way so long as we don't give up.

Mercury is at a standstill today so my words are not quite flowing...but I think this still sums it up. I wish you all a beautiful day and I'm sending you so much love. If you'd like a personal reading with me, my link is in my bio.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™
Stephanie ๐Ÿ’š


Card Reading for October 20, 2020: A Half Life

Card reading for 10/20/20. On the one hand we have the Queen of Pentacles here. This Queen is the one in tune with the needs of her physical reality. She is hard working, she is responsible, she is a good mother or provider. From the outside looking in, she is pulled together and relatively normal. On the other hand is the Queen of Cups and you can tell just by looking at her that she is a little more than meets the eye. The Queen of Cups sits in the shadows, deeply in tune with the psychic world. Perhaps for you, both of these Queens exist and take up equal space inside, but 3D life being what it is, understandably we prioritize our earthly needs and the needs of those we care about...which shines the light on the Queen of Pentacles. But what does this do to the inner Queen of Cups? Between the Queens is the 2 of Cups and when I see the 2 of Cups this way, I see it as a call for integration. The thing about these two Queens is elementally, there IS great potential. When balanced, earth and water support each other very harmoniously and if these two could figure out this balance, both could grow all the way to the stars. I needed more from this reading and so I pulled a fourth card, the 7 of Swords. I feel that what is going on here is an inward battle over self-worth or self-value and quite possibly it is showing up in some form of outward deception or devaluation. Do you value all of yourself? The people in our lives are quite in tune with our inner battles, sometimes even when we are not. And even if there is no malice in their intention, it can still show up this way. Why? Because this is a Universe of Reflection and the people in our lives are our mirrors. When they show up in a way that is painful, it is an indication of where we are unhealed and still have work to do. Perhaps it's time for you to see that your need for wholeness cannot wait. Perhaps the time is now for you to relearn your value and live authentically, prioritizing your whole self while integrating the energies and the needs you have beyond just the physical realm. How can you integrate your spiritual needs today and introduce your whole self to those who matter in your world?

Namaste ๐Ÿ™



Card Reading for October 13, 2020. Mercury Retrograde much?

Let's break down the Hanged Man with the Queen of Wands. I liken the Queen of Wands to a Queen Bee, buzzing and busy all the time. She is a rare breed who has the energy to be in two places at once, creating many things at the same time, supporting herself while supporting others. How does she do it all? Does she not sleep? It's her secret, but I believe she has the magical power to slip through time. But here's the hitch: She just a person too and every once awhile, she starts getting her timelines mixed up and the plates she usually balances so well all must eventually come crashing down. Enter the Hanged Man. I believe the Hanged Man in our reading today is speaking of the stifling stagnancy echoed in the cosmos as Mars in Aries squares the Capricorn stellium of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter and now Mercury turning retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is going to have us examining our deepest fears and its most likely going to throw at each of us the one thing we fear most and don't feel strong enough to take right now. For the Queen of Wands, her fear is standing perhaps illness, injury, or unexplained technical difficulties come in that render her physically unable to DO anything and she must be still which leaves her reflecting upon her value, which because of her trauma response, she equates with productivity. The energy of this year is bringing up deep fears of powerlessness and uselessness, forcing us all to ask ourselves in some area of life, does any of the effort I make matter? Do I matter? We're hustling everyday, yet things seem SO stiflingly still, somedays it may even feel like we can't breathe anymore and I know for certain many people are on the edge of giving up. Now we're heading into more reflection and delays and miscommunication and all the the stuff that comes with a mercury retrograde? The Hanged Man with the Moon calls for reflection and perspective and also to let go. Just let go right now and allow yourself to "bee." When does this shift, you ask? From this reading I do see a shift at the Libra new moon. The movement we seek is coming in an unexpected way and the days leading up are an opportunity for you to rest up and find your center before your world (and THE the world) gets wild. I will always say take heed from the cosmos. Rest and reflect. Do the shadow work. Most importantly, give yourself permission to let go.... For many of us, that is the most shadowy, difficult work of all.


