Card Reading for September 1, 2020

Card reading for 9/1/20. I expected the cards to be a mess of Cups today as we approach the very watery Pisces full moon. But no, it's a continuation of a theme here and I love when the cards come back to get a message across, especially when emotions may be high and they come through with logic. Feelings sway our perception, but truth is truth without emotion behind it. Today I pulled my usual 3 cards and a fourth fell out, the 3 of Cups. This reading is a recipe for success and eventual wins. It's pretty cut and dry so here goes... 8 of coins: follow your passions, which for most, would align with what you are good at, and then practice every damn day til you become the expert. Knight of Pentacles: work hard, don't stop, see results. King of Wands: be brave and unapologetically yourself. 3 of Cups: celebrate as a result of your efforts. You know, I think the recipe for success isn't so complicated. And I think this applies to all areas of life including love, career, self, family. Those who "make it" really don't have something you don't have, they just keep going. They stop caring what others think and just DO. Discouragement comes, of course, but after enough small successes and enough small defeats, if you're smart, you'll begin to detach from outcome a little. If this really is your life path, the sooner you realize that life is just a ride and that maybe God is toughening you up so you can get farther in it, the better off you'll be.... Yes, that sort of statement would have hurt my feelings years ago, and I don't mean to be insensitive towards personal pain. But I've learned that life isn't personal....i mean, it IS, it's my life and I'm going to do my life my way... But also it isn't personal because the road is a bumpy twisted painful mess for us all. And in some weird way, I've learned to like it. Well, not all of it obviously, but I've learned to like the challenge. I like proving myself. Nowadays, i keep my nose to the ground and work every freaking day towards my goals, whatever they be, I detach from the opinions of others, and I save my emotions for my 3 of Cups moments and relish them as long as I can. I hope this has been helpful.

Namaste 🙏

Stephanie 💜
