Card of the day: The Fool

Card of the day: The Fool. So here we are at the start of Spring. A new cycle or journey has begun for us in at least one area of life and then boom, we must pause and reflect upon some aspect of our life (also, Mercury retro.) Looks like we've hit our first little bump in the road... What was your intention for this new cycle? Have you forgotten already? The 5 of Swords here with the 6 of of Cups to me speaks of self-destructive behavior (5 of Swords) like dwelling in the past (6 of Cups) and regrets. The fact is, you cannot change what has happened in the past or where a situation has left you because of it. In fact, there really is no bigger waste of your energy than that spent on regret because here's the thing, you are not dead. You can take action and make the necessary corrections or you can let go, trusting that you already have and keep onward. What the Fool represents is an opportunity. The number for the Fool is 0. Zero represents infinity and the eternal loop of both our soul and human existence. Life will alway give you a new chance and your chance is always now and now and now. But if you want it,  you must take the chance. You must DO. Intentions and hopes and wishes and thoughts and prayers and talking are great, but if these things are not inspiring your action, then these things are failing you. Actions are what speak to the Universe. Actions show the Universe who you really are. The 6 of Cups indicates an emotional and karmic situation, someone from your past (maybe even past life.) This could be an opportunity to try again and both the Fool and the 6 of Cups speak of innocence and trust. If you are willing to give this a go, then you truly must approach it anew. Advice today, when whatever situation this is arises for you, remember your intention for this new cycle. Is this situation cohesive with your intention? Only you can answer that. It's ok to say yes or no, but trust yourself and live in the now.

Namaste ❤