Stephanie ๐Ÿ’œ


Tower Moment: Card Reading for October 6, 2020

Card reading for 10/6/20. Tower Moment It's no surprise to me that this week would finally show the Tower card. Cosmically, this month is pretty wild. Mars squares Pluto this week and if that isn't a Tower moment, I don't know what is. The Tower is represented by Pluto and it shows destruction of an area of life that is no longer sustainable. The 10 of Wands tells me that in your heart, you know it's a burden anyways. It is very possible to be doing too much. Maybe, like me, you struggle to let go because you love all the things. I have prominent Gemini energy and if there is one thing I love, well, see, that's the problem because I love lots of things all the time. And I'm relatively good at lots of things too so it feels kinda like why? But in this life, I do believe the Universe wants us to become experts in some way, at some-thing. If you struggle to decide what this is, I do think the Universe is going to come in to your life in the next week or so and show you what it is not. Tower moments are not easy, but they are usually not so shocking either because our intuition has likely been onto it for awhile. What is built on weak foundation eventually must fall. What is this for you? The Universe has been telling us for all of 2020 what needs changed, but have we done it? If no, now really is the time. There is good news here too, the Ace of Swords, and an 'aha' moment. This week, in addition to Mars square Pluto is Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus. This transit is the definition of 'aha' as Mercury the earthly mind triggers Uranus the cosmic mind. I do believe a moment of clarity awaits or a moment of brilliance comes through to help guide us through our Tower moment. My advice this week would be to find a space of allowing. Don't resist what is crumbling before you because it truly is not meant to be. Find peace in the fact that Pluto transiting an area of your chart is once in a lifetime and understand that Pluto is regenerative; he destroys in order to bring forth the new and fresh growth that is more cosmically aligned and destined for you. Find the space of allowing so the 'aha' moment can come through to assist you at this time.




Card Reading for September 29, 2020

Card reading for 9/29/20. There's a strong emphasis or hyperfocus on goals with the Chariot and the King of Swords. Mars in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn this week. The energy of these planets is a strong drive to push forward and achieve and yet by doing so we only get frustrating stagnation. By looking at these two cards you can almost feel how swept up the Chariot and the King are in their own little ego tornado. We can also see by the direction they face that this is not the way forward, at least not right now. Perhaps you are grinding it out in your work or pushing too hard in your relationships or some other area of life and there's just no movement or progress.

The Queen of Swords, however, she is alert yet peaceful as she points forward, a little butterfly released from her palm. I feel like this is our sign... Masculine energy is amplified right now in the cosmos and at odds with itself. I believe the medicine for that is a little bit of femininity and receptivity. Our Queen points to the 4 of Pentacles and what does this card say to us? Essentially what I have said to you already in this reading. We are too focused on material matters and by doing so, we are blocking the flow of energy.

We know the process of manifestation is a weird, magical blend of masculine and feminine energy, pushing forward and then letting goโ€ฆ works every time and yet we don't always trust it. Our lack mentality, traumas from this lifetime and lifetimes ago, tell us we aren't enough or we aren't doing enough. This is false and today is a good day to recognize it.

We get so much more, and so much more easily, when we let go and trust the flow. You deserve to achieve your goals and you will because the Universe sees you. I'm here today to remind you of this. Saturn is direct now and finally moving on to the sign of Aquarius. In December it will conjoin Jupiter in Aquarius and this will be a time when you'll look back at your life today, September 29th, and it WILL feel like lifetimes ago. My advice today is to find your feminine energy. Maybe spend time in reflection today somehow, paying attention and giving thanks to what your life is today, before everything changes because it most certainly will and very soon too.


