Card Reading for November 3, 2020: Time to Come Together

I'm going to attempt to keep this short and sweet today. I see a choice in the cards today: the 2 of Wands, conscious collaboration or the 4 of Cups, complacency. You can choose the 2 of Wands which offers up hope and a path in working together. Or you can choose the 4 of Cups, the path of discontent, boredom, and eventual bitterness. But which path do you think the Sun smiles upon? The Sun in the reading represents the Christ Consciousness which is coming through very strongly to so many in 2020. The Sun can see that the 2 of Wands brings together two very different energies, but if we view the energies as Yin and Yang, we can see that they very much make sense when working in their true cohesive essence. The Sun sees unity in their differences. The 4 of Cups comes as a warning today and I find it poignant on our election day here in the US. Whatever the outcome, please don't lose sight of Unity, don't lose hope in collaboration, and most importantly don't lose faith in what the Christ energy comes through to teach us. There is always hope and there is always a way so long as we don't give up.

Mercury is at a standstill today so my words are not quite flowing...but I think this still sums it up. I wish you all a beautiful day and I'm sending you so much love. If you'd like a personal reading with me, my link is in my bio.

Namaste 🙏
Stephanie 💚
