Card of the day: Justice. Oh my, well, we certainly have a hefty trio here! I got some really interesting insight into the Justice this morning during my meditation and it was no surprise to me to see it in my spread. The Justice can certainly be about legal matters, but to me, it is speaking in a broader theme about karma today as it appears with the Death card. There are certain times in life when I am so aware of every reverberation of every sound or thought or action I make and i have definitely felt this for the last few days. I call it a hyper awareness of karma. I believe right now the Justice is asking you to look at a situation in your life with the perspective you have gained through time and experience, before you proceed to act or more importantly, REact (Knight of Swords) because right now, you are planting little seeds. We are in Aries, afterall, the season of beginnings, but also, Aries rules our base instincts. The Death is telling you that a change is required of you right now as you are balanced and free at last from choices you've made in your past, choices, perhaps made out of naivete. Regardless, you've learned some things and now, you are creating new Karma as we begin a new cycle. There must be a death in the way you have instinctually handled things in the past. There must be a death in how you make choices. You must be wiser and more methodical in your actions. You must think things through, when before you have only FELT your way through. Or vice versa, if you are a person who instinctively leads from the mind, this is a call to feel more. Perhaps you never understood the ways by which the Universe creates its balance, but now you can. You can see now how things naturally unfold and no choice, wise or unwise, felt or unfelt, goes without consequence. I will say this now, you CAN rest assured that you have paid your price for the past. The Universe is fair, but never intentionally cruel. However, our wisdom will be tested for eternity. The advice today is to be mindful. Be present. Be grateful. Be wise. A shakeup (Knight of Swords) may come your way soon. It's a test. You have a choice in how you embrace it.
Namaste ❤