Stephanie ๐ŸŒˆ


Card Reading for September 22, 2020

Shrouded in Mystery. We begin with the Moon card in the reading today and what the Moon says in pretty much any reading is "yes, something is up, but I'm not going to tell you what it is right now." The Moon correlates to the sign of Pisces and so additionally, I know that what we believe about our situation is playing a large role in its outcome. Its like in the movie Harry Potter, when it's Harry's turn to be sorted into houses, he very much does not want Slytherin. The sorting hat hears him and makes it so by sorting him into Gryffindor. I believe the conjunction of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn is very much transforming an area of our lives. Maybe you have an inkling of what that is for you, I know I certainly do for myself. It may be difficult to really believe that change can really happen here, but the symbolism of this transit is so magnificent, my friends, this does not happen every day. Or lifetime. The trick right now is to work with it. Hard work is very much indicated in the stars above at this time and in this reading by the King of Pentacles card.The King of Pentacles has a long history of knowing that hard work pays off. He does not doubt himself just because he has yet to be paid his current dues, he knows it will come because that's how it is. Nor does he ever question his worthiness. That's a big key here! Worthiness check. Take notes from this King right now and trust that this is the way. Focused energy, hard work, and a firm belief in one's worthiness produces results. Dont let the past shade your current belief in yourself. Something else the Moon card represents in a reading is magic and right now we need to trust the magic is happening behind the scenes. The Universe IS the sorting hat listening to all your words and thoughts so make sure you don't choose Slytherin. Unless you want Slytherin lol. Because what awaits you is the 10 of Pentacles and this is among the more lovely of cards in a tarot reading. It represents material and emotional abundance, stability, and contentment, which if you look at your ultimate goal, it's probably that. I know I say it about every week, but here it is again: just keep going.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™

Stephanie ๐Ÿ’™


Card Reading for September 15, 2020 and The Virgo New Moon

Card reading for 9/15/20 and the Virgo new moon. I hear the word "legacy" rattling around my mind lately. Are you consciously building your legacy? Yesterday, I had a flash of excitement around my latest idea and at the thought that my kids, grandkids, and even great grandchildren will be able to benefit from my work long after I'm gone. I've never really been good at thinking about the future, let alone, planning for it! Maybe for the more free-spirited among us, that is something that comes late. For me, though, it has finally come. Lately, I really want to create something that can bring not simply reminders of my existence, but ease and benefit to my children and their future families for years to come. A legacy. God knows I make plenty of art, but what are they just going to shuffle it around from basement to basement forever? What if I could I could create something a little more strategically that is less burden and more benefit? What is that thing? The Ace of Wands...this is inspiration, an idea, an inkling towards something, and together with the 3 of Cups i know it's building upon something i have already discovered and feel a sense of emotional fulfillment by. That's nice! I may not have the priceless piece of jewelry to pass along to them yet, but I've found the gold vein in the mountainside, the raw material, and now it's time to chisel away. The Virgo new moon on Thursday speaks of just that: chiseling away. This moon is special in that it creates an exact trine with Saturn in Capricorn. In our reading today, this would be the Chariot. What is the Chariot? The Chariot is perseverance. The Chariot is discipline. Most of all, the Chariot is a winner. He does whatever he sets out to do, no matter how difficult the task and no matter how much time it takes. Saturn in trine with a new moon promises just that: eventual success, wins, and rewards for discipline and preservance. With this Virgo new moon it is important to be very focused, purposeful, and precise with the energy you put towards something and don't be discouraged by setbacks. Remember, Saturn is slow. Saturn tests your want for things. Your legacy awaits you now so keep at it.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™

Stephanie ๐Ÿ’œ


Card Reading for September 8, 2020

The Lovers today... but today it's about hard lessons in love that I feel many of us are learning at this time. The 5 of Cups is a sign of disappointment, hurt, loneliness, even grief. Perhaps your heart feels this way around the subject of love. I think many people have a bit of a fantasy of what real romantic love looks like...I know I certainly did before I found it. The Page of Pentacles in a love reading isn't the guy who throws pebbles at your window to recite love poems to you in the night. No, he's the guy that takes out the trash before you ask and he's the guy that doesnt always know the right thing to say, but he listens and he hears you and if you're upset by life, he holds you tight and doesn't let go until you are ready for him to. The Page of Pentacles is known for his practicality, his commitment, and his contentment even on the most mundane of days. This Page rolls behind the scenes and is often missed because he's just always there, always doing right by things. The Pages are messengers and today I believe the message is not to overlook someone just because they don't immediately sweep you off your feet. It doesn't mean it cant be romantic and exciting in time. The beauty of this Page is he a hard worker, compassionate too, and though it may not come naturally, he's willing to learn your love language. Thats a big deal. Sometimes our hearts have to break and break and break again until we learn that love is no game, it's not a movie either, but a very real and necessary thing in most adult lives. It could be argued that romantic partnership is the biggest factor in our adult evolution, but in order to have something really real, all parties involved must willing to let go of certain fantasies. Evolving requires humbling ourselves, accepting ourselves and someone else as they are because no one person is perfect. But there is a "perfect" for each of us out there, a tangible love with the person who sparks our growth and we spark theirs and neither of us require fantasy anymore because real is so much better. It's work! But so worth it. It's been my experience that when one is ready, this person rolls up fairly naturally, just like the Page of Pentacles.

