Card Reading for July 28, 2020

Card reading for 7/28/20. 8 of Swords, feeling restricted. Out of power. This card is yet another test because we do not see where the line of swords ends, we just assume it goes on forever and this is where we will remain...stuck and out of control of where we really wish to be. Move on to another 8 (the reading is doubling numbers, and therefore trying to get us to pay extra attention.) The 8 of Cups is a card of abandonment. But abandon what? Perhaps today the cards want you to abandon your belief that there is only one way to that castle on the other side of the swords. Maybe the sun in the 8 of Cups is giving us that look of 'hey dummy, why don't you go around this way instead.' It may not be the route you thought you'd take, but it doesn't mean you can't get there. I like the Queen of Swords today because the Queen of Swords, of all the Queens in the tarot, knows suffering. She's suffered setbacks. She's suffered disappointments, heartbreak and loss. But look at her focus. Forward only. She sits above the clouds because she believes in her ability to transcend circumstances. She doesn't let the hurts of her past and trash beliefs stop her because she knows she is not her thoughts. She is not her emotions. She just keeps going and becoming more strong and more detached from the inevitable roller coaster of life. This allows her to see the infinite possibilities life has to offer and carry on. Be like the Queen of Swords today and believe in yourself. Believe in your strength, believe in your magic, believe in your ability. Believe in the Universe looking out for you too. What are 8s in numerology? Regenerative. Illuminated. Infinite. Powerful. And so are you.

Namaste 🙏

Stephanie 💜
