Let's break down the Hanged Man with the Queen of Wands. I liken the Queen of Wands to a Queen Bee, buzzing and busy all the time. She is a rare breed who has the energy to be in two places at once, creating many things at the same time, supporting herself while supporting others. How does she do it all? Does she not sleep? It's her secret, but I believe she has the magical power to slip through time. But here's the hitch: She just a person too and every once awhile, she starts getting her timelines mixed up and the plates she usually balances so well all must eventually come crashing down. Enter the Hanged Man. I believe the Hanged Man in our reading today is speaking of the stifling stagnancy echoed in the cosmos as Mars in Aries squares the Capricorn stellium of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter and now Mercury turning retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is going to have us examining our deepest fears and its most likely going to throw at each of us the one thing we fear most and don't feel strong enough to take right now. For the Queen of Wands, her fear is standing still...so perhaps illness, injury, or unexplained technical difficulties come in that render her physically unable to DO anything and she must be still which leaves her reflecting upon her value, which because of her trauma response, she equates with productivity. The energy of this year is bringing up deep fears of powerlessness and uselessness, forcing us all to ask ourselves in some area of life, does any of the effort I make matter? Do I matter? We're hustling everyday, yet things seem SO stiflingly still, somedays it may even feel like we can't breathe anymore and I know for certain many people are on the edge of giving up. Now we're heading into more reflection and delays and miscommunication and all the the stuff that comes with a mercury retrograde? The Hanged Man with the Moon calls for reflection and perspective and also to let go. Just let go right now and allow yourself to "bee." When does this shift, you ask? From this reading I do see a shift at the Libra new moon. The movement we seek is coming in an unexpected way and the days leading up are an opportunity for you to rest up and find your center before your world (and THE the world) gets wild. I will always say take heed from the cosmos. Rest and reflect. Do the shadow work. Most importantly, give yourself permission to let go.... For many of us, that is the most shadowy, difficult work of all.
Stephanie ๐