Namaste ๐Ÿ’™


Card Reading for September 1, 2020

Card reading for 9/1/20. I expected the cards to be a mess of Cups today as we approach the very watery Pisces full moon. But no, it's a continuation of a theme here and I love when the cards come back to get a message across, especially when emotions may be high and they come through with logic. Feelings sway our perception, but truth is truth without emotion behind it. Today I pulled my usual 3 cards and a fourth fell out, the 3 of Cups. This reading is a recipe for success and eventual wins. It's pretty cut and dry so here goes... 8 of coins: follow your passions, which for most, would align with what you are good at, and then practice every damn day til you become the expert. Knight of Pentacles: work hard, don't stop, see results. King of Wands: be brave and unapologetically yourself. 3 of Cups: celebrate as a result of your efforts. You know, I think the recipe for success isn't so complicated. And I think this applies to all areas of life including love, career, self, family. Those who "make it" really don't have something you don't have, they just keep going. They stop caring what others think and just DO. Discouragement comes, of course, but after enough small successes and enough small defeats, if you're smart, you'll begin to detach from outcome a little. If this really is your life path, the sooner you realize that life is just a ride and that maybe God is toughening you up so you can get farther in it, the better off you'll be.... Yes, that sort of statement would have hurt my feelings years ago, and I don't mean to be insensitive towards personal pain. But I've learned that life isn't personal....i mean, it IS, it's my life and I'm going to do my life my way... But also it isn't personal because the road is a bumpy twisted painful mess for us all. And in some weird way, I've learned to like it. Well, not all of it obviously, but I've learned to like the challenge. I like proving myself. Nowadays, i keep my nose to the ground and work every freaking day towards my goals, whatever they be, I detach from the opinions of others, and I save my emotions for my 3 of Cups moments and relish them as long as I can. I hope this has been helpful.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™

Stephanie ๐Ÿ’œ


Card Reading for August 25, 2020

Card Reading for 8/25/20. This reading definitely has some Mars square Saturn vibes... it's also echoing back to what we began at the Leo new moon last week as we can see not only our King of Wands again, but another lion front and center of our Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune tells me today that yes, we were onto something at that moon, and yes, it could flip our respective worlds in a very good way. Alone, these fiery energies can manifest the world in a week! But alas, we have cold Saturn in the mix now, the strict astrological dad with his lessons and rules and boring stuff. Frustrating, because Saturn is never wrong, but just once couldnt he let us slide and have the thing?? Mars is square to Saturn currently in the sky, so the hard pill for us to swallow is that we're not going to get this so easy! This is represented by our 8 of Swords. 8 of Swords is a challenging card, and while yes, actual physical challenges and blockages will most definitely stand in our way through this extra long transit, the 8 of Swords is more about our mental state than actual physical obstacles. The Saturn energy wants us to cool our jets, slow down and this right so that what we are creating with this energy is high quality and long lasting. The Wheel of Fortune promises the changes and successes we seek. The 8 of Swords demands we conquer toxic and defeating beliefs in order to get through this. Just because there are challenges, doesn't mean the world is against us. It doesn't mean it's never going to happen. I'd advise everyone feeling this energy to push forward at the moment practice grounding and become ok with moving slow for a bit. As above so below, as they say, and not the other way around! So let's find the purpose in it. Right now, the cosmos are slowing down so the best thing to do is take heed and consciously slow with them, work with the energy that IS, knowing this works out in time. We will all be vibrationally higher and more aligned in the end.


Stephanie ๐Ÿ’œ


Card Reading for August 18, 2020

Card reading for 8/18/20. Leo New Moon vibes right off the bat with our King of Wands and his lion sidekick. Who is the King of Wands? The King of Wands is the ultimate entrepreneur, but moreso, a believer in creating his reality. This guy has ideas in spades and the energy to back it up! The thing you should know about the King of Wands, he isn't necessarily the smartest, or the most beloved, or even the most qualified of the Kings, but he's still a King as you can see. He got here because he knows he has a lion at his side, not eradicating what he fears, but rather allowing him to face fears and move forward anyways. The 5 of Pentacles is the fear to me. 5 of Pentacles speaks of poverty, but I see it as poverty mindset vs real and actual poverty. Is this your worry? How to make it work financially? It's a legit worry. I was a single mom trying to make my life work so I get it. But look at the King, he's not even going to look at the 5 of Pentacles because that kind of energy just doesn't vibe in his bubble of believing. The 8 of Pentacles tells me what you fear and what is the 8 of Pentacles? It's what you are good at! This reading is pretty simple on this Leo new moon if you ask me. Go after the life you want to live! What are you good at? DO that. I'm not ever going to be the person that tells you your dreams are unrealistic and you can't do with your life what you want to do. Why? Because I live the opposite. I do what I want with my life and I have learned that if you are aligned to your heart, the Universe is going to back you up by sending you opportunity after opportunity to keep going. The 8 of Pentacles comes natural and you enjoy it. What's that thing for you? Have you ever considered that it could be something more? I'm here to tell you that it can know, me, the chick who makes art and plays with crystals every day. The path is not easy, don't get me wrong. I work my ass off! Sometimes I do have to reassess my priorities, and most definitely, doubts come up all the time! But it keeps working out. I believe with a bunch of heart and a fearless lion at your side (courage,) anyone, even YOU (and me too,) can do it. Happy Leo new moon๐Ÿ”ฅ


Stephanie ๐Ÿ’œ


Card Reading for August 11, 2020

Card reading for 8/11/20. The Star again...this is always a good sign anywhere in a reading because she is a powerful upper major arcana and will sway even the most dire reading to a situation that bears hope and healing. Today though, there are two Pages. One page brings a message, two pages insist that you be alert. Honestly, this could be a forewarning as the energy in the cosmos is pretty intense right now. In my tarot studies I've read that multiple pages could forewarn illness, accidents, or arguments, which would unfortunately be VERY aligned to what is happening cosmically as Mars squares Pluto in the sky. Be cautious out in the world this week and with whom and HOW you are engaging. Dont forget our Star, though. The road may be bumpy, but she will get us where we are going. The other layer of interpretation I can add here is more of a gut feeling i have and an overall sense of depletion, perhaps creatively, spiritually, or physically....maybe all of the above...and the fears that come up when we are tired in these ways. Sure, we could look at our cards from a rational point of view, and yeah, things look good,  things ARE good, in fact, things are fine. But we look deeper, we see we have some emotional needs that require care. Like I said before, the cosmic energy is intense and we humans can't exist on high alert. I'll also remind you we are now in a last quarter phase of the moon, when our energy naturally starts to fizzle out and our fears and insecurities come to the fore. Though this phase is not particularly fun, it is a naturally regenerative and healing process innate in all of existence. Let us not forget the Star who offers her shield of love and compassion to us right now, assuring us  we are safe to take a moment for self-reflection this week, even if we just need a little cry without knowing why.

Stephanie ๐Ÿ’œ


Card Reading for August 4, 2020

Card reading for 8/4/20. My eyes immediately go to the Star in this reading and the Aquarius full moon we saw yesterday. I feel like the Aquarius moon was a bit of a question mark in the summer energy. The 8 of Wands shows a flow has opened up. 8 of Wands and the Star together are lovely, positive movement in some area of life. But what the devil is the Devil doing here? I interpret the Devil as bondage. Perhaps love has entered your world. Perhaps a health issue has healed or gone into remission. Or maybe for you, money is flowing, or you have had some success at work. The question now is, 'are you obsessing??' In astrology, the planet Mars likes movement, it's his thing, and a happy Mars is very much the 8 of Wands. But this week Mars squares over to Jupiter, and these two together, well, they go a little bananas. The energy of DO-ing too much is in the air and could very much be the Devil in our reading today. Devil card is hyperfocus on money, body, work, goals, and/or another person. Bondage to material things. So what to do? Go back to the Star, our Aquarius moon question mark. Balance is always the key. This need in you to OVER- do something, no matter what it is, it is a toxic belief that at some point served you well, protected you or got you noticed. The Star tells us we are enough and the time is now to let it go. We don't need to metaphorically shout from the rooftops to be acknowledged. The Star wants you to understand the Cosmos never run empty. You will always be cared for, always be supported, you will always reach your goals, you will always be healed, you will not be alone forever...and so on. You are enough. Infinite. Trust in Divine and let go a little this week. It's ok. Relax if you need to, take your time with things. We put the whips to our own backs, no one else. We mustn't forget that time is man's creation, not God's. Come back to the present by looking to the Stars and beautiful moon at night to remember infinity....โœจ you are no different than the stars, my friends.โœจ

Namaste ๐Ÿ’œ

Stephanie ๐ŸŒˆ


Card Reading for July 28, 2020

Card reading for 7/28/20. 8 of Swords, feeling restricted. Out of power. This card is yet another test because we do not see where the line of swords ends, we just assume it goes on forever and this is where we will remain...stuck and out of control of where we really wish to be. Move on to another 8 (the reading is doubling numbers, and therefore trying to get us to pay extra attention.) The 8 of Cups is a card of abandonment. But abandon what? Perhaps today the cards want you to abandon your belief that there is only one way to that castle on the other side of the swords. Maybe the sun in the 8 of Cups is giving us that look of 'hey dummy, why don't you go around this way instead.' It may not be the route you thought you'd take, but it doesn't mean you can't get there. I like the Queen of Swords today because the Queen of Swords, of all the Queens in the tarot, knows suffering. She's suffered setbacks. She's suffered disappointments, heartbreak and loss. But look at her focus. Forward only. She sits above the clouds because she believes in her ability to transcend circumstances. She doesn't let the hurts of her past and trash beliefs stop her because she knows she is not her thoughts. She is not her emotions. She just keeps going and becoming more strong and more detached from the inevitable roller coaster of life. This allows her to see the infinite possibilities life has to offer and carry on. Be like the Queen of Swords today and believe in yourself. Believe in your strength, believe in your magic, believe in your ability. Believe in the Universe looking out for you too. What are 8s in numerology? Regenerative. Illuminated. Infinite. Powerful. And so are you.

Namaste ๐Ÿ™

Stephanie ๐Ÿ’œ


Card Reading for 7/21/20

Card reading for 7/21/20. I haven't done a reading for you in quite awhile...the reason for that being I needed some personal clarity. When working with divination tools and tapping into collective energy, I have found it important for my sanity to occasionally step away as my personal experiences and feelings can sometimes muddle the wisdom carried on the soft voice that is trying to come through. It's lovely to step away I must say, but these past few weeks ive been feeling my cards reach out to me and curiosity had me wondering what they may have to say about things at this time. So here we are, and with that said, it's nice to see my cards with fresh eyes. I'm not surprised by what I see here today though, as it affirms my gut feeling. 7 of Pentacles and King of Cups. This was our Cancer new moon oppose Saturn. Anytime Saturn is involved in hard aspect, or in the tarot, anytime a 7 is involved, we are being tested. Personally, if I know I'm being tested, I handle the test with more grace and so I was compelled to share this reading with you today. What's the way through? The Hermit card. If there is confusion or upset for you at this time, or sudden stagnation after a period of forward movement, the advice here is to remember your truth, have patience, have faith, go inward and wait patiently, trusting in divine timing. Stillness. Sometimes stillness IS the test if we are addicted to constant movement, busyness, and/or chaos. It's a thing! Ask yourself, 'why is this showing up for me like this today?' Most especially, don't act out out of fear and old toxic habits. The Hermit is also purity, so don't lose your truth in the muck of emotion and toxicity that can sometimes come along with Saturn and the moon. It might even do us well to clean and organize our space today and prepare for the next wave of forward movement. I suspect we will have resolve/movement/clarity when the moon becomes visible again in the sky and reaches Virgo (Hermit) in a few days time. Hang in there, my friends.

